Showing posts with label MSCSG SAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSCSG SAL. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My sister has demanded that I sew her an apron for her birthday - I've never done one before... but I went to to town to pick her up some frabic to make one and I'm super pleased with my find =). 

I found a small shop that specializes in Japanese fabrics and picked up these lovelies. 

Don't know whether the bits with glitter can be seen in the photo. 100% cotton... cost me $7.00 per meter - I who have paid over $20 per metre when I was taking a quilting course whooped for joy =). Hope I can turn these fabrics into a kick ass half apron! Anyone have patterns to recommend?

And in case anyone is interested (and perhaps for my own selfish record)... this is the shop's card!

They are open Monday to Sunday from 12.00noon to 7.00pm
[I understand they will be closed for a while for Chinese New Year though].
Check it out!

In the meantime, I'm also making some (slow) progress with my MSCSG SAL! Hope to finish before I have to go back to work!

A Mondo GIveaway and a WIP

Check out the awesome giveaway that Ladyshuttlemaker is having on her blog here! Hmm... methinks that the next book in my challenge which I shall start should be from her books!

But that aside... item 1 of my 2012 Challenge is from Tatting Treats Two by Ms Pam Palmer

The lovely lovely Rocking Horse. I've done this little cutey a couple of times before. It's my favourite tat for the 'new parents!' prezzies =). This one in size 80 Lizbeth Sherbert Delight is for a little girl named Kyra =). I haven't bought the frame yet so I haven't finished the full present. Pics will be posted when I get around to getting the frame. =)

One of my first few tatting books - and still one of my favourites. I still recommend this as well as Tatting Treats and Tatting Treats Three (and in fact any other book by Ms Pam Palmer) to any 'fresh' tatter... =)

On another crafting front (since I'm on leave this week - clearing leave before it gets wiped out), I'm loving my WIP for my MSCSG January 2012 SAL! Woohoo!