
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Milk glass

Some lovely new milk glass to show and tell. Just the nudge I needed to get me blogging.
I am pretty darn excited about these pieces. They all found their way to me over the past few weeks.

Firstly, the sweetest little pear dish. So different than anything else I have in my collection. This was gifted by the lovely and generous Kylie. I especially love the back as well. Such a pretty little piece.

This goblet was picked up at my local oppy for $2.00 and these pretty bowls were also thrifted, $2.00 for both.

And lastly, a special little vase that came all way from England. My inlaws have just returned from a one month holiday in the UK. They found this in a second hand store and were not even certain it was milk glass. Thank goodness they decided to snag it. I am absolutely thrilled to have this well travelled piece in my collection. 

Monday, May 26, 2014


My sister in law gave this piece of milkglass to me for my birthday a couple of months back. I love it. She was on holidays at the time and was checking various little old wares stores in the hope of finding me a piece. Eventually she found this little treasure at some local markets. I love it's pretty scalloped edge but even more so, I love the thought that went into finding it. Definately a piece I'll treasure.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Treasure hunting

And just like that, the set was completed!

The other day, my friend Yvette came to visit and we went for a little drive in the country. We visited the lovely town of Lockhart and the AMAZING second hand store, Ginge and Fluffs. Yes. Ginge and Fluffs. I'm thinking cats but the mind boggles! Next time I'll be sure to ask ;) It was there at Ginge and Fluffs that I picked up the last bowl in my pyrex set.

PS Thank you for your lovely offer Mel. I would surely have taken you up on it had I not been lucky enough to find this one.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Pretty florals-thrifted and gifted

Lately I been lucky enough to find and receive some beautiful fabrics. Gorgeous Kylie generously sent some brand new still in their packets floral sheeting my way. Too beautiful to snip into but perfect for my little loves bed. Thank you once again!!! Kylie. There are some beautiful thoughtful people in blogsville aren't there? It's a funny place to make friends but somehow we do.

My dear friend Yvette gifted me this beautiful barkcloth recently. I love it so much! She made the sweetest dress out of it and gifted the rest onto me. Thank you Yvette. I hope I can come up with something as lovely as your beautiful dress.

While dropping off bags of loot to the oppy recently, I picked up some lovely velvet fabric. Definately enough for a skirt, I think. This sweet lace made it home with me as well. No clue what I'm going to do with it. Sign me up for hoarders!

A couple more florals for the stash as well. The lemon/grey is a sheet and the other is a bedspread. To chop or not to chop is the question!

Are you still thrifting up a storm? Have you been sewing lately?
Sadly, I have not! But I am collecting and dreaming so when inspiration strikes time permits, I will be ready!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I've caught the bug!

It seems I've caught the sewing bug and over the past few weeks I've been stitching and have happily cut into some of my vintage sheets.

I made a couple of wrap skirts for two beautiful women. Unknown to each other but both are kind, funny  and thoughtful. I loved sewing every stitch.  Making something is so much more enjoyable when it is for someone else, I think.

I also stitched a pillowcase dress for my littlest love. It was one of those things I have been meaning to make since forever.

My big girl liked it and so I turned another thrifted pillowcase on it's side and made her a little top. She prefers converse boots and cut off jeans to mama made clothes but this one was a winner so I am pleased.

And last but not least, I salvaged this piece from my wip's box. I tried to make a skirt a long time ago but I cut the band all wrong and it didn't fit so it was tossed aside for another day. I attached the skirt to a singlet that I picked up at Cotton On so I guess I cheated a bit with this one but at least it's out of the wips box and in my cupboard. I feel like a big dork in these photos too but I am okay with that. Actually, I am hoping the thrifted macrame belt steals your attention away from the big dork!

Right then! I am off to make a cuppa and breathe. This silly post took me SO long. First I lost all my words and then I lost some of the pictures. And I almost lost my nerve!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New loves

A new purse. Much needed, $10 from a second hand store.

A new rose tapestry, $1.00 from the oppy. Gosh I totally wish the maker knew how much I love it and appreciate their work.

And these pieces of perfection were a total splurge at $50.00 for the pair!

My depression glass collection is only small because I am never prepared to pay the prices but these were a must have. I totally blame Kylie for this puchase because she sent me this gorgeous painting and can see where this is heading.

