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Monday, January 29, 2024

New 🚯 emoji-based spamfighting abilities

This is a follow-up from our Spam-label approach, but this time with MOAR EMOJIS because that's what the world is turning into.

Since March 2023 projects could apply the "Spam" label on any new issue and have a magic bot come in and purge the user account plus all issues they've filed, see the earlier post for details. This works quite well and gives every project member the ability to quickly purge spam. Alas, pesky spammers are using other approaches to trick google into indexing their pork [1] (because at this point I think all this crap is just SEO spam anyway). Such as commenting on issues and merge requests. We can't apply labels to comments, so we found a way to work around that: emojis!

In GitLab you can add "reactions" to issue/merge request/snippet comments and in recent GitLab versions you can register for a webhook to be notified when that happens. So what we've added to the instance is support for the :do_not_litter: (🚯) emoji [2] - if you set that on an comment the author of said comment will be blocked and the comment content will be removed. After some safety checks of course, so you can't just go around blocking everyone by shotgunning emojis into gitlab. Unlike the "Spam" label this does not currently work recursively so it's best to report the user so admins can purge them properly - ideally before setting the emoji so the abuse report contains the actual spam comment instead of the redacted one. Also note that there is a 30 second grace period to quickly undo the emoji if you happen to set it accidentally.

Note that for purging issues, the "Spam" label is still required, the emojis only work for comments.

Happy cleanup!

[1] or pork-ish
[2] Benjamin wanted to use :poop: but there's a chance that may get used for expressing disagreement with the comment in question

Monday, July 3, 2023 now has a bugbot for automatic issue/merge request processing

As of today, provides easy hooks to invoke the gitlab-triage tool for your project. gitlab-triage allows for the automation of recurring tasks, for example something like

If the label FOO is set, close the issue and add a comment containing ".... blah ..."
Many project have recurring tasks like this, e.g. the wayland project gets a lot of issues that are compositor (not protocol) issues. Being able to just set a label and have things happen is much more convenient than having to type out the same explanations over and over again.

The goal for us was to provide automated handling for these with as little friction as possible. And of course each project must be able to decide what actions should be taken. Usually gitlab-triage is run as part of project-specific scheduled pipelines but since we already have webhook-based spam-fighting tools we figured we could make this even easier.

So, bugbot was born. Any project registered with bugbot can use labels prefixed with "bugbot::" to have gitlab-triage invoked against the project's policies file. These labels thus serve as mini-commands for bugbot, though each project decides what happens for any particular label. bugbot effectively works like this:

sleep 30
for label in {issue|merge_request}.current_labels:
  if label.startswith("bugbot::"):
     run-gitlab-triage --as-user @bugbot --use-file .triage-policies.yml
And this is triggered on every issue/merge request update for any registered project which means that all you need to do is set the label and you're done. The things of note here:
  • bugbot delays by 30 seconds, giving you time to unset an accidentally applied label before it takes effect
  • bugbot doesn't care about the label beyond the (hard-coded) "bugbot::" prefix
  • bugbot always runs your project's triage policies, from your main or master branch (whichever succeeds first)
  • The actions are performed as the bugbot user, not your user
The full documentation of what you can do in a policies file is available at the gitlab-triage documentation but let's look at a simple example that shouldn't even need explanation:
      - name: convert bugbot label to other label
            - "bugbot::foo"
            - "foo"
            - "bugbot::foo"
          comment: |
            Nice label you have there. Would be a shame 
            if someone removed it
          status: "close"
And the effect of this file can be seen in this issue here.

Registering a project

Bugbot is part of the damspam project and registering a project can be done with a single command. Note: this can only be done by someone with the Maintainer role or above.

Create a personal access token with API access and save the token value as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bugbot/user.token Then run the following commands with your project's full path (e.g. mesa/mesa, pipewire/wireplumber, xorg/lib/libX11):

$ pip install git+
$ bugbot request-webhook foo/bar
After this you may remove the token file and the package
$ pip uninstall damspam
$ rm $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bugbot/user.token
The bugbot command will file an issue in the freedesktop/fdo-bots repository. This issue will be automatically processed and should be done by the time you finish the above commands, see this issue for an example. Note: the issue processing requires a git push to an internal repo - if you script this for multiple repos please put a sleep(30) in to avoid conflicts.

