Showing posts with label glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glass. Show all posts

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Carnival Miracle Cruise, Beads, Family and Flowers

I haven't been very good about posting pictures this year at all. We have had a good year. Went on a Carnival cruise in March to the Southern Caribbean. What a beautiful place. I want to definitely go there again. We went to Grand Turk, La Romana, Aruba and Curacao. Wow! Snorkeled off a Catamaran in Aruba and the beaches were awesome. The ship was great as well. Spent time with friends and relaxed! Next cruise is on the Carnival Magic - can't wait for that but I guess I have to. Sad.
Anyway. Haven't done a whole lot in the lampworking area this year. I have been knitting a lot and actually making things for me. I am knitting my first sweater as we speak. It will be interesting to see if it turns out. I have been knitting lace scarves and shawls etc. Love it! Oh and as you can see mittens. Those were fun. We spend a lot of time on the weekends doing yard work. Ugh! The irises were really pretty this year. These are specially grown by Cory - a friend of ours. They are waaaayyyyyyyy prettier than what you get at the store. I have more pics I need to send to him as well. Never enough time. So that is all for now.... Have a great June!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Beads in my Etsy Shop Today!

Here are a few new bead sets that I have listed in my Etsy shop today. Hope you go check them out. Have a great day! Pam

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Custom Made Bead Sets on Etsy

Hi... I spent a good portion of my weekend working on a custom order for an etsy customer and wanted to share them with you. Would I do it again? Well I would for the fact that I learned a lot about pink and orange glass and how it looks together and I worked on my flowers which I really like to do. I wouldn't do it for as cheap as I did tho. :) So if you want a custom set of flower beads I will be charging just "a little bit" more for them. :) Here are the pictures and let me know if you want some of your own.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New in my Etsy shop today!

I have been trying to make more bead sets and not so many of the florals - altho they are soooo much fun to make. I have been adding new sets this week to my etsy shop. Go take a look if you get a chance. :) Thanks

Monday, February 1, 2010

Etsy Glass Artists - February Fling Sale!

The Etsy Glass Artists (EGA) is having a "February Fling" Sale from February 1st through the 3rd. Checkout participating shops below to see their particular offerings! Please use the code "FEBFLING" in your notes to seller upon checking out to get the sale price. Great sales just in time for Valentine’s Day! You can find perfect gift for your sweet hearts or little sparkling treasure for yourself!!

Etsy Glass Artists "February Fling" Sale
February 1st - February 3rd

Participating Members: - 20% off everything---ME!!!!!! ~BOGO 1/2off or 15% off on one item - 20% off all fused and dichroic jewelry BOGO 1/2 Off - FREE shipping on all jewelry

*BOGO - Buy One Get One 1/2 off

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pandora Beads, Bead Sets and Encased Florals!

I had a fun weekend making beads. I hope that you will check my Etsy shop for all of the new listings! Have a great day! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Encased Florals - New in my Etsy Shop

I have been working really hard lately to learn how to make encased florals. I really love the way they look and have had a blast trying out new colors. My new favorite bead! Hope you like them too. :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

New Stuff for Sale

New items in my shops this week. The first on is in my 1000 Markets shop and the rest are in my Etsy shop. see the links on the right side of the page. Thanks. :)