If you love bees... or eating food in general (without bees there would be almost nothing to eat, except maybe Soylent Green), then here's something you need to know about.
The bees are disappearing. Even The Doctor knew it was important. As weird as they are, bees aren't actually aliens (probably), but rather are a vital part of our ecosystem. Not an ecosystem, but our as in the Human ecosystem that we depend on for survival. Bees make the plants go happy (reproduce) which in turn participates to our breathing and eating abilities. There are places in the world without bees, and they suffer. It is unlikely that the amount of physical labour involved in living without bees could produce enough calories to sustain the population needed to produce that labour.
So basically, no bees quickly leads to no humans, or very few of us surviving, probably not you or me. Even if we were only to loose the plants requiring direct bee intervention to stimulate their sexlife, then the other plants, the ones that don't need bees for all or any of their pollination would suffer. Out of those plants we eat (or can eat) as humans, many of the ones that do not rely on bees, rely on human labour. So reduction in food, leads to reduction in population, leads to a reduction of human labour... which will mean less food... On top of that, the plants that don't require bees, do require plants that require bees for long term survival. For example, bigger plants protect smaller ones from extreme weather and capture (and slow the release of) water, which limits the extremes the smaller plants need to endure. Smaller plants die off quicker, creating better soil conditions, but they also have lovely root systems that are good for reducing erosion, protecting the soil from extreme temperature fluctuations... and so on ad infinitum. No bees means a good chunk of that sustainable system is lost, which puts more stress on the rest of the system, which soon leads to less food for humans... It's more complex than many of these 'what if there weren't any bees' theories take into account. We can extend the time humans survive through chemicals, however, it appears that this technique only works as a short term solution, and actually reduces the capacity of the land to support food growth over the long term... and, in theory, long term survival of our species should be important to us.
We need to do something about this.
Here's something:
This is a beehive. What's really neat about it, and why it captured my interest is that it combines really old and really new technology together to create something more accessible and functional than the modern or ancient technology can do on it's own.
It's called an Open Source Beehive and it's plan is to provide a make your own, printable top bar beehive. You use this mighty router table printing thing and special, bee friendly plywood to make a flat-pack hive that fits together like a piece of Ikea furniture.
Now I've been wanting a beehive like this for years. I've even started building (not one, but) two. Only things came up and the wood I had ready got used for other things. It takes many tens of hours to make one of these things if you don't have the skills or tools (or in my case, neither). So being able to 'print' a beehive in about half an hour or so, is fantastic. I just need to find a router printer thing big enough.
The other half of this project is to monitor the health of the hive using a sensor. This part doesn't interest me as much, I don't have wifi and cell coverage is poor here. But for those of you who are interested in this, it attaches to the beehive and tells your smart phone (something else I don't have) if there are any changes in air quality or hive temperature. It's really useful if you aren't talking to your bees daily.
This open source beehive project is currently in the crowd funding stage. Basically they ask people to donate money if you believe in this project and want to support it. You can donate one dollar or one million... they probably accept euros and yen as well. If you go to the link and look at the right, at different donation marks, you get a reward. The theory behind crowd funding is a lot like knitting. Every stitch counts towards a sweater, every dollar donated adds up and make the project happen.
My motive for sharing this isn't just to rant about the importance of bees. There is a method to my madness:
First, the crowdfunding only has a few days left and they aren't quite at their goal yet. Even if you don't donate, maybe you could mention it to your bee loving friends.
Second, I'm searching for people in the local area interested in working together to make some of these hives, with the theory that if we buy in bulk, it gets the price down and when the bees arrive, we can support each other with advice and stuff.
Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emergency. Show all posts
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tea Brick - what is it and how to use it
It looks like a back tile or tablet, beautifully carved with exotic designs. But really it's just tea.
Alright, true, there is no such thing as 'just tea.' Tea is a vital part of many people's lives be it the English Cuppa or a plant deeply steeped in Asian history. This tea brick is no exception.
Created for easy transportation of an essential resource, and a trade currency, these tea bricks have a very important history. One store I know calls this the 'tea of the nomads'. These bricks are as beautiful as they are romantic.
I've been in love with the idea of these since I first saw them many years ago. But whenever I came across one for sale I was too cowardly to take the plunge. Lately I've had more food related courage, so when I this opportunity arrised, and there was this beautiful block of tea for sale a very reasonable price, I snatched it up.
