Showing posts with label Secret Stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret Stitch. Show all posts

Monday, 13 February 2012

Here we are again...Happy as Can Be.........

Hi there everyone. Guess what, I've been trying to get my 'mojo'back after Christmas and what happened?????

You've guessed. I've had a virus. I thought it was a cold but whatever it was it wiped me out somewhat. I had it for just over a fortnight. It was strange as my head felt OK but my nose wouldn't stop running and I have coughed so much I had a great shortage of sleep. Sooo no volounteering at the schools and I couldn't get into stitching just wanted to sleep.
Still all better now and on a bit of a fitness kick. I am one the most sedentary people in the Universe but I am trying loose a little weight and get a bit fitter ( One can always hope). So I have started walking. Now I know that sounds a little strange because I learnt how to do that many years ago but I thought I'd better try using the talent more than I have been doing in recent years. I am strictly a fair weather walker and building it up and trying to walk faster than I did. Perhaps the fantastic 'Pear Shape ' that I am may just become a little less obvious. Wish me luck.
I have been back doing my grandchildren minding ( including getting frozen watching the old netball matches) dropping off and collecting from the school after whatever activites finish. I also now fit in collecting my eldest son from his work (he's a lorry driver) and delivering him home , not too sure how I do it but hey it's all good fun.
This last weekend I had three grandchildren over to stop. The middle one is doing a 'Creative badge' at scouts so he wanted to make some biscuity things and came armed with a recipe book. So we made some peppermint creams and a version of 'rice krispie' cakes using a crunchy cereal with strawberries in it. We weren't sure whether or not it would work but he gave it a go and the three young ones + my DH thought they were 'yummy'

I went in January to see the Village Panto again, this year it was Jack and Jill. The female part of my twin grandchildren was Jill and have to say she was good. One of her school friends played Jack. The girls never missed a line, I was very proud of both the girls, they had worked so hard for many months and both of them were tired out at the end of the four performances that were done. Congratulations to all the cast of the St James Players Lostock Hall.

Now at last to stitchy things. Firstly here are some pictures that I promised last time of some charts I got for Christmas. An odd selecion I suppose but that's me!!

As I said I have been trying to find my 'mojo' and although it's not completely lost getting back sewing has been quite hard. but here is what I have been doing.
I have been stitching another of the African Themed pieces that I enjoy doing this one is called 'Muthuguthi' - Dancing Warrior. Once again the colours are vibrant

This is how I am doing.
I am hoping the next time I blog to have almost completed it. Now that's a challenge for me.

The one that is causing me most headaches is my so named Secret Stitch ( if you remember it was supposed to be a surprise for Christmas 2011!!) I am really struggling trying to get my head round the colours and the total confetti covering that it is made up of. In the real it does look good and I am sure that when it's finished I'll be euphoric.
I am trying to catch up on Blog commenting but for some reason I still don't seem able to comment on some blogs I think the way of doing it has altered and I don't seem able to follow what I'm supposed to do. Something about signing in to some contact thingy or other. I'll have to get my DH to explain it to me.....that is of course if I can get him off the computer where he forgets time playing games!!!!!!! I figure the only time I can actually get on is the middle of the night and to be honest I'm not going to do that.

Anyhow that's it for now. I'll try and get my commenting sorted out because I so enjoy reading and seeing how you are all getting on with your different stitchy things. Until next time I am watching. Happy stitching to you all

Friday, 2 December 2011

It's Me. I have been watching

It's me. I know you're all going to collapse. Firstly appologies to all I have been following your blogs when I 've been able to get access to computer but for some reason there have only been a few comments that have been posted. I keep getting and 'ERROR' message and so the comment gets blocked, rather frustrating but know idea what. why or anything else. Anyhow not to worry just sad for me.
I have been stitching away though in between my normal chaotic diary. My physio has definitely had it's ups and downs. I was doing well and then I went after having very little sleep for several days because of pain and felt ghastly. The Physio shook her head at me and announced that she didn't know what else she could do. Now that made me feel really great. But at my last visit there was some good improvement so I'll go with that and just keep up with the exercises. At the moment my head feels as though it's wobbling around on a disconnected neck, been like that since my last physio visit. Is this a good thing I wonder.!!!
Still on to stitchy things. At long last I am able to say many Thanks to Elaine for the amazing parcel that arrived from her when I won her 'Give-Away' it's truly incredible. Just glance at these pics.

There were also some charts but hold my hand up I forgot to take a picture of them. The Lady- bird pillow is lovely and so well finished. It was like opening a treasure trove. of fabrics and threads so once again many thaks Elaine.

Now for my stitchy things.

I have been stitching a Lavender Wings 'Star lite Star Brite', I enjoyed this I took it with me on a sister visit

Here it is now all stitched I have now to get 'Bell Pull' so that I can finish it off. my pet hate. Finishing I just never seem to get round to it.


How many of you remember my Twelve Days of Christmas? Well no it still is completely finished but I have finally managed to get some fabric to back it.

It's Jim Shore , the now discontinued, 12 Days of Christmas fabric. I've bought some felt, to act a batting, as I am turning it into a large wall hanging. I am now scratching my head as to the best way to do it. I'm so worried about spoiling it as it took so many months to stitch it.

Now for Agneatha. She is now a cushion cover(courtesy of my Sister) she really looks lovely just waiting for Christmas

And last, but not least ,my secret stitch I have been working like mad on this but there's really no hope of it being done for Christmas. up to press I 've done approximately 12400 stitches I definitely think you'll have a very good idea of what it is now.

Hopefully I will be able to post again before so long and that I soon be able to leave comments. My DH is trying his best to find out the problem but it is still defeating him. But please remember I am watching. Until next time Keep up the good work with those needles. Cheers Flo