Showing posts with label bobble heads. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bobble heads. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

NEW DESIGN+++++ Jolly BoY.... the

standing swivel head BOSTON TERRIER Clown style ToY DOG!!
I revisted my original Bobblehead design and made this design into a swivel jointed head style instead of the bobblehead spring neck....I really love the way this turned out.  He is JOLLY BOY because he wears one of my signature vintage poker chip charms with vintage Jolly Boy Licorice Candy graphics....really neat!  He turned out adorable and would be a perfect addition to any vintage toy collection! 

He is now available on ebay....3-day auction style... with NO RESERVE... I took tons of pictures so pop over and check him out when you get the is the link

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bobble Heads at the show.......

Been busy in the studio working on pieces to bring to the upcoming show next weekend .  Hope you can stop by and shop the show.  There are alot of outstanding artists that will be exhibiting.  And don't forget to go to the website and print out a discount admission coupon too ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bobble Head Old ToY Ellyfont

is now immediately available on ebay..... a charming little old cream & soft blue color toy clown ellyfont :)  So if you have been wanting a little bobble head to add to your collection....this is the opportunity as I have listed him as a buy-it-now.  Here is the link   He even has a little antique toy billiard ball that dangles from a piece of rusty chain ;)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FUN-ky Folkart Halloween Bobble CAT !!

Awhile back I made a similar whimsical funky folkart cat using really cool vintage buttons...unfortunately I only had those 2 and could not make another....BUT I rummaged though my button box and found another really COOL set of buttons.....perfect for another version of my fun-ky folkart cat.....but this one I did as a bobble head and as a Halloween Witch!  She is now available on ebay as a 3-day auction with NO is the link if you want to take a peek!

Isn't she just the sweetest....she is all handtinted using blacks & old oranges......I just love all these colors together :) 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A New BoBBLE HEAD........

a little BOSTON TERRIER Dog!
I love making these new bobble Head designs (I make a special spring jointed neck so their heads bob & sway) ....and this little sweetheart turned out really nice :)  He is now for sale on reserve......when you get a chance pop over and check him out... here is the link

Friday, September 2, 2011

Introducing a NEW DESIGN.....


I have been wanting to make a bobblehead for a very long time.....and I finally got around to doing it!  These little guys (8" tall) are free standing and have jointed arms and spring jointed necks so that the head can bob & sway just like a bobble head :)
He is one of my orginal unique "out of the box" designs and I have never seen anything like him before....I hope you like him as much as I had fun designing & making him!
This is my first one and I really love him...he turned out very old looking ... much like a little shabby old carnival prize....I have him for sale right now on ebay....3-day auction style with no is the link

Well I better get back in the studio as I must make some more of these charming little bobbles ;)