For the first experiment with the tea block I got out one of my more exhotic tea pots (I'm a bit of a teapot hoarder, I should really do something about that, maybe later). This one is shaped like a flower which I've never seen in real life, but I imagine it is the lotus so often described in poetry. A special tea deserves a special tea pot.
I took a sharp knife and shaved some tea dust off one end of the tea block, put it in the tea pot and poured just off the boil water over the tea dust. Just off the boil is basically bringing the water to a full boil, then taking it off the heat and leaving it several seconds until the water stops bubbling, before pouring it into the teapot. I didn't want to risk scorching the tea incase it was green tea which loses some of it's deliciousness when the water is too hot.
The tea in this block is very much like what we call black tea in the west. Only it has a lighter taste and texture to it. Like a more delicate version of a cuppa.
The tea dust expanded in the water and sunk to the bottom, making it easy to keep most of the tea leaves in the pot, with just a bit leftover at the bottom of the cup for telling your fortune if so desired. I saw an indistinct blob, not sure what that means for my future, perhaps new glasses?
So that's one way to use the tea block. Here's a list of things I've thought up, some I've tried, some have yet to be experimented with.
I debated whether or not to write the last point, for fear that the demand for tea bricks would skyrocket. Then I remembered only 4 people read this blog, so I think we're safe for now.
Alright, true, there is no such thing as 'just tea.' Tea is a vital part of many people's lives be it the English Cuppa or a plant deeply steeped in Asian history. This tea brick is no exception.
Created for easy transportation of an essential resource, and a trade currency, these tea bricks have a very important history. One store I know calls this the 'tea of the nomads'. These bricks are as beautiful as they are romantic.
I've been in love with the idea of these since I first saw them many years ago. But whenever I came across one for sale I was too cowardly to take the plunge. Lately I've had more food related courage, so when I this opportunity arrised, and there was this beautiful block of tea for sale a very reasonable price, I snatched it up.
For the first experiment with the tea block I got out one of my more exhotic tea pots (I'm a bit of a teapot hoarder, I should really do something about that, maybe later). This one is shaped like a flower which I've never seen in real life, but I imagine it is the lotus so often described in poetry. A special tea deserves a special tea pot.
I took a sharp knife and shaved some tea dust off one end of the tea block, put it in the tea pot and poured just off the boil water over the tea dust. Just off the boil is basically bringing the water to a full boil, then taking it off the heat and leaving it several seconds until the water stops bubbling, before pouring it into the teapot. I didn't want to risk scorching the tea incase it was green tea which loses some of it's deliciousness when the water is too hot.
The tea in this block is very much like what we call black tea in the west. Only it has a lighter taste and texture to it. Like a more delicate version of a cuppa.
The tea dust expanded in the water and sunk to the bottom, making it easy to keep most of the tea leaves in the pot, with just a bit leftover at the bottom of the cup for telling your fortune if so desired. I saw an indistinct blob, not sure what that means for my future, perhaps new glasses?
So that's one way to use the tea block. Here's a list of things I've thought up, some I've tried, some have yet to be experimented with.
- Make some tea, mmmm, tea.
- Use it as decoration or photography prop.
- Make roasted tea - save off some dust with a sharp knife, toast it lightly in a dry fry pan, then make tea - haven't tried this yet, but hope to this morning.
- Make butter tea or other yummy food with it.
- Keep it in your emergency kit for when the zombies come. This tea is a preppers dream. So long as it stays dry enough, it will keep forever. It's lightweight for the amount of tea, and great for replenishing people's electrolytes.
I debated whether or not to write the last point, for fear that the demand for tea bricks would skyrocket. Then I remembered only 4 people read this blog, so I think we're safe for now.
- Another way to make this tea is to shave it off, roast it, then grind it into an extremely fine powder to make a drink like match, only darker. You take the powder and a little bamboo whisk. You whisk the tea into the hot water until it's almost emulsified. Difficult skill to master, to be sure. But a delicious one nonetheless.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Emergency Ricotta Recipe
I needed ricotta cheese for a recipe (a pasta recipe) but I was feeling too lazy to go to the store. The I remembered that there is a really easy way to make ricotta style cheese at home using milk and vinegar.
Traditionally ricotta cheese is made from the leftover liquid (whey) from making hard cheese. They take the whey, add vinegar, and basically get a second cheese out of the milk. Very economical and when I get around to making hard cheese, I can't wait to try it.