Adding triage policies

Once registered, the .triage-policies.yml file must be added to the root directory of your project. What bugbot commands you want to respond to (and the actions to take) is up to you, though there are two things of note: you should always remove the bugbot label you are reacting to to avoid duplicate processing and gitlab-triage does not create new labels. So any label in your actions must be manually created in the project first. Beyond that - the sky's your limit.

Remember you can test your policies file with

 $ gitlab-triage --dry-run --token $GITLAB_TOKEN \
   --source-id foo/bar  --resource-reference 1234

As usual, many thanks to Benjamin Tissoires for reviews and the magic of integrating this into infrastructure.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

New spamfighting abilities

As of today, allows anyone with a GitLab Developer role or above to remove spam issues. If you are reading this article a while after it's published, it's best to refer to the damspam README for up-to-date details. I'm going to start with the TLDR first.

For Maintainers

Create a personal access token with API access and save the token value as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/damspam/user.token Then run the following commands with your project's full path (e.g. mesa/mesa, pipewire/wireplumber, xorg/lib/libX11):

$ pip install git+
$ damspam request-webhook foo/bar
# clean up, no longer needed.
$ pip uninstall damspam
$ rm $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/damspam/user.token
The damspam command will file an issue in the freedesktop/fdo-bots repository. This issue will be automatically processed by a bot and should be done by the time you finish the above commands, see this issue for an example. Note: the issue processing requires a git push to an internal repo - if you script this for multiple repos please put a sleep(30) in to avoid conflicts.

Once the request has been processed (and again, this should be instant), any issue in your project that gets assigned the label Spam will be processed automatically by damspam. See the next section for details.

For Developers

Once the maintainer for your project has requested the webhook, simply assign the Spam label to any issue that is spam. The issue creator will be blocked (i.e. cannot login), this issue and any other issue filed by the same user will be closed and made confidential (i.e. they are no longer visible to the public). In the future, one of the GitLab admins can remove that user completely but meanwhile, they and their spam are gone from the public eye and they're blocked from producing more. This should happen within seconds of assigning the Spam label.

For GitLab Admins

Create a personal access token with API access for the @spambot user and save the token value as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/damspam/spambot.token. This is so you can operate as spambot instead of your own user. Then run the following command to remove all tagged spammers:

$ pip install git+
$ damspam purge-spammers
The last command will list any users that are spammers (together with an issue that should make it simple to check whether it is indeed spam) and after interactive confirmation purge them as requested. At the time of writing, the output looks like this:
$ damspam purge-spammers
0: naughtyuser              : [STREAMING@TV]!* LOOK AT ME
1: abcuseless               : ((@))THIS STREAM IS IMPORTANT
2: anothergit               : Buy something, really
3: whatawasteofalife        : What a waste of oxygen I am
Purging a user means a full delete including all issues, MRs, etc. This is nonrecoverable!
Please select the users to purge:
[q]uit, purge [a]ll, or the index: 
Purging the spammers will hard-delete them and remove anything they ever did on gitlab. This is irreversible.

How it works

There are two components at play here: hookiedookie, a generic webhook dispatcher, and damspam which handles the actual spam issues. Hookiedookie provides an HTTP server and "does things" with JSON data on request. What it does is relatively generic (see the Settings.yaml example file) but it's set up to be triggered by a GitLab webhook and thus receives this payload. For damspam the rules we have for hookiedookie come down to something like this: if the URL is "webhooks/namespace/project" and damspam is set up for this project and the payload is an issue event and it has the "Spam" label in the issue labels, call out to damspam and pass the payload on. Other rules we currently use are automatic reload on push events or the rule to trigger the webhook request processing bot as above.

This is also the reason a maintainer has to request the webhook. When the request is processed, the spambot installs a webhook with a secret token (a uuid) in the project. That token will be sent as header (a standard GitLab feature). The project/token pair is also added to hookiedookie and any webhook data must contain the project name and matching token, otherwise it is discarded. Since the token is write-only, no-one (not even the maintainers of the project) can see it.

damspam gets the payload forwarded but is otherwise unaware of how it is invoked. It checks the issue, fetches the data needed, does some safety check and if it determines that yes, this is spam, then it closes the issue, makes it confidential, blocks the user and then recurses into every issue this user ever filed. Not necessarily in that order. There are some safety checks, so you don't have to worry about it suddenly blocking every project member.


