Thursday, May 5, 2011
Here's some pictures. I'll try to add more later. The first is J feeding her baby doll. The second is J holding T. and the third is J showing her flower she got at the ward carnival. She was sad when it finally washed off. She really liked it. We're doing good. School ends Friday.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Teancum was born January 10, he weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces and was 19 inches long. Janae is doing well. Teancum has some jaundice but not bad. Here are some pictures.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hey everyone. Things are going well here. School is keeping Richard busy and being pregnant is keeping Janae busy. For those who don't know we are having a boy in January. Jaylee is doing well. Her hair has gotten really curly out here. The ward here is really nice, we've been able to get acquainted with a number of people in it. Here are some pictures. Jaylee and her very curly hair.
Richard receiving his diploma.
After graduation.
Richard receiving his diploma.
After graduation.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Birthday and graduation

J likes to help M with the dishes. She just turned two and really enjoyed her birthday. Her cousins came over with her grandma and aunt. They had a lot of fun. M made J a new dress, its very glitterry. Dad is graduating in a week, he is excited. At the end of the month the family is moving to Kentucky.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
School, sickness, and decisions
The month has gone by quickly. We are all doing better, R still has a lingering cough but it isn't bad. J is doing well, she's been grumpy some. She's saying a lot more words and puts them together. She says yellow, blue, this, dress, play, Jesus, banana, stop. She puts words together like my dress and happy day. She is really excited about her birthday and keeps signing happy birthday, balloons, ice cream, party and cake. M. has been trying to sew a dress for J. She's getting closer to being down with it. R and M have after much deliberation and pray have decided to go to Kentucky. R is excited about it. They are enjoying Spring and have gone outside a lot.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
March sickness
Sunday, March 28, 2010
School Update
As much as R wants to go to Kentucky it looks like it won't happen. Kentucky doesn't have any funding right now, they say they don't have any money, and would cost just for tuition 36,000 dollars for the two years. So I'll most likely stay here which costs some where around 9,000 for two years and I have a good chance of getting funding for both years, if not then I'll have it for at least some of the time. Mom is doing alright, she is still sewing a dress for J, she's almost done with it. J has an ear infection and has been throwing up a little, hopefully she gets over it soon.
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