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Sat Apr 13 12:31:19 2019 UTC (5 years, 5 months ago) by th_g
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1 yavor 1.14 <!--#include virtual="/server/header.html" -->
2 ineiev 1.39 <!-- Parent-Version: 1.86 -->
3 ineiev 1.27 <title>Why We Must Fight UCITA - GNU Project
4     - Free Software Foundation</title>
5 ineiev 1.26 <!--#include virtual="/philosophy/po/ucita.translist" -->
6 yavor 1.14 <!--#include virtual="/server/banner.html" -->
7     <h2>Why We Must Fight UCITA</h2>
8 wkotwica 1.5
9     <p>
10 webcvs 1.1 UCITA is a proposed law, designed by the proprietary software
11     developers, who are now asking all 50 states of the US to adopt it.
12     If UCITA is adopted, it will threaten the free software community
13 yavor 1.14 <a href="#Note1">(1)</a> with disaster. To understand why, please
14     read on.</p>
15 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
16 webcvs 1.1 We generally believe that big companies ought to be held to a strict
17     standard of liability to their customers, because they can afford it
18     and because it will keep them honest. On the other hand, individuals,
19 wkotwica 1.5 amateurs, and good samaritans should be treated more favorably.</p>
20     <p>
21 webcvs 1.1 UCITA does exactly the opposite. It makes individuals, amateurs, and
22 wkotwica 1.5 good samaritans liable, but not big companies.</p>
23     <p>
24 webcvs 1.1 You see, UCITA says that by default a software developer or
25     distributor is completely liable for flaws in a program; but it also
26     allows a shrink-wrap license to override the default. Sophisticated
27     software companies that make proprietary software will use shrink-wrap
28     licenses to avoid liability entirely. But amateurs, and self-employed
29 rsd 1.24 contractors who develop software for others, will often be shafted
30 webcvs 1.1 because they didn't know about this problem. And we free software
31 wkotwica 1.5 developers won't have any reliable way to avoid the problem.</p>
32     <p>
33 webcvs 1.1 What could we do about this? We could try to change our licenses to
34     avoid it. But since we don't use shrink-wrap licenses, we cannot
35     override the UCITA default. Perhaps we can prohibit distribution in
36 yavor 1.14 the states that adopt UCITA. That might solve the problem&mdash;for
37     the software we release in the future. But we can't do this
38     retroactively for software we have already released. Those versions
39     are already available, people are already licensed to distribute them
40     in these states&mdash;and when they do so, under UCITA, they would
41     make us liable. We are powerless to change this situation by changing
42     our licenses now; we will have to make complex legal arguments that
43     may or may not work.</p>
44 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
45 webcvs 1.1 UCITA has another indirect consequence that would hamstring free
46 yavor 1.14 software development in the long term&mdash;it gives proprietary
47     software developers the power to prohibit reverse engineering. This
48     would make it easy for them to establish secret file formats and
49     protocols, which there would be no lawful way for us to figure
50     out.</p>
51 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
52 webcvs 1.1 That could be a disastrous obstacle for development of free software
53     that can serve users' practical needs, because communicating with
54     users of non-free software is one of those needs. Many users today
55     feel that they must run Windows, simply so they can read and write
56 yavor 1.14 files in Word format. Microsoft's &ldquo;Halloween documents&rdquo;
57     announced a plan to use secret formats and protocols as a weapon to
58     obstruct the development of the GNU/Linux system
59     <a href="#Note2">(2)</a>.</p>
60 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
61 webcvs 1.1 Precisely this kind of restriction is now being used in Norway to
62     prosecute 16-year-old Jon Johansen, who figured out the format of DVDs
63     to make it possible to write free software to play them on free
64     operating systems. (The Electronic Frontier Foundation is helping
65 wkotwica 1.5 with his defense; see <a href="http://www.eff.org/">http://www.eff.org</a>
66     for further information.)</p>
67     <p>
68 webcvs 1.1 Some friends of free software have argued that UCITA would benefit our
69     community, by making non-free software intolerably restrictive, and
70 brett 1.3 thus driving users to us. Realistically speaking, this is unlikely,
71 webcvs 1.1 because it assumes that proprietary software developers will act
72     against their own interests. They may be greedy and ruthless, but
73 wkotwica 1.5 they are not stupid.</p>
74     <p>
75 webcvs 1.1 Proprietary software developers intend to use the additional power
76     UCITA would give them to increase their profits. Rather than using
77     this power at full throttle all the time, they will make an effort to
