Showing posts with label press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label press. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Here Ye' ... Here Ye'... Got Some Studio News.....

 I am so honored to be a featured artist published in the current April 2013 issue of  Teddy Bear & Friends Magazine!!! 
 A wonderful article about Me, Zoey & my characters written by Stephanie Finnegan.....

if you can't find one of the magazines at your local retailer you can purchase an online version  for $1.99 us dollars at

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Paint Pony Published!

A big congratulations goes out to my fellow friend bear/ mixed media artist Karen O'Brien.  Not only does she make amazing teddy bears but she also is a superb mixed media artist.  She can transform the ordinary into something is a perfect example.

She was inspired by my little painted pony and put her creative twist & talent into transforming what was once real ...into a now wonderfully adorable IMAGINARY ANIMAL!  And, of course, I was 100% behind her with this challenge.  I knew about it months ago and had my fingers crossed she would be chosen...and she was!

Her work has just been published in a new book called Drawing And Painting IMAGINARY ANIMALS by Carla Sonheim ....(hear crowd clapping and whistling).....

Now I must go out and get myself a copy of the book.   If you have not seen Karen's work then you must click on her link above and check out her blog, she is simply amazing!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Here Ye, Here Ye, I am very proud to announce that I have been published in the Winter 2011/12 issue of MODERN DOG Magazine :)

This awesome magazine had seen my work and contacted me for an interview to be featured in the "ART ATTACK" section of the magazine. Needless to say, I was totally honored and very excited. The interview took place a few months back and today, I just received my copy of the issue in the mailbox! This magazine is jammed packed with EVERYTHING DOG! So be sure to pick up your copy on the newsstand ....they are currently on sale now!

My Bulldog is even featured right smack on the index page too....[hooray]!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Here Ye ..Here Ye... Check out the latest.....

Teddy Bear & Friends Magazine !

TOOT --TOOT.....that's me blowing my own horn :)
I'm thrilled and honored to have been published in TB&F Magazine.... so I just had to share it with you guys.

Hot off the press, in the new Spring 2010 issue of Teddy Bear & Friends is a fabulous right up about me & my bunny rabbits written by Felicia Hymer!
Here is a peek inside the article featuring me and 5 other fab artists in a feature article called "A Herd of Spring Bunnies" ...... the artists include; Art Rogers, Kay Stahler, LoriAnne Corelis, Amber Rose and Shelly Allison. They all make the most wonderful rabbits!
You simply must check it out!