Friday, July 30, 2010

Cake Artiste

Our daughters' wedding receptions this summer were really lovely. One of the best things about both were the cakes. Both were made by my sister, Emily. She is always so willing to come and to help with the cakes, making sure the bride gets exactly what she wants. The two cakes were very different, but both were beautiful and yummy! Emily had to battle obstacles both times, too. At Joanna's, it was very hot and humid, even inside Emily and Preston's apartment, where the cakes were made. At Sarah's, it was also hot, but the since the reception was outside, the hot, hot weather was a major concern.

Emily is also really good help with the food, clean-up, etc, at a wedding. She dipped all the strawberries for Ben and Shannon's wedding and the whole Pitts family helped out at Emily and Preston's. Thanks so much, Em! Love you!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sarah and Brian

Sarah and Brian's wedding was lovely. Brian's mom did tons of work and the reception was very nice. Our children have been so blessed to have found wonderful, worthy spouses and we are thankful for their determination to marry in the temple.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Say Cheese!

It was a joy to be able to spend more time with our grandkids this week. While Joseph went back to DC, worked, and flew back here on Saturday, Tracy and the kids spent the week here. They stayed at Ben and Shannon's during the week, but came up and stayed here after Joseph got here. I went down to Stevens Point everyday, though, and we did something fun.

This awesome park is in Steven's Point. We visited just before Janet flew back to Provo.

We ate ice cream at Briq's and strolled around the square to see Chalkfest.

We went to the Splashpad at Marathon Park. The girls rode the train and played in the water. I think they really liked it. Macey LOVED it! She was amazing. She took right off and played in all the water spouts, followed the big kids around, and when she got sprayed in the face, it didn't even phase her.
We also went to the Children's Museum in Stevens Point. I think the girls had fun. We all forgot our camera, though, so no pictures.

Afton is quite adept at figuring out mechanical and electronic things. She totally cracked us up the whole time with cameras. She gets one, turns it on, points, says "Say Cheese!" and takes a picture. The funny part is that she always points it at herself, thinking she's taking a picture of you. We have demonstrated how it use it correctly, and helped her do it right, but she refuses to believe us. When I downloaded these pictures, there were 58 pictures similar to the one above. I think the girl has a future as a photojournalist!
Thanks, Joanna and Sarah, for getting married so close together! It gives us a great chance to be together and to spend precious time with our family.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One down...

...and one to go.

Joanna and Ben's wedding on Saturday was a sweet and long-awaited day. We couldn't have done it without the help of my mom, my sister Emily, and our kids (which includes the in-laws!!) Thanks also to our friends and family who came from far and wide to support Joanna and Ben. Your love and support mean everything to us and to them! (For a peek at the pictures taken by our friend and photographer, Leesa, see