However, these days, the word ricotta is more flexible, referring more to taste and texture rather than a specific method. Think of it like the word cheddar. Cheddar use to refer to a very specific method of making cheese that required a special way of cutting the curds. Nowadays there are no end of products on the market called cheddar, some of them have no milk in them whatsoever. It's amazing how words change over time.
Emergency Ricotta is simple to make and a great introduction to cheese making. Most recipes measure milk by the gallon, but since I only needed a small amount of ricotta for my pasta dish, I used a much smaller amount. Feel free to scale up the recipe if you like.
Before we dive in, a word about vinegar. I like using natural vinegar for this, however, different vinegars have different acid levels. Start with one Tablespoon and then add a few drops later on if your milk doesn't curdle.
Also, I'm going to be terribly naughty here and not give you exact temperatures or timing. In a hurry, I don't have time to deal with finding my thermometer and getting all fiddly with temperature. Just give me the qualities we need, and let me get on with it.
Besides, people have been making cheese for a few thousand years now, without thermometers. Then you come to the fact that milk varies from cow to cow and season to season, so the temperature may change from one batch to another. Getting too precise is counterproductive in the home environment, especially when it's something as simple as making cheese.
If you are one of those people who find security and comfort in the scientific approach to the kitchen, the book Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll has just the right balance of precision without getting too bogged down in the rules to prevent you experimenting. That's where I originally found the inspiration for this recipe.
1 litre whole milk or even half and half. Raw (where legal) and pasteurized works well. Make certain it's not ultra-pasteurized as that won't work at all. Skim, 1 percent, and 2 percent milk probably won't give good results, as they've been chemically altered, but in an emergency, use what you have.
1Tbs apple cider vinegar, or other natural (not white) vinegar. Failing that, lemon juice works great. Even extra sour Kombucha will do the trick.
Generous pinch of salt.
See, I told you this was easy.
You can keep the whey in the fridge for a few days, and use it to replace the water in bread baking, or any number of creative ways. Even as a low fat milk substitute - though it is very watery. The whey has a lot of nutrition still in it, so adding some to boiling veg, or stews is a good way to take advantage of it. Keep in mind, this in not a live culture whey so it won't kickstart fermented foods.
Was it affordable? In that I didn't spend the gas and time to go to the store just for one item, yes. I also used up some milk that would expire soon... however, I was planning on making yoghurt from it, so it felt more like robbing Peter to pay Paul. As for actual price - I don't know what the going price of ricotta is these days. The milk was organic so it was about $4 and made 1 and 1/4 cup ricotta.
Update on affordability: I went to the shop today and saw that regular commercial made ricotta cheese is $5 for the same amount I made in this recipe. However, their cheese included many ingredients that I don't stock in my home... I like the stuff I made better, and in the end, it did work out cheaper.
Allergies: You can make this with many different kinds of milk, including cow, goat, sheep, and a few others. I haven't tried it with milk substitute like rice or almond, but I don't imagine it would work with that. There aren't any shops in town that sell goat or sheep's milk ricotta so this is a great recipe for those who can't eat cows milk, but would like to have some cheesiness in their life.
Transitional: This is a great first step to being more self sufficient and less dependent on big industry. For years they tell us that cheese is far too difficult or expensive to make and we must rely on big business to provide it to us. Making cheese at home - and you don't have to do it all the time, I know I don't. - gives you the opportunity to understand what goes into making your food and empowers you to know that if you need cheese for a pasta recipe, you aren't 100% dependent on the big corporations to provide it. Eventually you can work towards meeting the cow or goat that gave you the lovely white liquid... and that's when things get really exciting.
Ricotta cheese, salted and ready to use |
Traditionally ricotta cheese is made from the leftover liquid (whey) from making hard cheese. They take the whey, add vinegar, and basically get a second cheese out of the milk. Very economical and when I get around to making hard cheese, I can't wait to try it.
Ricotta hanging to drain off the whey from the curds. |
Emergency Ricotta is simple to make and a great introduction to cheese making. Most recipes measure milk by the gallon, but since I only needed a small amount of ricotta for my pasta dish, I used a much smaller amount. Feel free to scale up the recipe if you like.
Before we dive in, a word about vinegar. I like using natural vinegar for this, however, different vinegars have different acid levels. Start with one Tablespoon and then add a few drops later on if your milk doesn't curdle.
