
11:15 AM 55 Comments

Today it's overcast and misty here in Ontario.  It's really feeling like the start of Fall and I keep thinking of all the knitting I need to get done before winter is here!  Accessory knitting is something that seems to happen easily for me on this side of the world as we're heading into winter.  I love the quick satisfaction of it - you can try out a new stitch pattern or colour combo without having to slug your way through an entire garment.

(One thing I realized about winter in Canada the first year we were here is that accessories are a necessity.  In New Zealand I'd send the girls out to the school bus with a hat on and I'd be lucky if they'd wear it for 5 minutes, gloves were annoying and scarves just got in the way.  But here in Canada you don't leave the house in winter without everything being covered!  My two-year old boy even let me wrap him up in a scarf so that only his eyes could be seen and didn't even complain!)

My latest design, Baloolah, is a great stash buster pattern for those odds and ends of colour you want to use up.  Just choose a neutral base and mix and match the colour-pop section with whatever you have on hand - you could even have a different colour for each section!

The sample was knit in Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky, but would work well in any yarn weight.  It's knit in the round as a tube with increases and decreases to create a diagonal fabric.  Being knit in a tube it's double thickness - so double warmth!

Thanks to the great team at Holla Knits for including me in this collection!  I'm already looking through my stash to find some yarn to make another one as my Big Miss has claimed the sample as her own!

You can find the pattern for sale on Love Knitting, Craftsy, Ravelry and Holla Knits.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. Very cool scarf. Scarf/hats needed down South here as well. You'd be proud of me, done my first pair of Vintage Purls Max socks and onto two at a time 4ply with a cable (about 1/4 way through) ... missing you and thinking of you heaps!

  2. Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks for sharing.

  3. 7D207D3139AlishaD5FE74BE22December 31, 2024 at 1:30 AM

    ucuz takipçi


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