Showing posts with label jurafs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jurafs. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

Old TOY available....

He is now available on EBAY.... 3-day auction style....No Reserve!  I haven't made a giraffe in a very long time so if you have been collecting my different characters....and you don't yet have my juraf....then this is the perfect opportunity to grab one ;)

He is a bigger size too.... coming in around 14" tall.  His auction will end this is the link if you want to pop over and check out all his pics & details...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

An Antique Style Old Prim GIRAFFE........

is now available on ebay as a 3-day auction style with NO RESERVE........

It has been an incredibly long time since I offered one of my Jurafs for sale. So with Christmas coming I thought there might be some folks looking to give or receive one of these adorable bigger size guys. He stands around 11" tall and he really looks and feels like an antique toy giraffe from long ago. So if you or someone you know is an antique toy collector...then this piece is just the gift.

I have lots of pictures so here is the link

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Is Coming.......

and I have a little iTTY-BiTTY Zebra & a bigger toy Giraffe you can purchase now...and get them in time for Christmas! They are both listed on ebay either as 3-day auction or buy-it-now.

As I complete new pieces, I will be listing them on ebay with quick buy-it-now options so you don't have to wait ........stay tuned for more to come.....

Monday, November 1, 2010


He is so darling! This little guy fits right in my hand too :) He is my new little iTTY-BiTTY size ....and I have him for sale right now on ebay....with a buy-it-now option as well! So if you want to see more of this little guy, just click on my ebay button on the sidebar.
I will be putting this large 15" (not including horns) on ebay soon but if you are interested in purchasing him directly from me before I put him on ebay......just send me an email ASAP at --- and you can buy him before I list him ;) THE BIG JURAF HAS SOLD...THANK YOU!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Introducing an iTTY-BiTTY JURAF !!!!!

OH MY! I managed to reduce my Juraf design into my new little iTTY-BiTTY size and just love how this little guy turned out! He was a challenge for me because of the details and tinting...for example, I had to change my materials for his horns. My original design I use bolts with small childs toy beads...but this size, I was not able to do that. So after spending much time searching through my studio for parts and pieces...I discovered that I could use antique boot buttons ....and I think they turned out great!
He is my very first iTTY-BiTTY Juraf and I have him for sale on ebay right now with NO RESERVE so if you want to see lots more pictures or consider a bid...then just click on my ebay button on the sidebar of my blog.
No rest for the next project is to make a piece for the upcoming PFATT MARKETPLACE update on the 10th of this month! Gotta get back to the work table......

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Little Simple NAKED JURAF!

I really like making my simple little naked bears, so I thought, why not a little naked Juraf! And this guy fits right in with that yummy old cream/browns color pallette too!
He is for sale right now on ebay and I have him as a 3-DAY... NO RESERVE style too, which means it will end this if you want to check him out or consider a bid, then click on the ebay button in the sidebar on my blog to get there.
Stay tuned for more creations, as I have alot going on in my studio!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

J - is for JURAF !

I just think these little giraffes are so darn cute! They are a nice cabinet size and will fit in just about any place you want to display them :)
This little one is a shabby vintage clown style with wonderful old grunged pink & cream ruff collar and little vintage pink pom-poms on the belly. Looks just like he was found in an antique trunk in the attic! He is now for sale on ebay in case you want to see lots more pictures and descriptions or consider purchasing...just click on my ebay button on my sidebar.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Old Bloo Sailor Juraf

What a whimsical giraffe...and he is my smaller size too! I thought I would try something really different. I had only a little bit of my old gray/blue color mohair left so I decided to try a little giraffe. I wasn't sure what color to use for the spots, but decided that an old soft grayish color would work nicely. And sure enough it did :)
Being that we are heading into the summer months with Memorial Day just around the corner....I decided to make him a little sailor style guy. I gave him one of my signature poker chip charms with the old vintage graphics of Little Pinkie the Sailor and a tiny sailor style collar.....geesh he really did come out very old looking and CUTE!
He is for sale on ebay now.....with a NO RESERVE 3-Day auction....which will end Thursday 5/13. So if you want to see lots more pictures & descriptions...then head on over to my ebay items.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


and more old ToYs....I love old toys! And this guy really does look just like an antique toy! He even sports a rare antique paper litho wood block letter "N" too :)
This is my smallest size Juraf...the second one I have ever made and boy are these guys adorable. He is now available for sale on ebay with no reserve and ends in 3 days. So if you want to see lots for pics then click on my ebay button.

I really like this small size...a must to add to your collection, especially if you are collecting only teacup size pieces :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Introducing a new SMALLER size Juraf!

Yup, I finally got around to making a smaller version of my Whimisical Juraf! I love the new small size...really cute and very much like an antique ToY. He is approximately 11" tall and can sit inside a standard teacup too. I know I will be making more of these guys in this size!

I did him in old toy colors and of course, my fave circus toy theme :) I have him available on ebay right now as a 3-day auction with no when you get a chance, pop on over there and check out all the details.

Monday, March 22, 2010

J is for JURAF !

OH MY! What a sweetie! This is the second dressed giraffe I made and I love the little vintage dolly dress in the old blues & swiss cream dots :) I also gave her an antique "J" childs toy alphabet block/tile .....cuz you know, J is for Juraf!

She is for sale on ebay right now with NO RESERVE and it will end in if you want to take a peek or perhaps place a bid, then just click on my ebay button on the side.