Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Book Recommendation

Over the past year, I have been making some lifestyle can call it more "ME" time. For example, I have been faithfully going to the gym and working out at least 3 days a week. But just recently, I decided I wanted to get back into reading books. I love reading but never found time, especially with my 24/7 job and taking care of kids when they were younger and the horses of course ;) So my book reading always had to take a backseat. Well, now that my girls are older I have more "ME" time. I am one of those people that like to read the book first before seeing the movie. To me, the books are always way better than the movie. But the way I read it would cost me a fortune if I had to buy every book. If the book is good, I can sit and read it within 2 nights. So I joined my local library and and took out some books that are suppose to become movies in the future. The first book I finsihed was "Blood Red Road" it was good, different, more si-fi....reminded me of the mad max thunderdome movie. But the next book I took out was called "Tigers Curse". Really a great read. Auther was inspired by the Twilight series and she is writing 5 books for this saga. However, these books do not have vampires ;) I am going to be reading the next book in the series....I have read all the reviews and they say it is better than book #1. Now my daughter is reading the first book and I know she will really love it. Rumor has it that this series will become a movie.....just like the twilight books thought I would recommend a good read for you , especially if you like to read the books before movies. Happy Reading!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Do you enjoy reading? Want a few books to read over the lazy summer afternoons or even the long cold winter nights?? Well, as you know, I'm still going through my Mom's house. She loved to read...I mean loved it! We have over 500 books (not kidding) to sell and they are mostly brand new or in perfect condition.

I am going to try to sell some on ebay.... multiple book lots too. I'll probably try to group them by author. So if you want to get some great deals on books that are in mint condition.....just pop on over to my ebay auctions. OR just send me an email if you are interested in books! They are mostly hardcovers too. She belonged to several book clubs.

This bunch is on ebay right now ..... they are all brand new never read hardcover books. These are the kind of books I will be selling. Although some I have are paperbacks too.
So check back often!