1. Spring on my Mind, 2. Cat & Tulip I, 3. The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said., 4. .
My tulips are just budding right now but I can't wait to see how they made out.I planted almost fifty last year so I am hoping to have a good blast of colour around the house.
I am feeling the ♥ ladies!
thank you so much for the awards! You have made me feel like a rock star
from Cindymae
xoxo, CindyMae
from Julie
xoxo, CindyMae
happy Birthday Melissa!
try to drop by and wish her a good one,will ya?
Moira Blackburn
I should be getting the linen this week for it,as soon as I do this will be my main baby to stitch....oh can not wait!
Thanks for the email ect.asking about my health.It still has not gotten any better.I ended up rushed to the hospital two night ago because my heart beat and blood pressure were rising so fast,while I was resting,you would have thought Bono was in the room with me.
It was scary to say the least.So next week it means more dr visits and tests.
It's scary enough when your body is acting up without you knowing why but when the dr's are scratching their heads it's really scary.Annemarie will know what I'm talking about.
Anyway after about seven hours (can you believe?) they finally got me stabilized.
So I know you will understand if I haven't been over to your blogs ect.
Enough about that.Have a wonderful looong Easter weekend.get lots of rest,get in lots of stitching time,and enjoy your chocolate.
I should be getting the linen this week for it,as soon as I do this will be my main baby to stitch....oh can not wait!
Thanks for the email ect.asking about my health.It still has not gotten any better.I ended up rushed to the hospital two night ago because my heart beat and blood pressure were rising so fast,while I was resting,you would have thought Bono was in the room with me.
It was scary to say the least.So next week it means more dr visits and tests.
It's scary enough when your body is acting up without you knowing why but when the dr's are scratching their heads it's really scary.Annemarie will know what I'm talking about.
Anyway after about seven hours (can you believe?) they finally got me stabilized.
So I know you will understand if I haven't been over to your blogs ect.
Enough about that.Have a wonderful looong Easter weekend.get lots of rest,get in lots of stitching time,and enjoy your chocolate.
Happy Easter to you too.
Thank God that our Lord and Saviour did rise on that day!!! Hope you have a fantastic Easter filled with blessings!!!!
Love the picture of the cat and the flowers! Those are gorgeous pics!! You deserve each of these awards!!!!
Sorry to hear you've not been well again. Hope things improve for you soon. Happy Easter and congratulations on your awards!
Hope that you're feeling better soon Sue and congratulations on your awards. I forgot to ask for that rhubarb relish recipe when I emailed, if you'd be so kind. Have a happy and blessed Easter,
I hope you feel better and that the doctors figure out what's going on! Oh, dear....
Love the Moira Blackburn--one of my favorite designers. I haven't seen that design before, though! Can't wait to see you stitch it up.
That Moira Blackburn design is so beautiful. You will have a lot of fun stitching it, I'm sure.
So sorry to hear that your health wasn't so good. I hope the doctors will soon find good medication to improve it.
Have a great Easter weekend and enjoy your tulips.
Sue, I'm so sorry to hear that health issues continue to plague you. You're in my thoughts!
Wishing you a day that's filled with rejoicing.
Hi Sue,
I don't know how I missed this post. Hope you are feeling better these days. Will have to have an email catch-up this week! Take care!
I love the new sampler you will be starting! That sounds like a very scary ER visit. I hope the docs can get your problems sorted out and fixed up very soon!
Well Sue, I hate hearing that you still are not 100%. I sure hope you get answers very soon. You'll be in my thoughts.
I have that Moira chart. Don't you just love that green house?
(((((((((((Sue)))))))))) I hope that you get the answers that you need soon!
That first collage picture is wonderful. Love the Moira chart, too!
Hope you are now feeling a lot better.
The Moira Blackburn sampler is lovely.
Your photo of the tulips is lovely. I love tulips - take care - Sandra.
Oh my goodness, I am in love with that sampler! I must go play detective...
Sue, I hope you can help me: long time ago I requested be member of the Blackbird Designs blog and was accepted, my name appears in the list member in the blog, BUT I don't have access to it, that means I'm in the list but not a contributor to the blog and able to post.
Sorry , I'm posting here, I tried to your e-mail but was bounced.
Could you do fix this??
Thanks in advance for your help.
The sampler looks great.
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