Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2009

What a Wonderful Birthday Celebration!

It was my oldest daughters 18th birthday this weekend and boy did we try to give her a nice day to remember. It started out by me & my younger daughter making her an unforgettable cake. I'm really pleased at how it turned out...... it only took us about 4 hrs.....ack! But it was well worth it! It's a double layer chocolate & vanilla cake on the bottom and a smaller vanilla cake on top. I made homemade frosting in various tinted colors and tried to make some cool designs with the frosting tips. I bought those cake pillars and a bright package bow. I then had some colorful plastic balls and put them on some bent wire....came out really cool even against my youngest daughters wishes.... "oh god Mom...those look stupid" she said. But not to me...I told her "it has my queer artsy creative touch".
She had a bunch of girlfriends over to spend the night....or should I say stay up ALL NIGHT...I don't think they actually slept!

I think my Missy cat stayed up with them all night too.....she decided to take a little nap one of the presents we gave her the next day.
That evening we went to an awesome restaurant called Ichiban. If you have never been to one of these Japanese restaurants, you MUST GO! They cook & prepare your dishes right in front of you on a hibachi that everybody sits around. The table fits 10 and we had 6 in our party. The food is so fresh and absolutely delish! We got a 4 course meal for under $20 plus you get a little show while you watch your food being prepared! There was no way we could finish everything and we all had to bring the rest home.....which is great for me I'm actually eating my leftovers for lunch today! YUMM-O

After dinner, the staff came over to our table and sang Happy Birthday in Japanese and she got a little cupcake..... unfortunately I did not get a picture of that :(

Here are my girls....birthday girl on the left.
After dinner, we topped her evening off with a little drive through our local..... "Lights on the Lake" ... where you take your car full of people and drive about 3.5 miles through a spectacular display of holiday lights and figures! I have to concentrate on CHRISTMAS!!!!! Well, no time for's back to work for me. Have a great day!