Also, I'm going to be terribly naughty here and not give you exact temperatures or timing. In a hurry, I don't have time to deal with finding my thermometer and getting all fiddly with temperature. Just give me the qualities we need, and let me get on with it.
Besides, people have been making cheese for a few thousand years now, without thermometers. Then you come to the fact that milk varies from cow to cow and season to season, so the temperature may change from one batch to another. Getting too precise is counterproductive in the home environment, especially when it's something as simple as making cheese.
If you are one of those people who find security and comfort in the scientific approach to the kitchen, the book Home Cheese Making by Ricki Carroll has just the right balance of precision without getting too bogged down in the rules to prevent you experimenting. That's where I originally found the inspiration for this recipe.
Emergency Ricotta
1 litre whole milk or even half and half. Raw (where legal) and pasteurized works well. Make certain it's not ultra-pasteurized as that won't work at all. Skim, 1 percent, and 2 percent milk probably won't give good results, as they've been chemically altered, but in an emergency, use what you have.
1Tbs apple cider vinegar, or other natural (not white) vinegar. Failing that, lemon juice works great. Even extra sour Kombucha will do the trick.
Generous pinch of salt.
- In a saucepan combine the vinegar and milk. Stir well. Heat up until just below the boiling point when the curds separate and are clearly distinct from the whey, stirring frequently to prevent the bottom burning. Try to avoid letting it come to a boil.
- As the milk heats up the vinegar will curdle it. That's exactly what we want to happen. As it heats up you will get to the point when there are white milk curds and the liquid they float in is basically clear. That's what we want and that's where to move onto the next step.
- If you get to just below the boiling point - where you have to struggle to keep it from boiling - but still no separation, it's time to add more acid. Add a few drops, maybe four or five drops, of vinegar to the milk, stir it in well, wait a minute and see if it separates. If not, repeat 'till it does.
- Take the milk (well, curds and whey at this stage) off the heat and let sit undisturbed for 10 minutes.
- While it's sitting, get a bowl, a colander and some loosely woven cloth like, oh, I don't know, cheesecloth. Line the colander with the cloth and put it so it drains into the bowl. You will also need some string in a bit.
- When the milk has set, pour into the colander so that the curds stay in the cloth and the whey drains into the bowl. Use that bit of string to tie up the cloth into a little bag. Hang the bag over the bowl (picture above) so that it can drip into the bowl. Leave it there for at least 20 min, I usually do an hour. The longer you hang it, the more firm/dry the cheese will be.
- Take the cheese and put it in a large bowl. Add a generous pinch of salt and mix it in well.
- Store in fridge, keeps about a week to 10 days.
cheese curds after draining |
You can keep the whey in the fridge for a few days, and use it to replace the water in bread baking, or any number of creative ways. Even as a low fat milk substitute - though it is very watery. The whey has a lot of nutrition still in it, so adding some to boiling veg, or stews is a good way to take advantage of it. Keep in mind, this in not a live culture whey so it won't kickstart fermented foods.
Was it affordable? In that I didn't spend the gas and time to go to the store just for one item, yes. I also used up some milk that would expire soon... however, I was planning on making yoghurt from it, so it felt more like robbing Peter to pay Paul. As for actual price - I don't know what the going price of ricotta is these days. The milk was organic so it was about $4 and made 1 and 1/4 cup ricotta.
Update on affordability: I went to the shop today and saw that regular commercial made ricotta cheese is $5 for the same amount I made in this recipe. However, their cheese included many ingredients that I don't stock in my home... I like the stuff I made better, and in the end, it did work out cheaper.
Allergies: You can make this with many different kinds of milk, including cow, goat, sheep, and a few others. I haven't tried it with milk substitute like rice or almond, but I don't imagine it would work with that. There aren't any shops in town that sell goat or sheep's milk ricotta so this is a great recipe for those who can't eat cows milk, but would like to have some cheesiness in their life.
Transitional: This is a great first step to being more self sufficient and less dependent on big industry. For years they tell us that cheese is far too difficult or expensive to make and we must rely on big business to provide it to us. Making cheese at home - and you don't have to do it all the time, I know I don't. - gives you the opportunity to understand what goes into making your food and empowers you to know that if you need cheese for a pasta recipe, you aren't 100% dependent on the big corporations to provide it. Eventually you can work towards meeting the cow or goat that gave you the lovely white liquid... and that's when things get really exciting.
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