
This is a place that I hope will keep me organized during the many winter holidays!

Monday, January 4, 2010

101 in 1001 Winter Goals

So here it is...my list. I'm not going to have time to break this down into goals just yet...it's late, I'm tired and I need to get up early tomorrow. PLUS somewhere in this house is my notebook with all of the updated & current information. Have I mentioned that I haven't a clue where it was and am quite positive that it became a casualty of a quick-clean (papers in a bin and moved to a closet) so it's really just a matter of figuring out which bin and in which closet! lol :o)

1 Try one new healthy meal every two weeks.
2 Plant a Raised Vegetable Garden...DONE! I'm doing this again this year though.
3 Set Up Grocery Book...have the book done, just need to fill it in.
4 Eat Out @ Nice Restaurant once a season.
- Went to Applebee's today so Winter is now covered!
5 Eat a Home-Cooked Meal Every Day for 3 Months
6 Cook Supper in Crockpot for 1 Full Month
7 Only Eat Home-made Sweets for 6 Months
8 Try OAMC For 1 Month

Sport & Fitness:
9 Do 101 Sit-Ups & 101 Push-Ups
10 Run/Walk 1 5K Marathon
11 Walk For A Cause...DONE! I walked for Breast Cancer Awareness last April. I think I would like to do this again.
12 Eat my 5 Fruits & Vegetables Every Day for 1 Month
13 Drink 8 8-oz. Glasses of H2O a day for 1 Month...goal #1 right now.
14 Buy a Bike & Use It
15 Lose 60 Pounds

16 Make Family Traditions Book...this has been put on hold...not much help from the family.
17 Meet my Cousin Brandi...planned for this summer. Did not pan out...will change this to something else.
18 Get an All Generation Pic of Grandpa's Family...will be missing a few people on this one.
19 Spend Special 1 on 1 time with Girls
20 Take Girls to Play in Snow
21 Go on a Picnic
22 Plan & Have Date Night Once a Week for Duration. Still working on this.
23 Go Fishing with Family
24 Find Out Who my Grandparents Are/Were
25 Write Love Letter to hubby & Girls on their birthdays
26 Fly a Kite

27 Turn Master Bedroom Into Oasis
28 Follow Flylady for 6 Months
29 Organize House From Top to Bottom
30 Get Rid of 101 Things for Project Time

Hobbies & Crafts:
31 Learn To Crochet...I've bought a book and will ask Mom for help
32 Print Out Digital Pictures to Current Month...have been doing $10 a month.
33 Put All Photos in Albums
34 Finish Winter Wonderland X-stitch
35 Scrapbook to Current Year of DDs' Lives
36 Visit Amanda & Shelburn's Graves
37 Contact/Do One Genealogy Thing a Month
38 Take a Cake Decorating Class
39 Take Piano Lessons
40 Purchase a Digital SLR Camera
41 Take a Photography Class
42 Take 1 Picture Worthy of Display
43 Complete the 26 Things Picture Project

44 Save $10,000.00
45 Save $1 for Every Day of Project for a Total of $1,001.00
46 Make & Stick to Budget for 6 Months
47 Put $ Away for Holiday Gifts
48 Make & Stick to Holiday Budget
49 Setup Retirement Account for Me

50 Read Bible Cover To Cover
51 Post 1 Entry a Day for 1 Month on 1 of my Blogs
52 Read 1 Book a Month for Duration...so far so good
53 Revisit Old Stories & Work on 1 to Completion
54 Write a Story for Each Girl

55 Go To Disneyland
56 Visit My Family...DONE!
57 National Lampoon Moment @ the Grand Canyon
58 Plan a Trip to Iowa
59 Visit Roswell, N.M.
60 Go On a Scenic Drive
61 Visit Arches National Park…DONE!

Holidays & Giving:
62 Pick 2 People & Make Homemade X-mas Gifts For...have picked them and working on them now.
63 Start Operation Christmas Child w/ Girls
64 Plan & Build Multi-Holiday Advent Calendar
65 This one has been changed...can't remember what.
66 Donate Blood at Least Once…Maybe Twice...did this in February
67 Take Family on a Polar Express Train Ride
68 Acknowledge All Holidays for 1 Full Year...so far so good.
69 Pick 1 Wacky Holiday to Celebrate Each Month for Duration
70 Spend 1 Christmas w/ Extended Family...changed to Thanksgiving
71 Volunteer in the Community
72 Knit/Crochet 1 Blanket to Donate

