Showing posts with label Snowflakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowflakes. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

All ready to be given away! 

Pattern from minitats by Ms Patti Duff :) in silvery thread I got from the local bead store. 

Just in case, imma gonna do a few more :) better to be safe than sorry! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The decision is made... I think

prefer doing brooches for Christmas because then the men can wear them too! 

But the problem with tatted brooches is that more often than not the brooch backs or pins can be seen through the holes in the tatting. :/ has anyone figured out how to overcome this problem? 

Toyed around with two patterns 

A holly pattern from a Japanese pattern book. And... 

A minitat snowflake. I did this in some silver thread I got from a local beading store. 

I think I like the snowflake better. But can the brooch back be seen? 

What do you think? 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Johar (what Google translate tells me means "venus")

A lovely lovely pattern generously shared by Jon here.

Done in size 20 Lizbeth Girly Girl (I think) it was a fun tat. It gave me good practice on tension, chains (since they kinda flip flop a little) and bridging (or split chains as some call them) (since I'm too lazy to sew in so many ends if I cut and re-start the next round!).

Give it a go. This is many of Jon's other patterns are lovely.

In particular her book of snowflakes (which is now available on many online stores) is my go-to place for snowflakes and her Quantiesque snowflake is one of my favourites!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sparkling gems

Zamrud (or emerald) from Elegant Tatting Gems by Jon Yusoff done in size 20 hanklegarn which I just got at the yarn wholesaler! 

Jon's patterns are a joy to tat up and of you haven't picked up her books yet, you're seriously missing out!!! 

Made with the assistance of my new wood handled crochet hook - a gift from my beloved tatting teacher who brought it all the way from the UK. ❤️