Showing posts with label Studio News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Studio News. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Here Ye' ... Here Ye'... Got Some Studio News.....

 I am so honored to be a featured artist published in the current April 2013 issue of  Teddy Bear & Friends Magazine!!! 
 A wonderful article about Me, Zoey & my characters written by Stephanie Finnegan.....

if you can't find one of the magazines at your local retailer you can purchase an online version  for $1.99 us dollars at

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Valentine's Day Is Just Around The Corner....

and I'm busy working in the studio on some pieces ........  Just a little FYI ..... I don't always post here on my blog when I have new pieces available.... but I will always post on my facebook page  .... Whendi's Bears.....  so the best place to keep tabs on my work available is to "like" my facebook page.

Monday, January 14, 2013

A ZOEY'S Uber-chic....before & after piece...

I was working on some new pieces for my Zoey's Uber-Chic shop over the weekend and thought I would share a piece I did with a regular new oversized wall clock.  The before clock was ok but I think lacked character...... It is made of wood and metal so it is perfect materials to work on.     I repainted, renumbered  and distressed the clock.... and now a gorgeous very distressed Industrial Chic style wall clock..... I will be bringing this and other pieces this week to the shop for anybody who is within distance....

Friday, November 30, 2012

Introducing the TiNY's..... & a 21st birthday...YIKES

 I have been busy in the studio experimenting with sizes of my patterns....
 and have come up with the smallest size I have ever done.... approx 5" ....yikes... for me that is TiNY !  I have said it in the past how I admire the people who make minis!  My hands/wrists/fingers just can't get coordinated enough to make them small.......too many years of "hand" abuse use with the ol' carpal tunnel everytime I take the plunge and reduce my pattern sizes.... it is a HUGE challenge for me.
But I have been getting alot of encouragment from you guys out there sending me nice comments and emails..... so I will continue to make these TiNY's ......
I would ultimately like to make a TiNY version of all of my past designs......but not sure how that will work out ......  but I will be back in the studio creating more little TiNY's ..... so stay tuned.... hopefully you can nab one for a Christmas Present for you or someone else ;) -------  Ack , I can't believe Christmas is just a few weeks away.... I am NOT ready ..... I have my oldest Daughter who will be turning 21 next week!!!!!!   OMG...YEs,  I said 21 !  Where in the heck does the time fly????? 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Well I have been crazy busy..... expanding & growing the business.
As you know I posted earlier that not only do I make soft sculpture art pieces me & my husband also do repurposing and dabble in all things antiques & vintage.
I have been wanting a place to setup shop and sell my items and we finally did it! 
 It took months of researching but we finally got a space in an antique mall co-op shop and got it all set up the other day....which is about an 1 1/2 hour drive from me...unfortunately there was absolutely nothing here in my local city that was comparable....too much "flea" if you know what I mean ;)
Anyway, I will eventually introduce my bears, dawgs & other soft sculpture there as well but wanted to get my other pieces out of my studio....all of this has been sitting in my studio and was to the point of not being able to move anymore.........gosh I finally have some space again!
The first thing I told my husband was that we need to make a HARWOOD FLOOR for my space.  I was not liking the ugly carpet and it was just so drab looking...I was going for the unique looking "industrial chic style" (modern) looking space.  So he made me a 'floor" from 2 pieces of heavyduty plywood and we stained it ebony....Love how it turned out and it was low cost for the "pop" factor I was looking for. 
And I am calling my new business space.....
LOL....yup, inspired from my little boston Zoey....
Soooooooo if you are in the Rochester New York area.... please stop in and check out my space.....  here is a little ad I put together ....
A NEW Uber-Chic shop has now opened - come and check it out.

Artist repurposed Antiques & Lighting for you & your home in super cool  Industrial Urban Chic, French Chic & Cottage/Shabby primitive Styles!  And all prices are affordable too !!!!!

 If you like the unusual unique ONE-OF-A-KIND then you will really like the items in this new shop.  Check it out often as new pieces arrive weekly.

Repurposed pieces such as benches made from a antique beds & reclaimed 1800's barn board for the seats, messenger bags/purses from Vintage Military duffel bags & foreign war bags all fully lined, various feather down pillows,   steampunk urban unique repurposed lighting, repurposed antique trunks & luggage for storage accent tables and coffee tables...etc......and of course lots of antiques & vintage items mixed in too!

