So we finally have a cordless, remote doorbell. With Hallowe'en coming up, I can't think of a more perfect time to install one - they can scream their heads off with "trick or treat" and it won't bother us like the incessant chiming of a bell.
My Guy loves, loves, the little kids - especially when they are dressed up. He chats a bit with each one and waves to the parents.
Hopefully this year will see fewer and fewer coming around - we still bought 250 chocolate bars - good diet control for me as I made sure they had peanuts - I'm allergic. Between my man and the workers sampling, we are down a bit. I expect about 80 children. Once the 15 years olds who stand taller than I start arriving, lights out for sure. Seems that happens around 8pm. "Parents, do you know where your kids are?"
If I ever learn how to size pics I'll post some from Halloweens past. Both of us used to dress up. I have scary eyeglasses that light up and I love to knock the soxs off sassy kids (about 13 years of age). I peek thru the blinds and flash the glasses - they scream and then when I open the door, they are all macho and ask how I did that! Fun, fun.
BTW, if you need a very quick costume, dress in black and wrap battery mini lights around yourself. It's fun to open the door dressed all in black and flick the "on" switch to surprise them.