Life imitating art? I think so!
Linking in with Max and the other show offy types.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thrifted and gifted

Over Christmas there have been a few bits and bobs of treasure given and received.
First up this gorgeous bakers was gifted to me by oldest and bestest friend. She bought it a while back and has been looking after it for me in her home; I spotted it at a recent visit and well..the rest is history.

At another recent visit, I knocked over my full glass of wine and broke one of her favourite glasses. Beautiful to drink out of (apparently, I didn't even get one sip!) Worse, it was a beautiful piece of thrifted milkglass and worse still, gifted by her sister the previous Christmas! As I headed off for a night out I was googling milkglass on ebay in the cab and willing that I find a replacement piece. No such luck unfortunatey. Said friend was cool about the whole incident but of course I felt terrible.

Only 1 week later, the thrifting gods smiled upon me as I was browsing in a little country oppy. I was in the little town of Ganmain as they had some Christmas Markets on. The local oppy was also open and after a quick browse I continued on through the markets. Just before leaving the markets, I decided to pop back in for some fowlers jars and this little cup. I could not believe my eyes when I spotted this little lone milkglass goblet on the shelf. Yesss! THE very same one! What is the chance?! Hard core thrifters may not be surprised and I know you can imagine how happy it made me! I've told my story to anyone who will listen and needless to say, it's owner happily received it as part of her Chrissy pressie-the best part in my opinion.

$2.00 fowler jar. Can never have enough of these especially one that's sporting a gold lid.

I'll leave you with a some snaps of our my littlest love. She was gifted this little vintage dress. It was picked up at the oppy's after Christmas sale for a buck or two. She would not let me take her picture unless I let her have the get the idea though. It's such a sweet little dress. I especially love the button up front and the red ties on the sleeves.

Linking in with Max and gang over here.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A little smattering of this and that

Last weekend my big girl and I enjoyed a little drive in the country to visit some Twilight Markets.
The main street was lined with little stalls. The road was closed off and there were carriage rides by some gorgeous Clydesdales, there was music and sunshine and the local oppy was open late. It was a very nice way to spend the evening. I snavelled this little piece of Staffordshire from the oppy for 50c. I love her pretty pattern and colours.

I also poked my head into the local junk shop. My girl exclaimed 'mum this is your idea of heaven'. She knows me well. Let me intoduce 'the chair room'. That's what the sign above the entry said.

I didn't buy a chair but I did bring home this rusty old bakers tray.
I am thinking it will make a nice vertical succulent wall. What do you think?

A couple of other recent oppy finds...two pretty florals and a macrame belt.

In other news, I arrived home from Sydney to find my vintage fats from Zara. Thank you Miss. It was nice to have that little bit of lovely to open. Thank you also for your cute map paper garland. Now to get stitching I guess!

The cherry tomatoes were another pleasant surprise. Lulu has been doing a great job looking after them. She even decided to sample her efforts. After a quick lick, she decided she definately does not like tomatoes!

I'll be back with some Christmas makings soon. With all the goings on I am a bit behind the eight ball with Christmas. I am counting down the days until I finish work-only 3 to go! and then it will be full steam ahead Christmas making, baking and photo taking! My current mantra... I will not take my kids for the annual santa pic on Christmas Eve this year! No I will not!

How are you going with your Christmas organisation? Did you know it's the 11/12/13 today?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thrifting of sorts

The other day I dropped into the quilters to discover a table full of treasures for sale. She is moving house soon so has been having a little clean out. Lucky me snapped up a couple of pretty pieces.
This lovely jug and glasses came home with me for $10.00 There were in fact, 6 glasses but clumsy me broke one when when I was passing them over for wrapping! I know! The children loved them. They make a nice water glass on the dinner table. Great for little hands.

I also picked up a sweet bowl, just because. $2 and it will most likely house some jewellery.

Linking in with Max and the other show offs.

Monday, October 14, 2013

September Snapshots

September was joy filled!
On the very first day of Spring our beautiful boy turned 8!

Our boy, you are such a funny kid. Always up for a joke or trick, a play on words or anything to do with farts. This year you have grown in confidence enormously and I am just so happy for you really. You are friendly and helpful. You have enjoyed T ball and soccer and hip hop too. We gave you a big bike for your birthday and your minion cake earned me the title of best mum ever. You celebrated turning 8 on Father's Day and made sure your daddy got plenty of attention too. Such a thoughtful boy...

