Showing posts with label zoey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zoey. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Too Funny !!!

OMG would you just look at this!  My husband took Zoey to the grain store which also sells dog & pet items....such as this giant TOY display.   This store happens to be Pet Friendly so alot of customers bring their dogs inside.....

I like the way the store "strategicaly" displays the dog toys ..... right at the all the dogs can get at them!  

OMG my husband said she dove right in he snapped a pic and emailed me....I just had to share....what a hoot!  

She's like a little kid in a Candy store ...dontcha think!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Snug as a Bug in a BED!!!!!

This is how we pretty much sleep every night.  I guess my husband took an early morning photo of me & Zoey still sleeping.  We actually have a king size bed but I just happen to see that I am ALWAYS pushed to the very edge of the bed because my little cuddle bug gets smack in the middle (or should I say on my side of the bed)....LOL just like a person.....body under the covers and head out!  She usually starts out the night all the way under the covers pushed up against me or my husdands side.

Is this normal???  HAHAHAHAHA..... do you have a little cuddle bug that sleeps in bed with you too ?????

Friday, November 11, 2011

Guess Who's 1 Year Old ????

That's right....little Zoey turned 1 years old yesterday :))) Had a little "party" for her last night....she did NOT like the party hat !

Monday, September 12, 2011

Do Dogs Float ??

Zoey is trying on her new life jacket we got she can come Kayaking with Mom & Dad ...I think?  Just as long as she doesn't tip the boat ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

It was a HOT weekend......

and here is little Zoey in her new pink princess baby pool :))))) Even she needed a little cooling off ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Zoey's First Ice Cream Sundae !

We had such a gorgeous weekend. All sunshine and warm temps! We took the fathers up to Alexandria Bay 1000 Islands for a lunch & scenic cruise on the Uncle Sam Boat Tours and we also toured Boldt Castle.....was a fantastic afternoon.

And we took little Zoey out for ice cream. She got a little doggy's vanilla ice cream with little dog bisquits.....boy did she LOVE this treat! And my boys enjoying the sunshine as well!

Well, now it's monday again....the start of another work I had better get back to work...........Enjoy your day!

Little Zoey on the back deck......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm busy working in the studio today..........

Little Zoey says......Have a HAPPY DAY !!!!!
It's already a hot morning....temps are going to be record high today.........but ya know, I'm not going to complain because we had such a cold snowy looooong winter.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little ZOEY......

Zoey playing dress up ...wearing a black & white polka dot bandana...LOL...she really didn't know what to think of it ;)

She is 4 months old now....I can't believe how big she has grown!
Her ears are almost straight up...they have a cute little curl at the tips ...and she has one side of her nose that is white :)

She naps under my computer desk. I put her little dog bed under there because she just decided that it was the best place to nap while Mom works ;) (here she is stretching and crawling out after a nap) --- Oh my, I think it's time to vacuum & mop the floors in the studio again .....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Look How Big I Am !!!

Yup....little Zoey is now 12 weeks old :) ...and I can't believe how much she has grown and changed. Her ears are so funny right ear folds down in the back and the other still flops around. She is definately a Mama's girl ;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Little Zoey......

how she is grown! She is now 8 weeks old.

A couple times a day, I do a little "training session" with her. And she has already learned to sit on command :) I, of course, play alot with her too and this picture you can see her "frisbee". I am using the top of a potato chip container to simulate a frisbee ...hahaha far she runs after it and brings it to me BUT won't let go ;) She loves all the "unconventional" toys....her favorite is an empty plastic water bottle! She can get her mouth on it and make that loud crinkle noise!

Although, she has already chewed up my camera SD card! My computer is on the floor and the USB port has my card reader in it...when I put the SD card in the card reader to download pics.....I forget to take it out. Next thing I know this little beast pulls it out and runs like the devil is chasing her.......she did it a couple times on me already....ya think I would learn.....NOT...this time she got it real good and poked lots of tiny little teeth holes in it and now its ruined. Oh fault....I forget I have to "baby proof" everything.....and it's been 17 years since I had to do that!
Now who is the one getting "trained" ...LOL!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Morning Nap Time

Zoey taking a little maybe I can get something done today...LOL!
Wishing you a Happy New Year !

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

More of little baby Zoey!

Here she is with me holding her in my studio. She will be coming to work with me everyday so this way she won't be left alone all now I will have a little companion to hang out with while I'm working........
So far, I haven't got anything accomplished since she has been here with me :( I feel like I have a newborn baby all over again!

How can I resist not playing with this adorable little sweetness? Oh Dear, I better get settled into a routine pretty if you are waiting for an order.....I apologize....I just had a little "hiccup" in my work schedule and will be getting back to work and getting your order completed along with some new pieces for sale soon ;)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Look what my family gave me for Christmas!

A little baby girl Boston Terrier puppy! She is soooooo tiny and extremely adorable! Our pictures are not very good because these were taken with our camera phones. I'll get better ones soon to share ;)
We named her Zoey

We have already made her a couple little sweaters to wear from some old socks! She was a total surprise to me. Everybody knew about the puppy but me......after we opened presents and I was picking up the wrappings.....they brought out a box all wrapped up and making little whining/squeeky noises....I whipped opened the top.....and.....OMG!!!!!! What sweetness.....I snatched her up and immediately started to cry......she is perfect.
I hope all of you & your family enjoyed Christmas and that the day was Merry & Bright!