The background and first chapter of this story "A Love Story - Little Doll and Fat Cat" begins on the July 21st posting.
After Fat Cat's completion, he and Little Doll became inseparable. Little Doll was at first so awed with Fat Cat's size and strength and the feeling of safety and security she felt when in his presence and then, after spending more and more time with him, she came to see also his strength of character and capacity for kindness. He was simply - a wonderful cat.
The many hours Little Doll and Fat Cat spent together were filled with talking and talking and talking. Well, most often it was Little Doll doing the talking and Fat Cat listening, but he had many of his own thoughts and impressions to share with her. Much laughter was also shared as they each related one funny thing or another to each other. Many times red bird also became part of their time together, perched on Fat Cat's head, where he too entered into the lively conversations with his chirping and hopping.
"It is so wonderful to see them together" said Lady G, "and to see Little Doll so happy! But soon they will have to part and I am concerned that her heart will be broken." "I know" I said, "I am anxious too, but they have been blessed to have this time to share and when they are no longer together, the memories and friendship they feel for each other will be with them always."
So although Little Doll still spent time with her friend Lady G each day, she and Fat Cat spent many hours together - Little Doll sitting on one or the other of Fat Cat's shoulders, sometimes red bird on his head. And their friendship grew deeper.
Soon there time together was coming to an end. In a days time, Fat Cat was to leave my studio to live with my good friend Andrew, who I had created Fat Cat for as a gift. And a few days later I would be taking Little Doll with me to my doll club meeting for our last day of the Paper Bag Challenge exchange, when she would be returning to live with the person who originally had created her doll body
As Little Doll sat on Fat Cat's shoulder that last day, she was very sad. "I will miss you Fat Cat" she told him, "and our times together. I have so enjoyed knowing you. It will be so strange not to be able to see you each day and share the conversation and laughter." "We have enjoyed these hours so much, haven't we red bird?" she asked the little bird, who gave a quiet little chirp and no hop - for he was saddened too. He would be going to live with Little Doll, but his time with Fat Cat was ending also.
Fat Cat said to Little Doll, "Don't be sad my dear. Even if our time together is ending, we will always have each other in the memories of this wonderful experience and our many hours together. I have been so blessed that you and Lady G and red bird and dove were involved in my creation and the friendship you have all shared with me has been wonderful!"
"Oh, it has!" said Little Doll. "I will try not to be sad and remember instead all of the good times we had together. I hope that you are happy in your new home with Andrew! He loves cats I am told and has many 'real' cats who live with him in his home! I am sure that you will all become fast friends and you will spend many happy hours of conversation, surrounded by your new warm and furry family members!"
"But remember our secret" said Little Doll, "and keep it with you always." "I will" said Fat Cat. "Your words are forever in my heart. I love you too Little Doll."

Tomorrow will be the last chapter in this story. Fat Cat has started his journey to Andrew's home and we help Little Doll to send him a final card and momento as she now prepares to leave my studio to go to her home and Lady G and I say our own goodbyes to this lovely little lady.
Thanks for stopping by today!
Wishing you a great Monday!
Barbara Diane