Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picture Frames {August Swap}

My frames are done!

I was so excited when I hung my new frames up the other day. They are done and they turned out soooo cute, I love them. 

I took some before and after pictures...
the top ones are the before 
and the bottom ones are the after...

I really like how they turned out
now I am going to have to make some more, lol.

Everyone is supposed to bring their frames to {show & tell} at the next swap...
I am excited to see everyone's frames;)



 One of our family's favorite things to do is going boating {fishing, wake boarding, knee boarding}. Well I guess I should say Willy's favorite thing to do, I like it but not as much as he does. We finally ordered parts and fixed our boat that has been sitting in the yard all summer and then took it out on the lake {just in time for fall, lol}. The older kids loved it and Darby like it okay which was good, I thought she was going to scream the whole time because of her uncomfortable life jacket that squishes her cute cheeks... but she didn't, she was a little unhappy but did okay. She liked watching the water. The boat didn't break down and we all had a good time... it was great... to bad summer is over. And now we have two boats, because Willy traded Great Grandpa Bird his boat for one of our four-wheelers. Too much fun, ha ha ha... Everyone is looking forward to next year... especially the kids.


siLLy girLs

Why do kids have to touch and try everything?... curiosity and learning, I guess. Willy got new bags for the four-wheeler and the kids had to try them out. silly... silly... silly...



I finally found a letter for Darby's name... the problem is that it isn't the same size as the others... but it will have to work. It also didn't come with magnets on the back like the others so I had to drill holes and glue in magnets so it would stay on the fridge. I think it turned out as cute as the others. The kids love these they lose them all the time and I find them in odd places.


backpack {tags}

I read somewhere that a Mom had made tags for her kids backpacks, and thought that was a great idea... especially for Wyatt... he is my more attached child, so maybe a picture would help him.
This is the first ones I made, but it only took one week and Clayton had lost his... Wyatt's is still looking good.

Then I had to do a little thinking and decided that this might be the best way to go... I used a juice can lid, drilled a hole on one side, and modge podged the picture to it. I think this one will last the rest of the school year. With Clayton, everything has to be durable, lol.


2011 Pictures

We have taken family pictures a couple times this year... they all turned out so cute... the more the better, I say... but my family doesn't agree. They are sick of pictures.


no-sew {pumpkins}

I am loving fall! I made a few more pumpkins that we learned how to make at Swap last month... they are soooooo easy and so much fun. Our kids are getting excited for Halloween and that makes me excited to decorate.


Metal roof & Awning

One of our family goals for this year was to put on a metal roof... and we didn't want the snow dumping off the roof right onto our porch we decided that we should put an awning over the front door... and then we decided that we should have the awning go all the way to the end of the house so that the walkway would also be covered... but before we put the awning on, it would be easier to pour our cement porch {that I really wanted} and a sidewalk {that Willy really wanted}... so after a few months of construction... it is all finished, and I LOVE IT!!! The porch is so much better {bigger} than our old one, the sidewalk is really nice and our awning keeps the front of the house so much cooler. We have really been enjoying it this summer-fall, and both of us are kind of excited to see how it does this winter.

Its great to make and complete goals... especially as a family.


Monday, September 19, 2011

September {Swap}

 I have so much fun at swap!!! I am finally getting this post done... 2 weeks late. No-sew-pumpkins is what we made this month at Savannah's house and {I love them!} They were so fun and easy to make. I wish I would have taken my camera and got pictures of everyone's pumpkins... they all turned out different and soooo cute! Savannah has a cute house full of cute decorations she has made and she fed us yummy pumpkin treats... pumpkin bread, jello pumpkins, and some lemon cider... it was all so delicious. Thanks Savannah for such a fun night!!! and I always look forward to next time...


Monday, September 12, 2011

August {Swap}

I have been really slow catching up with everything!... I hosted swap in August and I had so much fun... but I always do! I chose to make frames for my turn and everyone brought such cute trim to make their frames. I helped cut out the frames {and hopefully I was a good teacher and taught them how to cut the frames so they can make some more later} It was to late to put the frames together so everyone decided to take them home to finish them and we headed in to have brownies with cream & strawberries. I challenged all the Ladies to have their frames done by the October Swap to show everyone. I am still working on my frames... I am making 4... one for each of our children and I am getting close to having them finished. I will take a picture when I get them all finished.

Happy Crafting...;)


fun buys...

I found some cute things the last little while... and I couldn't pass them up...
I finally found a blue jar! I have looked for one of these for a long time... I went shopping with my Mother-in-law a few weeks ago {she knows where lots of good stores are} and she took me to a consignment store that we have been to before, but they always have different stuff coming in... and this time they had tons more things... and more rooms, I kept getting lost in the back... and that is where I found the jar... i love it! I also went to Roberts and bought the cute place mat that I use more as a table runner.

I also bought this string of mini pears at the consignment store {they were on sale} and they look really good in this jar on my kitchen shelf

I am a sucker for ordering things sometimes... I ordered this set of casserole pans online... they are sooo cute and I needed more. I just hope they hold up good. This is the medium size.

Fort Bridger was lots of fun this year. I found these wire baskets while we were wondering around Pamida... and I just couldn't help myself

We bought these from Craig Mitchell... he makes some really nice signs

I also bought this at Bridger on traders row... I am excited to use it for a Halloween decoration

I find joy in such simple things... silly, I know... lol


i {love} having a garden

I want to make if very clear that I am not a very good gardener {there are more weeds in our garden than there are plants}  but I really love that we can walk outside, pick fresh fruits & vegetables and eat them, they taste sooooo good. Clayton is our little picker... he keeps the kitchen supplied. Our fruit trees had fruit on them this year... I was so excited and it tasted soooo yummy. There isn't enough to save yet, but someday I hope to be able to bottle and dry some. 

I have the same goal each year... to grow a better garden than the year before... this year I did that because we didn't have a garden last year, but I really hope to do better next year... 

There is nothing like picking and eating fresh produce from your own back yard!
