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whosies--written whatnots


Here I go again......

on my own......going down the only road i've ever known.....

That would be the road to retreats. Boy, this month was a great one wasn't it? Sewing, Quilting, and Retreating!!! Overflowing with goodness, and friends of course. So this is the place out in Duchesne. Way in the middle of nowhere---but what does that matter when you have good company, and your sewing machine along side? I think i went outside twice. Once when I got there and once when i left. hee hee.

For some reason i only have this picture of the girls. There were 5 of us, so me and the other--janis... are hiding.

ok. really there was an additional lizard who decided to take a little swim in the sink. Does he count? He didn't bring his sewing no. he doesn't.

I wore my comphy pants and my snuggle soft slippers. mmmmmmm

Take a look at the bed. I was all snuggled in goodness. A num, num, num, num......cookies...

Speaking of numminess. My mom has been collecting these for me from a local quilt shop- one for each month. I had a pile waiting to be done....and i done them!!! yay!! cupcakes!!
I have more nummies to share, of the quilting related items, but no pics yet. Soon, soon.
Goal this week: quilt, quilt and then quilt some more!!!! I know, i have sewed, sewed, and sewed some more and now i have a pile of quilting. So i must now quilt.  So don't miss out on seeing the goods.

Speaking of seeing the goods......guess who is going to see the Free Pattern Goods from the store?
That would be
Who guessed: 60
I will be emailing you the reminder. yay for you!!
Now, i know you are all happy for her, but are dying to know how many little rolls there were in that jar. How about 82!!! I know, everyone was so low. Not sure what happened there. I am sure that if you were able to hold and admire and gander just a bit at the jar that you would all get it right.

I only surround myself with smarties.

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Facebook Friendzy

So i wasn't a big fan of facebook. that was all of last year- but saturday changed that. I found some friends!! That might sound kind of funny. Actually. They found me. So now i have a few that have been lost except for the occasional phone call back into my life. aaaaawwww i love friends. don't you?

Extra bonus- i started thinking "how about so-and-so?, and them too"? and sure enough I found a few other friends. Now i am surrounded by friends...even in the computer world. We are never alone really are we?

I do have one complaint.....I can't spy. I actually have to be someones friend before i can access their page. What, why?! Here is my example: My father was Airforce and we were stationed in Madrid, Spain for 6 years. That was from 10 years to 16 years old. That is what i remember the best.

I have my older sister who hung out with a bunch of kids. They wouldn't know really who i am, but i know them. i would like to take a peak at what they are up to. So i am stuck at just being the bystander again and asking the sister what the others are up to....hmmmmm....


I am throwing in a bit of sewing along with this little facebook frienzy.

I have a dirty iron. Don't we all? We get going on a project and before you know it there is sticky, goo in little or big splotches on the front. What are we to do?

This is what i did. Went to quilt meeting thursday night, played Bingo..won- finally...and snagged me a tube of iron cleaner. I did what it said and after a 30 minute workout of ironing it is relitively clean. I still need to do a bit more--but i can live with it. So instead of holding my breath each time i use it hoping that dark streaks won't get transfered to the light fabric via the iron....i can breath. (it is a little smokey--the instructions said it is normal, and stinks just a bit-) but overall----good. It glides all nice now. yay!!

Without all the dread lingering over me with ironing on light fabric i was able to get 1/2 of the top done for the CrAnKy QuIlT !!!! aren't you excited? i am.

I will show it off when the next block comes up---the 3rd thursday of Feb. yup. ya gotta wait.

Anyone have any blocks they would like to share? links or pics? that would help us all wait a little patienter. (is that a word?) please?

p.s.- status report on the art market. i actually did pretty good. i was soooo nervous when i picked up the stuff. didn't look like much had been sold. but after coming home and counting everything i made the charge to participate + a good amount of extra to do as i wish. i will be doing it again in may. thanks for the encouragement.

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