Showing posts with label April. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April. Show all posts

Monday, 15 December 2014

Letter from Kim to Yoo-Jin (April)

One of the greatest months of our project was April, when we all sent Tasty treats themed letters. This one is made by Kim (Netherlands) and sent to Yoo-Jin(Germany)
Tasty sweets, ribbons in the typical Dutch colors, ink for dyeing eggs(Easter were coming close), a Dutch recipe and beautiful stationary - that all fitted in one mail!

Yoo-Jin told us this: "She's sent me such a cute package! I loved the decoration of the parcel so much!" You can step by Yoo-Jin's blog to find out more about this and other letters here!

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Letter from Choni to Zane (April)

In our project since the very first sent letter it' not only about letter. We Heart Mail is about something more - about making someone happy. Letter from Choni (Spain) to Zane (Latvia) was on of those happy mails for sure!
Zane told us that it was hard to open and not to open this package at the same time - so nice wrapping and so huge urge to see what's inside...

One color scheme, everything so neat... Theme was tasty treats for this letter and the lip balm inside little cupcake on the right side for sure is tasty!

Zane is big fan of this kind of epoxy stickers, so getting the whole sheet of them was like a huge chocolate for a kid!

One of essential things for cooking tasty treats is good recipe. Choni made three fabulous recipe books to keep the best ones always around when needed!

This sweetness filled letter was not last one, stay tuned for next ones!  

Monday, 8 December 2014

Letter from Sara to Monica (April)

If I say UK and something tasty, what is first thing what comes into your mind? Maybe not the very first, but definitely one is tea, right? Our member Sara (UK) sent a tasty themed mail to Monica (Brazil). 
(collage made using Monica's photos)
Amazing, how cute can be one mail - dollies, tea pots and cups, pale pink color.... Perfect!

See you after tea break!  :)

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Letter from Monica to Choni (April)

Sometimes one single box or envelope can bring such a happiness to another person, maybe even to a person you have never met in your life. This is beauty of snail mail and projects like We Heart Mail! As this simple box (ok, it's not just a regular box, look at those stickers and washi tape) from Monica (Brazil) made and sent to Europe - Choni (Spain).

Don't you agree with us- this looks like treasure box! So many and so different things! 

Indeed - not only letter, but sweets and stickers and gift tags and even dolls! How great is this! Choni for sure is happy for all these goodies she can enjoy by herself or use to make happy others by her crafts!
Want to make someone happy by your letter? Don't miss applying to We Heart Mail 2015! More info will be published on blog as well!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Letter from Catherine to Sharon (Angel mail)

It's always nice to receive lovely mail, that was one of reason why Choni and Sharon started our project We Heart Mail. Here is nice letter sent from Catherine (France) to Sharon (UK) as an angel mail.
Specially or not, but even envelope says - sender has put a part of his heart when writing letter to you!

Don't you think this letter seems to be mysterious? Packed so carefully, there has to be kind words written!  

Surprise! Not only words, there are some sweet thing to put on the tooth and for eyes as well!

Mmm... Caramels  :)
What is you favorite sweet? Maybe macarons or some of Bonne Maman biscuits? 

Keep in touch, more snail mail is coming!