Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kate. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Candy and Pumpkins and Ghosts Oh My!

The month of October was loooooong! Maybe it was because we packed so much in to celebrate Halloween. This is gonna be a long post, so brace yourself! :))

The ward Halloween Trunk or Treat.

Laurissa and I went to the Trunk or Treat by ourselves. It was sooooo cold! Too cold for Alexi so she stayed home with Daddy. I'm sorry to say that I didn't take very many pictures. The freezing cold, chasing a two year old and only having my two hands to balance the piping hot chili, keeping Rissa warm and the endless rounds through all the trunks for candy, nuff said! I did however get a few at home...

Our cute little butterfly showing daddy her "loot"! She had so much fun and was so proud of her little bucket of candy.

I did manage to take a picture or two of our Bishop and his wife dressed up like Smurfs. Funny, funny!

Cousin Caleb turned two in October and he had a bug party to celebrate the big event. Laurissa managed to escape the party with a spider ring for each finger. Endless hours of play came from them.

Rissa got these ADORABLE jammies for halloween as a gift. She LOVED them! She would wear them all day and then sleep in them and want to wear them all day again! They were perfect for twirling and dancing at all times and places. :))

Making Halloween cupcakes was on the agenda as well. I didn't think Laurissa would do as well as she did. Now every time I'm in the kitchen cooking she wants to help. I love it!!! Pay close attention to her eyes in some of these pictures. They totally crack me up!!!

I love how happy she is!

She's trying to "sprinkle" her hand! So funny!!!

I had to brace myself during this part. Letting her have TOTAL control of the sprinkles was VERY hard for me! I was truly a little panicked. Shane laughed as he snapped the pictures. But she had so much fun with the sprinkles and she did a really good job (with just a little, little bit of help from mom! She would have used the entire bottle on one cupcake if I didn't help her spread it around a bit!). I'm still finding sprinkles in my kitchen - just this last week actually! :)) It made me smile. Rissa carried the bottle of sprinkles around the rest of the day shaking it. Oh the joy!

She insisted eating one right away! I was a bit surprised since she isn't much of a cake kind of sweets person.

While the cupcakes cooked Daddy and Rissa brought in the pumpkins. She's such a big helper!

She really wanted the white ones to be together. It was funny watching her try and move them! We eventually moved them up against the wall and I caught her telling the pumpkins that she loved them and that it was "OK" while she hugged and kissed them.

We celebrated Halloween over the weekend, but I wanted to save the pumpkins for Halloween day. We went very simple (and clean) this year. I just traced and colored in with a black marker. It was fast and easy! I think this is a new tradition for me!

I love her facial expression in this picture! We gave her (washable) markers to color her pumpkin. She had a blast!

You would be surprised at how many people asked what our pumpkins spelled. Just in case you don't know....They're just our initials, it doesn't "spell" anything. So funny!

At Papa Murphy's Pizza they had pizzas that looked like pumpkins. I thought it would be fun to get one for the girls. Not to mention they're really yummy!

Shane thought that the olives were there in error. He moved them to the side so that they wouldn't "contaminate" his pizza. Ya know cuz he will only eat pepperoni pizza. So boring!

The girls got an E-Card from Aunt Marianne, Grandma and Grandpa (papa) Wiles.

Laurissa had two costumes this year. Mrs. Jess found this one for her. She was a cupcake fairy (I think???).

Halloween Day...

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with WaWa (Laurissa's FAVORITE toy)! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is a must in our home. Riss can't go a day without watching it!

Laurissa with her loot from the Trunk or Treat. She wasn't happy that she couldn't have free reign of it. Most of this candy was "re-gifted" to the trick or treaters that came that night.

A day with Aunt Brandy and Cousin Caleb....

Aunt Brandy and Caleb came down and spent the day with us. The kids watched "Finding Nemo", ate lunch, and the best part....made sugar cookies! It was fun and we have some great memories from it!

This is funny! So in this pic Caleb is eating the leftover cookie dough while saying "mmmm" and "yum". Totally expected! Laurissa however is eating the FLOUR while saying "mmmm" and "yum". Totally NOT expected! She thought Caleb was eating the flour and not the cookie dough and she refused to try the dough! To this day she still tries to eat the flour! Crazy kid!!!

She didn't want me to take her picture.

Cute Caleb.

The after math. There was flour EVERYWHERE!

We took the kids outside and they jumped up and down and ran back and forth down the deck to get all the extra flour off.

The final product. The dough was so soft and warm when we were cutting them out that they look more like blobs then shapes of anything. I guess kinda fitting for Halloween!

I bet you wondered when this pretty girl was going to show up! Our sweet Alexi has such a difficult time most days that it's quite challenging to have her actively participate in activities the way we would like. However, she is ALWAYS there participating in her own way! Here are a few pictures we snapped during the month of October.

We did manage to snap a few of the girls with their Hello Kitty shirts. So cute!

Lexi started to loose her balance and lean into Laurissa. It was so cute to see Laurissa first put her hand on Lexi's belly and then watched as Lexi came closer. Laurissa then leaned in and give her a kiss. I love these two little girls. They are my life, my joy. I love that they love each other and I pray that it never changes.

Whew....I told you it would be long! AND IT WAS! So glad that it's done, but more importantly so glad that I can share it with you! Happy (belated) Halloween!