Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Years ago, (okay, I'll age myself, it was the mid to late eighties) I read a book about how to save money on groceries.  The key was coupons.  I started clip clip clipping away.  I read about how to match my coupons with the Sunday grocery store ads and of course, do so on double or triple coupon day.  I would spend hours on end shopping at four different stores but I was soooo pleased with the end result, which was feeding my family of 6 for less than $75.00 a week.   It's a little harder for me these days since I have gone with fresh produce along with organic foods, which you all know, there are RARELY coupons for.  Weeeeeeell, today I think I did pretty good.  I spent $150.00 (this will be for two weeks with the exception of milk).    I went to Big Lots first.  Today they had a coupon for 20% off your ENTIRE order.  I couldn't resist.  Some people would NEVER think to grocery shop there, but why not, they have a grocery department.  For produce and refrigerated items, I went to Aldi.  I love that store and they have proven over and over again to be the cheapest place around for milk ($2.99 a gallon) and other items.   Here is what I got today: 

3 Nutrisystem meals
3 bags romain lettuce
1 head iceburg lettuce
4 tomatoes
4 green peppers
1 stalk of celery
4 loafs (Nature's Own) wheat bread
2 loafs (Nature's Own) white wheat bread
2 dozen eggs (organic)
1 5 lb bag of potatoes
2 large containers of cottage cheese
2 gallons whole milk
1 half gallon lactaid milk
6 lbs of hamburger
2 packages of spaghetti
1 box Krusteaz pancake mix
2 boxes Krusteaz honey cornbread mix
1 box Krusteaz blueberry muffin mix
2 packages Bear Creak wild rice soup mixes
6 pack of Brawney double paper towel rolls
2 frozen frozen Fit & Active meals
Large bottle of Ken's salad dressing
6 boxes of 24 servings each International Delight coffee creamer
5 cans Old Dutch cleaner
1 bottle shampoo and conditioner
2 bottles The Works toilet cleaner
1 bottle The Works shower cleaner
3 sponges
2 bottles Purex HE laundry detergent
8 bottles of Glass Plus
2 bottles of Palmolive
Progressive Soups
2 cans refried beans
2 cans tomato sauce
1 box (80) dryer sheets
3 large boxes of Little Debbie snacks
13 cans of Pringles
and finally 15 (yes 15) boxes of cereal.  All brand name or organic
(well except for the one box from Aldi that my husband loves.

Well that is it, I hope you get some good deals the next time you are shopping!!

Have a blessed day,
