Aleste (Wii)
Developer: Compile
Developer: Compile
Developer: Compile
Publisher: SEGA
Publisher: SEGA
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
Aleste (Wii)
Developer: Compile
Developer: Compile
Developer: Compile
Publisher: SEGA
Publisher: SEGA
Genre: Shooter
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (UK)
Release Date: Unreleased (AU)
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A downloadable version of the Japanese MSX shooter game, provided through Nintendo's Virtual Console service.

An alien presence is ravaging your planet and it's up to you to stop it. All of the classic power-ups can be found in this single shooter, from the wave gun to the giant pulsing energy ball in front of your nosecone.


Aleste (Wii)

Release Region: Japan
Release Date: May 30, 2007
Publisher: SEGA

Also available on: Master System, Wireless

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