Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Monday, June 20, 2011
Zoey's First Ice Cream Sundae !
Well, now it's monday again....the start of another work I had better get back to work...........Enjoy your day!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
SNOW........LOTS OF SNOW !!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Waiting for Spring.........
And since I'm a baby about riding in the cold weather......we sit and wait.....the tack is ready just waiting.
Although the boys could care less! They would rather just hang around and be lazy, than to get saddled and worked a bit. We don't show horses anymore so they got it real easy!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Surgery In The Barn...
If you could spare a few minutes and send some prayers upstairs for my boy, would be greatly appreciated.
You see, for those who don't know me , my boys are my 3 horses....and the one that is in distress is Jack. He is a 7 yr old sorrel gelding. This past spring I saw something growing on his (private part) but thought it might just fall off over time. Well it never fell off , it just got bigger and bigger...about the size of a small was not pretty! Rather gross....bloody,pussy and looked alot like brains...well, you get the idea. Of course, the wonderful internet is perfect for research and I had alot of ideas as what it could be and none were good.
The vet came this morning and she tells me it is a tumor but not sure if it was cancerous. She wanted to refer me to a "horse hospital" to have it removed....which would have cost ALOT of money and no guarantees he would be cured. I have had my share of "hospital procedures" right here in my barn so she agreed to do the surgical removal right in the stall. We performed the rather disgusting task of surgery on his "you know what" to remove this tumor. In the end, she was able to get the stalk part that connected to the good skin but no guarantees it won't regrow. If it grows back.....well lets just say that means its cancer....and that is never a happy ending :(
So we need all the extra prayers that we can get so that this tumor is gone and won't ever come back!
Monday, June 16, 2008
A Little Weekend Down Time
What a weekend! The weather was perfect (a bit hot, but all sunshine on sunday).... thought I would share a bit of 'the boys' with you. Here they are having Sunday Breakfast on my backyard lawn......I don't have any green grass pasture for them to graze in so every chance I get, I'll just let them out to graze in the yard.
Here is Baby Jack
And finally Mr. Garret..... by the way, he is the king of the little herd. He was not happy when I chose to ride baby Jack for the trail ride today.....all that frantic pacing and very loud whinneys while me & my daughter left the barn .... but after he saw that he would have had to actually workout a bit....well, needless to say he calmed right down and I think he actually was laughing at the other boys...probably something like "na na na na na, I don't have to work today :) "
Love how these 2 pictures came out of Garret!
The 3 musketeers ...
Brought my camera along on the trail ride to see if I would be able to get some pictures...but because there were soooooo many deer flies attacking us and the horses ....they were totally frustrated and too jumpy to get much of any pictures. Perhaps next time when the flies are not so bad.
Here is my oldest daughter, Kaylee... she tried to run away when I was trying to take a picture of her while sitting on my horse... I'll get her next time ..hehe..
Went to my Mom & Dad's house on know, cuz it was Father's Day. I had to go and give my Daddy-O some fresh picked strawberries :) --- it was an enjoyable time just sitting around with them going through some old photographs and vintage jewelry........of course, they gave me gobs of information about each piece of jewerly and every photo......I tried to talk them into jotting down those little short stories and tidbits into a journal ...well, you can guess the look I got about that.....perhaps I will just show up someday with an old tape recorder and just revisit all those old photos and jewelry with them again.....and then I will have all those treasured stories to pass along to the next generation :) Happy Father's Day Dad!
Here is my baby dad and my grandfather
What a handsome little chap he was back in the day....
My Dad....a little James Deanish don't you think?
And of course, my beautiful Mom......dig those sunglasses Mom :0
My Mom & Dad...ooooh la la....and the best is yet to come Mom & Dad! Love ya always...your brat, wendy
And lastly......WAAAAA HOOOO... My daughter's team were CHAMPIONS at the tournament in Niagara Falls this weekend!!!!! OMG...they were undefeated....they had to play 7 games and in order to win and they took all of the games ......... walked away with this giant almost 5 foot tall trophy!!! Nice job girls....I'm soooo proud of you.
My standing in the middle right behind the giant trophy :)
and here she is getting her trophy from the head coach :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Boys Will Be Boys!
And this is Jack (7 yrs old aka-Poco Lil Red), my big baby.
Garret and Jack just checking me out wondering, "What the Heck, Mom, are ya gonna let us out or what?".....Nope I say,'s really nasty outside and I don't want you out in minus zero degree temps with winchill..........
And right before my eyes, (don't know how I got the picture),baby Jack decides he is gonna try to open Garret's stall door and try to escape! That Little Stinker! BOYS!