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Halloween Quick Stitch Freebie

Just a quick note for all the Halloweenie Crafty girls out there.
Did you see on the side bar a link for the quick stitch bat?
He is a freebie!!!

 Go on and click on over and make yourself one. 
You need a bit of felt and some cotton too. 
Throw in a needle and thread and a pile of polyfil and you are ready to go!!!

and just so you didn't think that i re-nigd on my quilt to do list---i quilted! This cute little baby sized quilt is for a friend....still working on the binding. I know- just a tease. 

It did make me get most of the quilting/sewing stuff unpacked from the weekend retreats. Not planning on another for a bit of time, waaa, so we must set it up at home so there can be some more sewing going on... of course.

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There was a gal in our neighborhood who hosted this Costume Swap in her home. You bring clean costumes...she tags them and hangs them up for everyone to shop. You get to 'rent' them for halloween. Then you make sure they are clean and returned to the owner.

We found 3----a storm trooper, a dark cloak for a ringraith, and a mini mouse. Now we only have 1 to go!!! How slick was that? Love the idea...thought I would share it. 

There she goes...hopping down the street---all happy like! {i had to hurry and take a ammon got stuck in there...batteries were blinking, no time to redo.}

Speaking of shopping:

Art Market
Sugarhouse Garden Center
1602 East 2100 South
Salt Lake City
Saturday, Oct 10th
10 am- 7pm

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Hope everyone has a
great and happy halloween!!
The 'goodies' have already started to flow into the bag. While picking up some milk at 4 this afternoon and being irritated by all the cars---right in front of the store---i realized it was for a TRUNK OR TREAT!!! the kids got all dressed up and off we went back to the store, stood in a line and traveled to all the trunks and got some booty.

Big line in front....the same size behind us!

See the scary frank in the crowd?

It's voter JOE!!

Off we go to main street for store front tricking and then to a chili cook and then to another friends yearly halloween party!! busy, busy...good thing tomarow is saturday...but alas, no sleeping in for those late autumn garage sales.

I finished quilting a quilt and will show next week after i get it bound.

HAve a great day with no stomach aches.....
