This past weekend was a big one. We traveled to Minnesota to attend two graduations and two baby blessings. It was awesome!
Ben Joslin's graduation from law school was Friday evening. It was outdoors and was hot and windy. It was nice and short, though--75 minutes total. We spent most of the day before that hanging out at Ben and Joanna's, meeting little Russell and Ben's Duvall grandparents and renewing our friendship with his parents.
Saturday began with a knock on our hotel room door at 7 am. Guess who? (and no, Janet did not really sleep in the king bed with us. That was just staging.)
After that, we went to the Franzen's. Some people went for a 10 mile run, but not me! I hung around with Emily and the kids. Later that day, we did a little shopping. In the evening, Emily and Preston hosted a cookout for all of us--the extended Franzen family, the extended Joslin family and the extended Scoresby family--all who were there for this special weekend. It was fun and yummy. Like Ben J., Preston has a wonderful, supportive family and we enjoyed meeting up with them again. Ben Joslin went home with all the leftovers (of course.)

Sunday started with Andrew Franzen's blessing in Sacrament meeting. After that, we traveled to Joanna and Ben's ward, where baby Russell was blessed in their Sacrament meeting. After that, we trekked to downtown St. Paul, where Preston graduated in William Mitchell's Law School graduation. My graduations assessment: William Mitchell had superior music, but was longer and more boring. Hamline wins the prize for brevity. Both campuses are beautiful. We are certainly proud of our kids and the sacrifices they have made for their educations.
After that, Rene, Janet and I headed off to the Joslin's for a lovely dinner and more baby holding and picture taking. We then took Janet to the airport, then stopped at the Franzen's for goodbyes (and a second dinner!) All in all, it was a great weekend. It always brings joy to my heart to be with our wonderful family. Andrew is getting big and Russell is just as cute and sweet as can be.
Oh, why was Janet there, you might ask? Well, she had to come out before the wedding to take care of pre-wedding business, which was a big pain, but successfully taken care of. She sure does get around for a poor ex-college student!