Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Antique Vanity fit for a shabby-chic Princess....

who is heading off to college in a few days.  
Mind you, this is the second antique vanity that I have given new life to.  The first antique vanity I never took before or after photos and it now belongs to one of my daughters(who will also take hers to college).....and now this antique vanity.  I remembered to do before and after photos so I could share.  This one now belongs to my other daughter....and she is taking it with her to college as well. (They both live off campus now..otherwise these would never have fit in a dorm room)  

my little helper

I actually picked up both antique vanities pretty cheap while scouring craigslist for weeks until I finally found 2!  You see both of my daughters are only about a year apart and it has been pretty much like having twins for the last 19 years...gotta get 2 of everything! 

They both really wanted shabby chic old feminine vanity sets.....not the new modern ones but the old antique kind like these.  (They are actually getting into the love of antiques & old stuff like me......LOL!!) 

 They both wanted them painted white with a little bit of distressing...not alot....they still are not quite into the really old chippy looking things YET.....hahahaha !

So I made my own chalk paint in an off creamy white and did just a tiny bit of distressing on this piece...and the best part is that she totally loves it!  I'm happy , they are happy and they both now have beautiful antique pieces of furniture to keep and pass down to their kids someday ;)

So if you have a little shabby-chic may want to find an antique vanity that nobody wants (try your local craigslistings)  and give it a little paint.....I bet your daughter would adore having one of these oldies....they just don't make them like these anymore! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Snug as a Bug in a BED!!!!!

This is how we pretty much sleep every night.  I guess my husband took an early morning photo of me & Zoey still sleeping.  We actually have a king size bed but I just happen to see that I am ALWAYS pushed to the very edge of the bed because my little cuddle bug gets smack in the middle (or should I say on my side of the bed)....LOL just like a person.....body under the covers and head out!  She usually starts out the night all the way under the covers pushed up against me or my husdands side.

Is this normal???  HAHAHAHAHA..... do you have a little cuddle bug that sleeps in bed with you too ?????

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I just want to wish you and your family a wonderous Thanksgiving! Enjoy the company of your family & friends, enjoy your dinner and I hope you have many things in your life to be thankful for.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oh Hell...... Went back to Hospital....

Just when I thought I was on the road to recovery......bamm.... back in the hospital on friday. I had a doctor appointment Friday and my pressure was back in scary 200's again..... he was concerned about my brain swelling again...... so he immediately sent me back to the hosptial :( I ended up staying in there for the whole weekend :( They needed to get the pressure down again & tweek my medications now I am home & hopefully my body can adjust to these medicines and get used to these new low blood pressure levels. My body has been so high strung for years that it just doesn't know how to run on "normal" blood pressure levels. I have made alot of adjustments to my diet as well.

So I am taking it easy and just taking one day at a time ..... the doctors say I can get back to making my little characters hopefully soon, I will have some more pieces made! Especially with Christmas fast approaching I will do my best :)

I want to thank you all so very much for all your wonderful comments, emails and helpful suggestions and especially for "holding my hand" while I walk through this touchy time of my life!!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Guess Who's 1 Year Old ????

That's right....little Zoey turned 1 years old yesterday :))) Had a little "party" for her last night....she did NOT like the party hat !

Monday, June 27, 2011

Congratulations to my Sweet Little Girl!

Hooray!!! My youngest daughter graduated from high school this weekend. I'm so proud of her. Now she will be off to college in the fall along with my other daugher. Wow! I can't believe I will be an "empty nester" in a couple months. I got used to my older daughter away to college last year, so I am prepared for when the baby goes off......well, at least I think I am anyway. I'm such a "softie" I pretty much cry at all major events. I even cry when they give me sentimental cards...ack! What will I be like when they actually get married..... I can wait on that event!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Zoey's First Ice Cream Sundae !

We had such a gorgeous weekend. All sunshine and warm temps! We took the fathers up to Alexandria Bay 1000 Islands for a lunch & scenic cruise on the Uncle Sam Boat Tours and we also toured Boldt Castle.....was a fantastic afternoon.

And we took little Zoey out for ice cream. She got a little doggy's vanilla ice cream with little dog bisquits.....boy did she LOVE this treat! And my boys enjoying the sunshine as well!

Well, now it's monday again....the start of another work I had better get back to work...........Enjoy your day!

Little Zoey on the back deck......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm busy working in the studio today..........

Little Zoey says......Have a HAPPY DAY !!!!!
It's already a hot morning....temps are going to be record high today.........but ya know, I'm not going to complain because we had such a cold snowy looooong winter.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A Whirl Wind Of Activity .........

here at the Whendi's Bear Homefront! Not much toy making has been accomplished this week......but.......we just celebrated my youngest daughter's 18th Birthday this week (pictured above) .... and...she had her Senior Ball . Her and her date (above) looked fabulous ! We went to a butterfly garden in the lake park to take some pictures. It was kinda bittersweet for me, as this is the last of the proms & balls because she is also graduating this June from high school....yikes! She will be off to college in the fall....and will be playing basketball on the women's college team...... AND...... we had to take the 3hr drive out to pick up my older daughter at her college, help her pack up her things from her dorm room and drive the 3 hrs back home. I'm really proud of her...she made it through her freshman year ......yay! Phew, now I should be able to get back into the creative mode again.......stay tuned.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I've Got My Eyes On You Baby!