 A space Located INSIDE  Liberty Hollow, 4975 Ridge Road W. (Rt 104), Spencerport NY 14559  -----  over 15,000 sq. ft. of Antiques, Collectibles, Gifts and HANDMADE!

Open 7 days a week 10am - 5pm ..... Thursdays open even later you can shop right after work...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Paint Pony Published!

A big congratulations goes out to my fellow friend bear/ mixed media artist Karen O'Brien.  Not only does she make amazing teddy bears but she also is a superb mixed media artist.  She can transform the ordinary into something is a perfect example.

She was inspired by my little painted pony and put her creative twist & talent into transforming what was once real ...into a now wonderfully adorable IMAGINARY ANIMAL!  And, of course, I was 100% behind her with this challenge.  I knew about it months ago and had my fingers crossed she would be chosen...and she was!

Her work has just been published in a new book called Drawing And Painting IMAGINARY ANIMALS by Carla Sonheim ....(hear crowd clapping and whistling).....

Now I must go out and get myself a copy of the book.   If you have not seen Karen's work then you must click on her link above and check out her blog, she is simply amazing!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Just crazy here doing last minute show preparations.... I will be heading off for the show tomorrow morning....Hope you can stop by! Here are the details...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bobble Heads at the show.......

Been busy in the studio working on pieces to bring to the upcoming show next weekend .  Hope you can stop by and shop the show.  There are alot of outstanding artists that will be exhibiting.  And don't forget to go to the website and print out a discount admission coupon too ;)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take a deep breath ....

and remember to look up at the sky.......

Thought I would share some news about a little short publication that many of you may not have heard of. It's called SPOONFUL....or what I call, "Happiness for the Soul". It is an Artsy Inspiring short publication created in Australia. In each issue there is a featured section called "Object of Affection". A random object is chosen and artists create something that will "fit" with the theme. And in this issue the Object is

"Flying Elephants"

I actually never heard of this publication until I was contacted a few months ago by the editor. She invited me to participate in the "Object of Affection" by creating anything to do with flying elephants. There were no rules.....just use your imagination and the only rule was that is had to be something about a flying elephant. I had alot of fun making this piece for the publication...... here she is

My version of a flying elephant.....I made an iTTY-BiTTY little flutterby flying ELLYFONT ;)

So if you would like to get your own copy of this charming publication just click on

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just a Heads Up...I will have a NEW DESIGN ...

tomorrow........he is a very adorable little guy.....I couldn't introduce him it is too late to take good pictures...the natural daylight is now gone ....SO WE WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW...
Well...he's not quite a new design...but a new "breed" with lots of handtinting ;)....shhhhh I wonder what he is ...can you guess?

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I have been busy here in my studio working on new designs. I should have "it" completed by tomorrow for his big debut...... so check back later ;) I believe this design is one of my more "complex yet effective".... meaning...... "harder yet detailed enough so you get the design idea"......if that makes any sense..LOL!
This is what sits on my worktable .... my wonderful, mostly vintage, brushes passed down to me by my father....he no longer uses them so he gave them to me after my Mom passed away and we cleaned out the house. I put them in an old vintage pewter mug. Heaven forbid I show you the rest of my studio.....YIKES...what a MESS!
Enjoy your evening ..... see you tomorrow !

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Here They Are...Little Simple Bears

now for sale on ebay....... A simple old brown bear and a little vintage seaside cottage clown bear.... Just click on my ebay button to get there....
Phew, just 2 more days to go and it will be the big graduation party for my daughter. We still have alot to do...I think I have been to the grocery store 100 times so far and I have to go back again today for more ingredients to make dips, desserts and some more side dishes tonight. Along with all the other items on our menu, the main dish is chicken. We have 50 whole chickens to BBQ! Our neighbor has one of those great big BBQ cookers that you tow behind a truck ...well he has so graciously volunteered to be our "chicken cooker" for the day :)......
I'm going to try to remember to take pictures of the big day and the festivities......

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Little Advance Notice!

OH my....I surprise myself sometimes.....I actually got organized this time and will be able to let you know in ADVANCE that I will have a few "simple little pieces" for sale on ebay. Not sure what time exactly, but, nonetheless, I will be listing stay tuned :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

SHHHHH.....Sneak Peek for PFATT ! time sure does fly! I can't believe it's that time again for THE PFATT MARKETPLACE update on the 10th of this month. I finally got a piece completed and thought I would share a little sneak peek :) ---- and yes he is a wonderful, very old & grungy...oops...not suppose to give it have to stop by this Thursday morning and see for yourself ..tee hee...