For a while now, we've suffered from a deluge of spam (and worse) that makes it through the spam filters. GitLab has a Report Abuse feature for this but it's... woefully incomplete. The UI guides users to do the right thing - as reporter you can tick "the user is sending spam" and it automatically adds a link to the reported issue. But: none of this useful data is visible to admins. Seriously, look at the official screenshots. There is no link to the issue, all you get is a username, the user that reported it and the content of a textbox that almost never has any useful information. The link to the issue? Not there. The selection that the user is a spammer? Not there.

For an admin, this is frustrating at best. To verify that the user is indeed sending spam, you have to find the issue first. Which, at best, requires several clicks and digging through the profile activities. At worst you know that the user is a spammer because you trust the reporter but you just can't find the issue for whatever reason.

But even worse: reporting spam does nothing immediately. The spam stays up until an admin wakes up, reviews the abuse reports and removes that user. Meanwhile, the spammer can happily keep filing issues against the project. Overall, it is not a particularly great situation.

With hookiedookie and damspam, we're now better equipped to stand against the tide of spam. Anyone who can assign labels can help fight spam and the effect is immediate. And it's - for our use-cases - safe enough: if you trust someone to be a developer on your project, we can trust them to not willy-nilly remove issues pretending they're spam. In fact, they probably could've deleted issues beforehand already anyway if they wanted to make them disappear.

Other instances

While we're definitely aiming at, there's nothing in particular that requires this instance. If you're the admin for a public gitlab instance feel free to talk to Benjamin Tissoires or me to check whether this could be useful for you too, and what changes would be necessary.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

It's templates all the way down - part 4

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

After getting thouroughly nerd-sniped a few weeks back, we now have FreeBSD support through qemu in the ci-templates. This is possible through the qemu image generation we have had for quite a while now. So let's see how we can easily add a FreeBSD VM (or other distributions) to our gitlab CI pipeline:

     FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: 'freebsd.0' # some value for humans to read
     - .freebsd
     - .fdo.qemu-build@freebsd
Now, so far this may all seem quite familiar. And indeed, this is almost exactly the same process as for normal containers (see Part 1), the only difference is the .fdo.qemu-build base template. Using this template means we build an image babushka: our desired BSD image is actual a QEMU RAW image sitting inside another generic container image. That latter image only exists to start the QEMU image and set up the environment if need be, you don't need to care what distribution it runs out (Fedora for now).

Because of the nesting, we need to handle this accordingly in our script: tag for the actual test job - we need to start the image and make sure our jobs are actually built within. The templates set up an ssh alias "vm" for this and the vmctl script helps to do things on the vm:

    - .freebsd
    - .fdo.distribution-image@freebsd
    # start our QEMU image
    - /app/vmctl start
    # copy our current working directory to the VM
    # (this is a yaml multiline command to work around the colon)
    - |
      scp -r $PWD vm:
    # Run the build commands on the VM and if they succeed, create a .success file
    - /app/vmctl exec "cd $CI_PROJECT_NAME; meson builddir; ninja -C builddir" && touch .success || true
    # Copy results back to our run container so we can include them in artifacts:
    - |
      scp -r vm:$CI_PROJECT_NAME/builddir .
    # kill the VM
    - /app/vmctl stop
    # Now that we have cleaned up: if our build job before
    # failed, exit with an error
    - [[ -e .success ]] || exit 1
Now, there's a bit to unpack but with the comments above it should be fairly obvious what is happening. We start the VM, copy our working directory over and then run a command on the VM before cleaning up. The reason we use touch .success is simple: it allows us to copy things out and clean up before actually failing the job.

Obviously, if you want to build any other distribution you just swap the freebsd out for fedora or whatever - the process is the same. libinput has been using fedora qemu images for ages now.

Friday, February 18, 2011

evtest is now on

evtest, that little program that displays kernel input events and information about input devices now has a home on I hope this helps to reduce the number of different upstreams and distro-specific patches that float around.