Isn't she something! I met her 6 years ago before she was drivable....and fell in love with her.

She's a 1969 Volkswagon Convertible Beetle

You see, friends of ours own collector cars, and he has owned this girl since 1995. She has been stored away for 10 years before he began to work on her. Last year he finally was able to put her on the road. And I finally was able to take a ride with her the other day. She was just like a well worn comfortable pair of jeans !!! She's not quite fully restored but I don't care. My friend has been talking about selling her, he needs room in his garage for "other" toys now...... OMG the heck with the girls college fund....... I need a "BUG" fund! ...LOL.... [sigh] A girl can dream ya know.......

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little ZOEY......

Zoey playing dress up ...wearing a black & white polka dot bandana...LOL...she really didn't know what to think of it ;)

She is 4 months old now....I can't believe how big she has grown!
Her ears are almost straight up...they have a cute little curl at the tips ...and she has one side of her nose that is white :)

She naps under my computer desk. I put her little dog bed under there because she just decided that it was the best place to nap while Mom works ;) (here she is stretching and crawling out after a nap) --- Oh my, I think it's time to vacuum & mop the floors in the studio again .....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Look How Big I Am !!!

Yup....little Zoey is now 12 weeks old :) ...and I can't believe how much she has grown and changed. Her ears are so funny right ear folds down in the back and the other still flops around. She is definately a Mama's girl ;)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Look what my family gave me for Christmas!

A little baby girl Boston Terrier puppy! She is soooooo tiny and extremely adorable! Our pictures are not very good because these were taken with our camera phones. I'll get better ones soon to share ;)
We named her Zoey

We have already made her a couple little sweaters to wear from some old socks! She was a total surprise to me. Everybody knew about the puppy but me......after we opened presents and I was picking up the wrappings.....they brought out a box all wrapped up and making little whining/squeeky noises....I whipped opened the top.....and.....OMG!!!!!! What sweetness.....I snatched her up and immediately started to cry......she is perfect.
I hope all of you & your family enjoyed Christmas and that the day was Merry & Bright!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Had to Share my Gym Results!

I just had to share and pat myself on the I looked at myself in the mirror and said look pretty good and I had to take a picture to show off my new skinny body. I am actually wearing my daughters old abercrombie jeans....low rise and all....Holy Crap! 7 months ago there was no way in hell I was able to ever fit into these......but you see, we joined a gym back in February and I have been faithfully working out almost 3 times per week.
Like all women, I have been wanting to lose weight but tried all the diets and nothing worked until I actually started working out. I started out doing Zumba a couple times a week and then really got hit by the workout bug and just kept taking the really challenging workout classes. After 7 months of working out I am actually down to my "wedding day" weight.
Since I sit most of the day working...the only solution I had to ever lose weight was to get off my butt and go to the gym. So far I dropped 3 pant sizes and 20 pounds.
I never thought I could do it but now that I am, it actually feels good. So if you have been thinking about starting a workout, but hate the idea of actually "working out".......take a ZUMBA class for a couple months and you will feel soooooo much better and it gets you moving, you lose weight and it's FUN! Trust me it worked for me ;) And I really haven't changed my eating habits all that much. I still eat foods that are bad for now I just have to "train" myself to eat healthier ;)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dog Day Afternoons....NOT!

I don't usually get much time to post about my other "children" of the household.... but this was priceless and I had to share ...LOL .....what a life! My FAT Stewie taking a nap..... trying to keep cool.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

#20......My Shining Star!

I thought I would share a few of my favorite photos of my younger daughter playing basketball. She is #20. Most of you know that she plays basketball and is working hard to play in college. She will be a senior in high school this coming year ....

No way, No how, are you getting this ball!

Going for a 3-pointer......SWISH! She finished her school year ranked 2nd with the most number of 3-point shots made in the league ;)

Reminds me of a Michael Jordan Move...LOL!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Graduation Day Class of 2010

This weekend was the graduation ceremony of my oldest baby. She graduated from high school and will now be going off to college this fall . I'm so very proud of all her accomplishments :)
My girls..... next year will be another graduation!

We are still getting ready for the big party.....lots of things to do yet!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Greetings!

I hope everybody enjoyed the Easter Holiday :) I know we did! We had the most incredible weather, temps in the high 80's.
And of course, doesn't every cat have to climb into an empty basket for a is my Missy cat squeezed into a small Easter basket...LOL....

Well, it's back to work in the studio this week.....should have some new creations available soon.