Gosh, besides working all day in the studio, things are getting pretty crazy around here. I have 2 teenage daughters that are both driving who have to share the same car (without fighting...ya right!) , the last days of school are upon us, one is graduating, we are attending all the end-of-year award banquets and such for school, trying to plan & prepare for a grad party, still going to AAU basketball tournaments with my youngest, getting paperwork & such completed for college entrance....and on and on...... phew....I think I'll just kick back here in my studio and be's the only thing that keeps me kidding!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm Honored & Thrilled !

To once again be awarded one of the Top Traditional Artisans in America, from the Early American Life Magazine. WOW! This will be my 7th consecutive year to receive this honor!

Here is a little bit about the Directory :
The Directory of Traditional American Crafts is an honor bestowed on a handful of artisans who work in traditional media, styles, and crafts, an award that singles out their work as the best now produced in America today. Each year a jury of museum curators, collectors, and other authorities selects the work of the top traditional crafters working in America to be honors and listed in the Directory, which appears in Early American Life magazine.
In addition to being an honor for the artists, the Directory is also a buying guide. It presents to you a selection of the best historically informed handwork in America today. The Directory will help you select the best furniture, pottery, ironwork, decorative objects, and more for period-correct decorating, collecting, or movie-making." (quote from Early American Life)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

General Brown Bear & his trusted Bull Dog

Wow..did this set come out really awesome. This is my jumbo size bear and he comes with the vintage bull dog too!
I found this really great vintage doll coat which fit him perfect accept for a little altering at the bottom. It looked so much like a military jacket that it was begging for some vintage and antique pins/medals. So I added a few from my little stash :)
During his photoshoot I put one of my vintage dogs, from my private collection, in there for a prop....but because they totally looked perfect together I decided I would include him with the bear. The bulldog is all orginal and all I did was add a piece of rusty chain. The colors from the dog and bear just blend perfectly if they were always together from the start :)
They come as a set and are now available on ebay. Just click my ebay button on the side to check out lots more photos and details.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Here Ye ..Here Ye... Check out the latest.....

Teddy Bear & Friends Magazine !

TOOT --TOOT.....that's me blowing my own horn :)
I'm thrilled and honored to have been published in TB&F Magazine.... so I just had to share it with you guys.

Hot off the press, in the new Spring 2010 issue of Teddy Bear & Friends is a fabulous right up about me & my bunny rabbits written by Felicia Hymer!
Here is a peek inside the article featuring me and 5 other fab artists in a feature article called "A Herd of Spring Bunnies" ...... the artists include; Art Rogers, Kay Stahler, LoriAnne Corelis, Amber Rose and Shelly Allison. They all make the most wonderful rabbits!
You simply must check it out!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

It's that time again.....

It's the first of the month update at The Primitive Gathering ! So pop on over and check out all the great artist creations that will be available on February 1st ...... thought I would share what I will be offering since I'm a bit late for a sneak peek .......
If you love the OLD & WORN antique look....then this guy is for you! He is in my Jumbo size too....and just in time for your Valentine!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

New Smaller Size .....

Little Lop-Ear Butin Buni (Button Bunny)
and she wears a vintage dolly dress with antique finds!
I decided to make the Buni in my smaller cabinet size and boy did she turn out cute....if you love old antique bears, dolls & toys....then this little gal wants to come home with you :)
She is available right now on ebay..... As a 1-DAY auction with No just click on my ebay button to see lots more pics & details.

I better get back to work because I have to finish up a piece for the upcoming THE PRIMITIVE GATHERING update on February 1st. Stay tuned for a sneak peek......

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's My FIRST......

Dressed Juraf!!!
Oh boy did this giraffe turn out cute. I must say it was kinda hard to put a little dress on the giraffe after spending so much time doing the handtinted spots all over the body....just to cover them up. But, I'm really pleased I tried it because she turned out very nice.

She wears a little vintage pink polka dot dolly dress with vintage trims. I have put her for sale on ebay .... as a 3-day auction with no reserve. So if you want to see lots & lots of pictures and details, just click on my ebay button to get there.


Also, I wanted to mention that The Bear Scout will be representing some of my pieces at the upcoming San Diego, CA teddy bear show .... Jan 16 & 17. For those who want to attend, there is a coupon for the show at along with more information about that show.