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whosies--written whatnots


4th Day Giveaway

Since today is the first day of the year it is only fitting that i go into a little review of the last don't you think? We all chatted about our goals and such last night, but really did i want to tell them everything? um. no. So I sat down and thought about it a bit----but,
Before getting myself to peg down a few new goals for the year of 2010 I will review last years. Not sure how this is going to turn out.

Here I go in some attempt to make plans for the future. The year of 2009.

* Have my items in a few places for sale. Whether that be a store, boutique, market..whatever. Give it a go.
I did this!!! Art Market is my favorite and I will definitly keep that one going. I might give a few new ones this year a try too.
* Make more from my scraps. --i have a heavy heart when i take the trash out and there are some scraps in there that i really could use in a small quilt...or something.
I really tried hard on this one. My stash is dwindling a bit and i will continue the effort.
* Be more consistent with the kids with music lessons.
Did this---ok. maybe i didn't start until August, but i did start!!
* Make my patterns i have a bit more professional. I am currently working on this. Thank you Tiffany.
I did this! I didn't do anything fancy, but i did make them all one file to download. yay.
* Go to a quilt market again. (Went in 2007- good year) Either one would be good. Spring or Houston. Maybe even catch up with a few new bloggers who will be there selling.
WWAAAAA.....didn't get to do this. I did go to HMQS, but not the other biggies.
* Loose another 10 pounds. That's what i lost last year....wouldn't mind a re-peat. but not with the same pounds.
I am so NOT a looser! I must try this again.
* Be more giving with my quilts. Why am i such a quilt hog? I really do have enough. I need to learn how to share--again.
I did this sparingly.  I could have done more.
* Keep a cleaner house. Really this should say---change my attitude about cleaning my house. enough said.
Whatever. this is always on the dockett of things to do.

Overall I think i did ok!! What a relief!
So to keep in the spirit of making new resolutions for this 2010 year---let's see what i can do:
* Have one quilt in an official quilt show. Not just a group showing {i do that already}, but in a bigger show.  oh, hey does the 'O' Quilt count? ok. I won't count that one. So i need 2 in a show this year. Pressures on.

* Loose some weight. Notice there is no number here. I must try and do something girls!!! something.

* Continue to Build Patchwork Posse.  I am so excited!!! Starts in 4 days!!

* Be more excited about cooking.  Now, i love to make bread, but dinner....i have a hard time with that one.  I need to expand my recipe collection of easy nutritious things to a little more fancier. think outside of the box. but i really don't use the box too often now...hmmm

* Go outside more! Lately I have been staying inside a bit much. I need to venture out of doors more often. I am sure that will help another goal further up on the list too :)

* Keep in touch better with friends that are far away.

If i think of anything else i will add to the list. Today, they seem very do-able. Later on in the year.....somehow they loose their luster and get lost in life. We'll see what I can do. wish me luck!

How about you girls? Make any new goals? Resolutions? Share it if you want.

Today- I just might be doing this little mystery. Looks tempting.

A few of you have noticed that the poll has dissapeared from the side bar.  Well, the year is over and according to the polls---One Yard Wonders has won!!!! yay!! I am excited for this one! So because of that----I need some help. I can't sew everything nor do i want
I am taking applications for:
Sewers and Reviewers

You must have the following to apply----
** of course the book! One Yard Wonders
** some sewing experience so you can make, complete, finish the project
** fill out a little questionaire about yourself and your project and any tweeks you made
** send me some pictures, links to your blog, or website {isn't required}
** load them up to the flickr group.
** finish the project by the end of the second week of January

I need you to email me whosiesandwhatnots at yahoo dot com
Let me know what project/projects you are planning on doing and when you are planning to have it completed by. All the projects need to be done with in the first 2 weeks of January so we can make sure we get to share them to everyone this month!

Just a heads up---I will be asking each month, so watch the polls to see what will be needed for the next month if you want to be a reviewer! The new poll is up --so go take a look.

Well, I will stick a link on the side bar so you can access all the posts made on the focus for the month.
Do any of the following to enter to win a FREE membership to Patchwork Posse!!!

Enter to win a free membership:
* comment
* sign up for the newsletter
* twitter it
* follow me on twitter
* Post it on your blog
* Grab a button and post on your blog
* Purchase a Patchwork Posse membership {$40.00/year sale till feb.}
* Vote on the side bar for February's sewing focus {we must prepare for next month}
* Forum
* Flickr for members only

You can do this for each day and you have until the 4th to get it all done too!! {except sign up for the newsletter and membership- you only need that once} So let's see 4 chances of winning PER DAY! That is a lot of chances. If you win a membership that you have already purchased--no biggie, i will reimburse you or you can gift it someone else that you love! oh, and all the comments stay open until the 4th!! Launch date.

So go on and do some stuff! enter away-- and then come back for some more. tomorrow.

Please leave an extra comment below for each that you do.

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