I finally got my mojo back sometime last week after all that white painting and rearranging of our home, only to have it cut short by work last Thursday and then an annoying case of back spasm for the last couple of days.

But I am still loving what I have done.
One girlfriend put in an order for an all black nappy bag for her niece, with maybe a giraffe or monkey, and the other one found me some black denim that she thought would work a treat for it.
However, I wasn't too keen on the denim, as the niece had specifically asked for black and I have a feeling that the denim will fade, so I bought a meter of some sort of sun blocked black curtain fabric from Spotlight. I have used this before and it holds it's shape and colour well.
I really would have loved black canvas but, alas, it is not sold in my part of the world, if anywhere.
Anyway, I cut out the black straps, then thought I might as well use the denim for another bag and cut out staps for it too as they are the fiddliest bits in this pattern.
I've been toying around with the subtlety of lining the underneath of the strap with a paterned fabric and this is what I came up with. Scraps of leftover Ikea fabric cunningly sown together
Not entirely subtle but I think it definitely has possibilities.
But those possibilities will have to wait while I put in a new floor and line the walls of the garage, depression era style for my new boarder!!
I honestly can't see any paint in this job but loads of vinegar, the odd spot of rapid set (never touched concreting before. EeeK!) and tons of hammering.