I've prattled on about Microwave Jenny before and I love them! I do! They make beautiful music and they are beautiful people as well. A while ago we applied for their House Concert Tour and we were lucky enough to have MJ come to our house!!! and sing their sweet tunes to our family and friends. There was bunting and fairy lights, chocolate pretzels and rocky road. We put all those chenille blankies to good use, enjoyed a picnic and a dance. It was just an awesome concert. As well as being super talented they are just the sweetest people too.
LOVE LOVE LOVE their song Mellow. Be sure to listen to the Part 2 as well!
Read more about them on triple j unearthed.
Love her vintage dress in this cover and adore the film clip.  

As if that wasn't fantastic enough for September!!! I also had a wee trip to Sydney for a few days. While I was officially accompanying our daughter on her school excursion-so I could do her CF treatments- I had plenty of time to explore and spend a glorious day with my bestie.
We enjoyed the most divine lunch at The Grounds. She, pear and duck salad. Me, beef cheeks and beetroot relish on aniseed sourdough. We snapped many a photograph and also enjoyed a spot of shopping at Koskela and Mitchell Rd Auction House. I picked up two vintage fold up chairs, just perfect for to come. When I took them back to camp, the school busdriver asked if I was going to restore them. When I told him that nope, I loved them in all their patina and paint peeled glory, he thought I was a bit mad.

Finally, we ended our September with a few tears as we said goodbye to our Nanna Belle.  We are SO grateful to have had her for so very long. So happy that our children knew their Great Nanna Belle and so thankful that she was well for almost all of her 100 years. What an amazing life! Her children, grandchildren and great granchildren all lit a special candle during the funeral service. Her grandchildren carried her from the church and our Bella participated in a prayer. It was lovely celebration of her life.
Our Isabella is named after her so I like to think a little bit of Nanna Belle lives on in her as well as in our hearts and memories.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thrifting lately...

A quick visit to the oppy recently did not disappoint. It's right near our school so if time permits, it's perfect for a quick browse. I'm a pretty ruthless thrifter these days. I know what I like and what I want so a quick browse through means I don't hoard too much stuff.

This pyrex bowl for use not display, though it looks happy on that shelf doesn't it?!
Great condition, great price. $4.00

Pretty doilies for bunting, clothing, pincushions. 50c a piece.

And  this lovely cloche-that makes three now and a bargain at just $1.00

How have you scored lately? Any luck at the oppy?
Linking in with lovely Max and crew.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Happy Mail

Recently another Lee, sent a beautiful little package my way. She knows how much I love vintage music paper and I rarely come across any around my parts, so it was gratefully received. It was one of those little out of the blue packages. It was SO thoughtful and a wonderful surprise-totally made me my day. Bloggers are nice like that aren't they?

Well it's made a home on a wall in my little making space.
I had a merry old time pinning it up with some vintage friends. It is a work in progress and I am still adding to it as the mood strikes. I love how it is evolving and I get to enjoy it every time I walk in the room which is much better than having it stashed away for a rainy day. There's all kinds of lovely-dictionary pages, botanical prints, bible pages, recipes and some wonderful pages from an old Womens Weekly.

It's my little wall of wisdom, full of all kinds of tips and tricks, recipes and inspiration.
Here's a few favourites.

Ginger Beer anyone?

Beauty tips might be more up your alley...
'Don't be discouraged!' This is my first word of advice to women in the thirties and upwards who on account of past neglect or use of wrong methods, see with dismay their hair fading, their skin yellowing and becoming course, their figure spreading.

 I shall not be discouraged!

My goodness, who knew you could catch a cold from mustard poultice!

And if all that advice wasn't enough... a little bit of wisdom from Emerson. Spot on, I think!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thrifted lately

Another chenille blanket..I know I need it like a hole in the head! I wouldn't have taken it home with me..honestly! BUT we have something special in the pipeline and I've got a vision of chenille blankets spread across our back lawn. Think family, friends and picnic dinner with a kaleidoscope of chenille.

Also found were these lovely wooden spools. They have so much character don't they? Who knew a bag a cotton reels could bring so much joy-organising in arrays, building towers, sorting by colours, shape and size.

Beautiful doilies!I'm thrilled with these. Doilies are few and far between theses days and these ones are gorgeous! Love a 50c price tag too.

I hope you've found some treasures lately too.
I'm linking in with Max and the other show off's.