Have been busy at work (and hoping it pays off!) and have been trying my darndest to do bits of crafting here and there. Sadly not much time to tat (so for people looking for a tatting update, you can exit right about here).
I'm still one of those "old foggies" who like to have physical diaries... but this year I really couldn't find one that caught my eye... So I made my own with a S$1.90 dotted Muji notebook. Then made a fabric book cover (with extra pockets!) to "protect it" - first book cover I've made using the same concept of the card holders that I shared in a previous post.
Next on to Christmas!!!
This project was inspired by a Christmas gift that I'm going to share later in this post. What you're looking at is a S$3.00 A4 sized calico bag covered with dinosaur stamps (from lawn fawn) in black Versacraft ink. I love it! Have I mentioned I love dinosaurs... and I was inspired to do this because of this gift....

My boss's daughter appears to be a creative little gal... so I decided to put together a "decorate a bag" kit. With a budget of S$30.00 (about US$21.00) I put together a varied collection of items including 2 blank calico bags, fabric paint, fabric crayons, lace, fabric scraps, craft glue, cover buttons, buttons, sequins, plastic gems and more! And it all convenient comes in a plastic carrying case! I'm rather pleased with this gift idea - I think I got a lot of things in there in my budget and I managed to destash a little as well... When I compared this to US30.00 kits that I saw online for sale... I thought I did good! Hoping the little girl enjoys it (and just in case she wasn't sure what to do, I'm even including an idea sheet!).
On the topic of Christmas, I have a habit of trying to "personalize" my store bought cards - this year I'm going simple with sequins! Who can resist a little bling =).