Showing posts with label backyard tents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label backyard tents. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter-HE IS RISEN!!

Such a beautiful weekend to celebrate the risen Savior!!Maybe should not have had the sun blinding them-but what's a little humor for a family photo!
Nap time in the backyard
We hold our Easter service at one of the local high schools so that we can all be together for one service-I think we were near 3 thousand today. Such an amazing way to worship the risen Savior!! Love when we are all togehter!!
The little man actually loved his bow tie-what fun!
24 weeks now and loving every moment now!

Noah and Daddy building tents
We built each of the kiddos a tent as a springtime gift. It was a gorgeous afternoon to enjoy watching the kids play outside.