73 Attend a Live Concert
74 Attend a Taping of or Try Out for Wheel of Fortune
75 Buy a Handheld GPS & go GeoCashing...DONE!
76 Get a Facial
77 Get Up Early for Balloon Fiesta
78 Attend at Least 1 Local Festival
79 Attend a Hockey Game as a Family
80 Attend a Football Game as a Family
81 Attend a Nascar Race
82 Go Hiking x2
83 Go Sledding
84 Go Camping Every Other Weekend for 1 Summer...planned for next summer.
85 Have a Large BBQ with Friends
86 Get Hair Cut Different x3...1x done.
87 Find Out What I Look Like as a Blonde
88 Do An 80s Movie Marathon - Watch 1 80s movie a night for 1 month
89 Go Ice Skating

90 Go Back to School to get Master's Degree
91 Buy 1 New Article of Clothing per Month for Duration
92 Teach Girls to Speak French
93 Learn a New Language
94 Get a Genealogy Program
95 Setup Emergency Kit
96 Take a Self-Defense Class
97 Organize & Actively Use Notebooks
98 Moisturize Day & Night for 1 Month
99 Declutter/Organize Computer Files
100 Write a Customer Comment When I Receive Good Service
101 Meet an online person for lunch
102 Make a New 101 List by the End of 1001 Days...this one doesn't really count.

So that was the original list but I've changed a few things and will post them when I start breaking things down into manageable pieces.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting it together in 2010!

Wow...has it really been almost a year since I posted here? Well, as you can see, I never managed to fit in a Rudy day activity. Gonna strive for better this year. Things will be a little different on here this year. There's lots of things that I hope to accomplish this year and in an effort to keep myself on track, I am going to start posting more on my blogs. I will divide my goals into seasons and post my activity in the appropriate blog. Most of it will be getting stuff checked off of my 101 in 1001 list. So...as soon as I have my goals written out for the winter months that are left, I will come post them here.

See you soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentine's Day

We spent a quiet day at home. No way were we venturing out to the crowded restaurants for supper. We waited and went on Wednesday instead.

I purchased some little burlap looking bags a couple of years ago and used those for the kids and DH's gifts. It helps me keep my spending under control...unfortunately, you should see the size of the Easter baskets...ooohh I am in so much trouble! lol DH got some coffee flavored candies and a router bit he wanted. The kids each got a little package of conversation hearts, some jelly beans, fun socks, a little doll (MLP & LPS) and a coloring book. Ok, so the coloring book technically didn't fit in the bag but it was the only item that didn't so I figured it was ok.

Since this year is not a leap year, this holiday officially ends my Winter holidays. So from here on out, all I will post here are things for Rudy day and also my notebook. Join me over on my Spring blog for the upcoming holidays!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Winter Notebook

As one of my "to-dos" this year, I want to get all of my notebooks up and running. I've run across some people who are curious about these notebooks so I thought I would share as I get mine finished. I will post some pictures as I go, some lists and also links to others I have found and simply MUST share! So...follow along if you wish...I'll try to keep it interesting!

January Rudolph Day

I missed it! Yep, it went by without so much as a hello! I vow to do better next month! I've already got some ideas swirling in my head about a Christmas in July thing for the kids...like an Ornament Hunt or something like that. I'll think about it more during the February Rudolph day. I'll let you know what I decide!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Is it really over?

Where did the time go? 2008 just flew by! Of course a move to a new place in the middle of the year will do that, I suppose!

For the beginning of the year, I will use this blog to talk about my Rudy Day activities and any preparations I make in anticipation of the Christmas Holidays of 2009.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stressed for the Holidays!

Ugh! I have tried to be organized before the holidays got here and was doing really well and then...well, I'm not real sure what happened! Well, ok, I do know what happened and I take full responsibility for taking on too much stuff!

And now...I'm really stressed out! Gifts are bought but not wrapped, I need to send off the cards for the MHH group, I need to take pics of the girls and order them so I can mail those off, I'm struggling to find places to put my holiday decorations so my house looks like a tornado came through. I need to bake cookies and some sweet breads too!

I am just not as organized as I wanted to be. A lot of it has to do with the move and I realize that but it doesn't help much! lol Next year should be better because I'll have all of my decorations packed away in a way that will make it easier to put them out. Until then, I'll have to muddle through! Keep your fingers crossed that I can get everything figured out before the parade of homes...otherwise, well...what you see might scare you! lol