Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Oh nooooooo!
I can't upload any more pictures. The computer is telling me that I have used up all of my 1 GB of memory for my blog. I am not sure what I will do now. I think I might open another blog connected to this one. That is a lot of work making another one!!! Well I guess we will see what happens with this.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
its great to be {eight}!!
Clayton has been counting down the months... then weeks... then days, until his birthday.
He was so excited to turn 8. He loved all of his presents and had fun at his birthday party.
But more than that... he can now go to scouts with Wyatt and in a couple of weeks he will get baptized. He is thrilled! Eight is such a big deal.
Clayton and I went to one of his friends baptisms... and now he can't wait for his own. We love him so much and are so thankful that he is a part of our family. I am so proud of him... he is such a good little helper.
I hope that this birthday is all that he wants it to be and more!
Bluebell Corn Maze
We decided to go to the Corn Maze on Saturday and have fun with the kids... but Willy didn't want to go, so I took the kids and Grandma Bird was a good sport and went with us. The weather was wonderful. There is so much to do there. They have the pumpkin canons, the cow train, the maze, the boo barn, a small hay maze for the kids to play in and so much more. The kids wanted to stay all day and night, but it got chilly as the sun went down. The maze was lots more interesting this year with clues for which way you should go depending on the answer. We had fun.
Wyatt's Trip to Minneapolis Minnesota
Wyatt got to fly on an airplane to Minneapolis, Minnesota, with Grandpa Hansen to visit Grandma Hansen. It was his reward for completing his goal that he and Grandma Hansen set for him. He agreed to read his scriptures 10 min each night for 30 days straight... and he finished it as soon as he could.
Wyatt had so much fun. He called us each day and told us what he was doing and told us how much fun he was having. They shopped and rode rides at Mall of America and they also went to an aquarium. Wyatt said Grandpa was teaching him how to swim at the hotel swimming pool. He bought some fun toys that he brought home to show the other kids... and he also bought Clayton a birthday present.
I am really glad he got to go and have lots of fun. It was a little worrysome letting our 9 yr old go on such a big trip without us, but we knew that Grandma and Grandpa would take good care of him and that they would have fun... but we still worried.
We let Wyatt take the camera and he took some pretty good pictures. It is fun to see the world though a child's eyes.
Wyatt had so much fun. He called us each day and told us what he was doing and told us how much fun he was having. They shopped and rode rides at Mall of America and they also went to an aquarium. Wyatt said Grandpa was teaching him how to swim at the hotel swimming pool. He bought some fun toys that he brought home to show the other kids... and he also bought Clayton a birthday present.
I am really glad he got to go and have lots of fun. It was a little worrysome letting our 9 yr old go on such a big trip without us, but we knew that Grandma and Grandpa would take good care of him and that they would have fun... but we still worried.
We let Wyatt take the camera and he took some pretty good pictures. It is fun to see the world though a child's eyes.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
school bag {family tags}
I made another set of tags for the kids backpacks. These are so durable and I hope it helps remind the kids that we love them and are thinking of them all day. Last year I hung them on the outside of their bags and they got all kinds of abuse, so this year I am going to hang them inside their bags, somewhere they will see them every time they open them up. Darby doesn't go to school yet, but I just had to make her one too.
October General Conference 2012
We have the best kids! They sat so good through Conference. I hope they are learning what they need to so they can make good choices and be good. Most of all I hope they can feel the spirit. I am so thankful for the Gospel and that we can be an eternal family if we do what we should. Heavenly Father bless us so much.
Bushbed ready for Bushes
before |
After |
Willy is so sweet... even while he is complaining through his teeth at me about killing the grass we worked so hard to plant and grow. He helped me get 4x4's ready and even made stakes and pounded them in the ground for me... then he even helped me spread the gravel... with his help the bushbed was done in 30 minutes. I have the best husband! Next spring I will hopefully fill this whole front spot with bushes... some large and some small. Our front lawn looks so awful and dead... the bare spot was where a tree stump and rocks used to be, but Willy also removed those for me, so hopefully we can get the grass to grow better and the yard will be more flat and easier to mow. Little by little our {cottage} is becoming what we want it to be.