Showing posts with label For Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For Sale. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Come see the New Mini Designs.......

Oh My just look at this darling mini Puppy Dog ...a new mini design at 5"...with a cheeky head, chubby tummies, long curved arms, and tiny cute feet..... this cutie is hand tinted black markings...... 

Stay tuned for more characters.......  do "like" me on facebook where you get up to date posts on new pieces when they become available....

Friday, January 3, 2014

NEW Chubbies ! a new Fat Classic Ted

The best place to find out what is happening in the world of Whendi's to "like" my Whendi's Bears FACEBOOK page ;)

Monday, November 25, 2013


an adorable iTTY-BTTY 6" size old bear wearing a little aged primitive dress I made from vintage polka dot textiles..... she is now on ebay...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

NEW DESIGN... a TiNY Romantic MOUSE....

This is a new TiNY design.... a mouse...with his "cheeky" style head and round ears.  All hand tinted markings in browns & white accents.  Oh so romantic in soft pinks & creams......She has long curved style feet and a cute curly tail too!  Now available on ebay.... pop over and check her out when you get the chance.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Little French Romantic PoPPET available...

I have a little french romantic pink & cream Poppet with the antique german dolly head.... now available on ebay....  pop over and chec her out when you get the chance...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Open & Close Mouth French Bulldog...

Introducing a NEW DESIGN .... my love of the 1890's papier mache french bulldogs has inspired me yet again, to make something similar.....I finally got the open & close mouth mechanism that is like those old frenchies....

He is now available on ebay..... pop over and check him out...his auction will end tomorrow....

Thursday, July 11, 2013


I am getting really bad about not updating my blog...I seem to only post on my Whendi's Bears Facebook page with new pieces.....
I have been working on larger pieces again and did this fantastic cabinet size french bulldog...he is done with tan base and a black mask...wears an old leather collar & antique sleigh bell
Now available on ebay...pop over and check him out

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Old Gray & White Hare...

I have been making larger size old frumpy rabbits lately with lots of artsy details....this one is done is gray and handtinted white belly & facial features..... now on ebay

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Paint Show PoNY...

He is adorable!  In my TiNY size, a brown spotted paint show pony now available on ebay.... as a ONE DAY only auction style...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Adorable Frenchie now Available....

Got a TiNY old blue/gray French Bulldog with charcoal gray spots...wearing an adorable outfit and vintage 1970's dog tag....He is available on ebay right now ..but only for ONE DAY... so pop over and check him out....

Friday, May 3, 2013

NEW DESIGN... a Scarlet Macaw PARROT Bird...

He was fun to make and fun to do the handtinting in different colors!  He is a new TiNY design with cool details.... now available on ebay...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Introducing a NEW Dog Breed.... the PEKINGESE...

She is such a cutie patootie... she is my first Pekingese Dog and she has lots of details... open mouth with tongue and eye lids too.  Oh and she is a TiNY too!

 She is now available on ebay as a ONE DAY only auction...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A Sweet Floppy Wobble Head Wabbit....

Got a TiNY "cheeky" Wobble Head Wabbit wearing an adorable little vintage dolly outfit and carries handmade crocheted flower basket.....All floppy and Frumpy one of a kind piece and perfect for Mom ;)  Now available on ebay as a ONE DAY auction style ... no reserve.... hop over and check her out when you get the chance...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I would like to introduce to you a brand new first ever design.... the MuNKi .... [giggle] he is definately a one of a kind character with lots of details on this piece. 
 I love to do my work in the vintage circus what is a circus without a MONKEY right?!
Well here he is .... he is now available one EBAY as a one day only auction with no reserve.... swing on over and check him out ....

Monday, April 22, 2013

Best Friend - Boston Terrier available...

 Got a TiNY Boston Terrier now available on a ONE DAY ONLY auction style with No Reserve.  He is a cutie and wears  a vintage metal dog tag...this dog is my best friend......

Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Cutie Patootie..,TiNY Old Gold ELLYFONT

now available on ebay.... as a ONE DAY ONLY auction style..NO Reserve.... and wears a hanmade TiNY clown romper with little rare size vintage poker chip with vintage circus clown graphics.....  pop over and check him out when you get the chance....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

TiNY Old Gold Circus Clown Bear now available....

on ebay.... he is a charmer...and just look at his cute unique hat.  He wears an outfit made from vintage flag textiles too..... pop over and check him out when you get the chance...