Showing posts with label Giveaways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Giveaways. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The ever generous ladyshuttlemaker is having a giveaway again! Take a look =).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Please to annouce that BONNIE has won the shuttle and ISDIHARA has won the pair of bobbins!

Thank you to everyone for participating!

To Bonnie and Isdihara, please contact me at logically_thinking at yahoo dot co dot uk to arrange for the delivery of your prizes!

++for avoidance of doubt winners were chosen using an online random number generator++

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mid Year Giveaway!

I haven't had a giveaway on my blog for the longest time... so I thought why not!

I think I am a jack of all trades... but master of none =/

So why not have a giveaway for my favourite two =).

I decree the following to be the rules of the tournament:

  1. there will be separate draws made on each of the prizes;
  2. leave a comment on this post to enter the draw(s);
  3. you can enter the draw for both prizes - when you leave a comment please state whether you're interested in both prizes or just one;
  4. if you blog about this giveaway on your blog it will entitle you to an additional entry (if this is so, please state "(2)" somewhere in your comment;
  5. each person is allowed a maximum of 2 entries per prize;
  6. the draw will be open for entries till 12 midnight on 16 June 2012 (Singapore time), the draw will be done on 17 June 2012;
  7. each receipient of a prize is strongly encouraged to 'pay it forward' by having a giveaway of their own.

The first up for grabs is... drumroll please...

A pair of spangled, unpolished birch English bobbins.
I spangled them myself with tigertail and crimps. I put a close up shot of the spangles too.

I love this head bead to be frank. It strikes me like a mini crystal ball... like gaze into my crystal ball and you will see pretty fields of flowers =).

The next up for grabs is... more drumrolls please...

A decorated shuttle =) Please note that there is only 1 shuttle up for giveaway. The reason there appear to be two in the photo is because I'm showing both sides of the shuttle. I decoupaged this with Japanese Origami paper. =)

Don't just stare! Leave a comment!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Mondo GIveaway and a WIP

Check out the awesome giveaway that Ladyshuttlemaker is having on her blog here! Hmm... methinks that the next book in my challenge which I shall start should be from her books!

But that aside... item 1 of my 2012 Challenge is from Tatting Treats Two by Ms Pam Palmer

The lovely lovely Rocking Horse. I've done this little cutey a couple of times before. It's my favourite tat for the 'new parents!' prezzies =). This one in size 80 Lizbeth Sherbert Delight is for a little girl named Kyra =). I haven't bought the frame yet so I haven't finished the full present. Pics will be posted when I get around to getting the frame. =)

One of my first few tatting books - and still one of my favourites. I still recommend this as well as Tatting Treats and Tatting Treats Three (and in fact any other book by Ms Pam Palmer) to any 'fresh' tatter... =)

On another crafting front (since I'm on leave this week - clearing leave before it gets wiped out), I'm loving my WIP for my MSCSG January 2012 SAL! Woohoo!