Showing posts with label family room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family room. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


When my husband finished our basement several years ago, he had a Divine idea to frame out a wall unit around our huge( at the time) top of the line HD projection TV.   We hadn't considered at the time what on earth we would do if they went out of style and came out with flat screens.  Well that exact thing happened and after a few years we had to purchase a new one.   We temporarily (at least a year and a half) placed the flat screen in a spot it fit until we could come up with a new design plan.   We liked the existing cabinetry and it was well used so we decided to keep it but we replaced the tops with granite, had lighting added and had a built in installed where the big ugly old TV hole was.  I am very pleased with the outcome.   What do you think?  

YUCK YUCK and YUCK!!  What were we thinking??

A much improved beginning

Almost but not quite right

Now much better

Not exactly the "man cave" but we both love it

Hope you are having a wonderful day. 

This week I will be linking up to these wonderful blogs: 

Newbie Party -
Masterpiece Monday -
Monday Link Up Party -
Make it Pretty Monday -
Motivate Me Monday -
Before & After Party -
Table Top Tuesday -
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday -
Tuesday's Treasures -
Wow Us Wednesdays -
Welcome Home Wednesday -
Open House Party -
Whimsy Wednesdays -
Thursday favorite Things -
Feathered Nest Friday -
Thrifty Things Friday -
It's Inspiration Friday -


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Window Treatment Fiasco........

Let me start by saying I have had the SAME valances in my family room for nine and a half years.  Years before that I had a couch and love seat in the same fabric but got rid of those five years ago.  I always liked the valances but a couple months ago, out of the blue, all of a sudden, I looked up at them and it hit me...... I HATED them.  They had to come down IMMEDIATELY along with the brackets,which I made my hubby hang four inches higher.  So on to Hobby Lobby I went.  I found the most gorgeous fabric and without any hesitation or concern for cost, I bought it.  When I got home I started cutting and sewing and cutting and sewing and sewing some more.  When I was done, I was so incredibly happy with them and myself until I did the next thing........ I hung them.    I just about cried because like the previous valances, I HATED them.  I was so heartbroken.  It was at that moment that I realized that I just was not into valances any more.  Perhaps I could try solid panels or maybe panels with a little print.  No, I wouldn't be able to do that either because my windows just about but up to my stone fireplace.  UGHHHH,  what was I to do???  I went on the Internet and found something I thought would work and that is what I did.  Well, since dear ol' hubby was busy with our new company I hired a contractor and he came the other day for me.   What do you think?  Here are the before and after shots. 

Family Room BEFORE

Just getting started

Two windows almost done

A little paint makes a big difference 

They had a little extra so why not do my laundry room door

The finished Family Room.  Much better (at least in my eyes)

The contractor still needs to come out and add a box and trim to the top of the stone but he has to wait for the electrician to come and add a light to the trim. 

Oh and FYI the brown floral pillows on the couch are made out of the fabric that I bought from HL.  LOL.  I'm going to make some for the front porch too and a seat cushion for my swing. 

Well that is all for today.  I have another project in the works and will share that shortly.  

Have a great weekend. 
