Publisher: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: October 16, 2007 (US)
Release Date: October 19, 2007 (UK)
Release Date: October 13, 2007 (AU)
Thrillville: Off the Rails

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Publisher: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Simulation
Release Date: October 16, 2007 (US)
Release Date: October 19, 2007 (UK)
Release Date: October 13, 2007 (AU)
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Thrillville: Off the Rails


LucasArts puts you in charge of another theme park. Prepare to ride the rollercoaster of love. Read Review

Thrillville: Off the Rails lives up to its name with 20 death-defying rides so outrageous, they inspire the same word from every park visitor who sees them: "WHOA!" Players build these incredible "WHOA Coasters" to leap from one track to another, launch through the air like cannonballs, blast through burning rings of fire and more. A new lighthearted story ties together lots of missions and improved social interaction with park guests. The in-depth conversations both advance the plot and suggest better ways to manage the park. But is every guest to be trusted? One never knows when a rival from the nefarious Globo-Joy might attempt to sabotage Thrillville parks with deceptive information...

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Latest Articles for Thrillville: Off the Rails

Thrillville: Off the Rails

Wii Reviews | Oct 22, 2007

LucasArts puts you in charge of another theme park. Prepare to ride the rollercoaster of love. Read More »

Thrillville: Off the Rails

Wii Previews | Sep 24, 2007

Hurry, hurry! Step right up! LucasArts is gearing up for another trip to the fun park. Read More »

Thrillville: Off the Rails

Wii Previews | Jul 20, 2007

This new Thrillville tosses physics out the window and includes more insane rollercoasters, more minigame, and an original storyline, Read More »


Also known as: Thrillville 2: Off the Rails

Thrillville: Off the Rails (Wii)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: October 16, 2007
Publisher: LucasArts

Thrillville: Off the Rails (Wii)

Release Region: United Kingdom
Release Date: October 19, 2007
Publisher: LucasArts

Thrillville: Off the Rails (Wii)

Release Region: Australia
Release Date: October 13, 2007
Publisher: LucasArts


  • Experience the visceral fun of interacting with a theme park you create
  • Build and ride your own creations, talk and joke with all your guests, and play dozens of minigames
  • Create 20 death-defying WHOA Coasters
  • Visit 15 themed areas, like Battleville, Winterville, Spaceville and Aeroville, all spread throughout five new parks
  • Distinguish your rides even more with enhanced customization options. Attach animatronics, flowers and flaming hoops to all of your coasters and rides
  • Smarter guests, better dialogue, and more focused two-way conversation make Thrillville’s socialization aspects even more amusing than before
  • Conversation more directly impacts the story than in the original Thrillville