78     find the most profitable way to use it. Those applications of UCITA
79     power that make users stop buying will be abandoned; those that most
80 wkotwica 1.5 users tolerate will become the norm. UCITA will not help us.</p>
81     <p>
82 webcvs 1.1 UCITA does not apply only to software. It applies to any sort of
83     computer-readable information. Even if you use only free software,
84     you are likely to read articles on your computer, and access data
85     bases. UCITA will allow the publishers to impose the most outrageous
86     restrictions on you. They could change the license retroactively at
87     any time, and force you to delete the material if you don't accept the
88     change. They could even prohibit you from describing what you see as
89 wkotwica 1.5 flaws in the material.</p>
90     <p>
91 webcvs 1.1 This is too outrageous an injustice to wish on anyone, even if it
92     would indirectly benefit a good cause. As ethical beings, we must not
93     favor the infliction of hardship and injustice on others on the
94     grounds that it will drive them to join our cause. We must not be
95 wkotwica 1.5 Machiavellian. The point of free software is concern for each other.</p>
96     <p>
97 yavor 1.14 Our only smart plan, our only ethical plan, is&hellip;to defeat UCITA!</p>
98 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
99 webcvs 1.1 If you want to help the fight against UCITA, by meeting with state
100     legislators in your state, send mail to Skip Lockwood
101 yavor 1.14 <a href="mailto:dfc@dfc.org">&lt;dfc@dfc.org&gt;</a>. He can tell you how to
102 wkotwica 1.5 contribute effectively.</p>
103     <p>
104 yavor 1.15 Volunteers are needed most urgently in Virginia and
105     Maryland <a href="#Note3">(3)</a>, but California and Oklahoma are
106     coming soon. There will probably be a battle in every state sooner or
107     later.</p>
108 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
109 webcvs 1.1 For more information about UCITA, see
110 rsd 1.23 <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20000520080750/http://www.badsoftware.com/uccindex.htm">http://www.badsoftware.com
111     [Archived Page]</a> or read the UCITA page on
112 rsd 1.22 Wikipedia: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Computer_Information_Transactions_Act">
113     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Computer_Information_Transactions_Act</a>. </p>
114     <!-- Link broken as of 21 Oct 2012
115     InfoWorld magazine is also helping to fight
116 webcvs 1.1 against UCITA; see
117 wkotwica 1.5 <a href="http://archive.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayStory.pl?/features/990531ucita_home.htm">
118 rsd 1.22 http://archive.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayStory.pl?/features/990531ucita_home.htm</a>
119     -->
120 yavor 1.14 <h4>Notes</h4>
121     <ol>
122     <li id="Note1">Other people have been using the term &ldquo;open
123     source&rdquo; to describe a similar category of software. I use the
124     term &ldquo;free software&rdquo; to show that the Free Software
125     Movement still exists&mdash;that the Open Source Movement has not
126     replaced or absorbed us.
127 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
128 webcvs 1.1 If you value your freedom as well as your convenience, I suggest you
129 yavor 1.14 use the term &ldquo;free software&rdquo;, not &ldquo;open
130     source&rdquo;, to describe your own work, so as to stand up clearly
131     for your values.</p>
132     <p>
133     If you value accuracy, please use the term &ldquo;free
134     software&rdquo;, not &ldquo;open source&rdquo;, to describe the work
135     of the Free Software Movement. The GNU operating system, its
136     GNU/Linux variant, the many GNU software packages, and the GNU GPL,
137     are all primarily the work of the Free Software Movement. The
138     supporters of the Open Source Movement have the right to promote their
139     views, but they should not do so on the basis of our achievements.</p>
140 wkotwica 1.5 <p>
141 mattl 1.13 See <a href="/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html">
142     http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/open-source-misses-the-point.html</a> for
143 yavor 1.14 more explanation.</p></li>
145     <li id="Note2">The system is often called &ldquo;Linux&rdquo;, but
146     properly speaking Linux is actually the kernel, one major component of
147     the system (see
148     <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html</a>).</li>
149 yavor 1.15
150     <li id="Note3">The Maryland lower house has approved UCITA; there is a
151     push to get the state senate to approve it before the end of the
152     legislative session, on April 10.
153     <p>
154     To rush the consideration of this bill is even more obviously foolish
155     than the bill itself. So if you live in Maryland, please phone or
156     write to your state senator, saying the senate should at least defer
157     UCITA for summer study, if it is not rejected outright.</p>
158     <p>
159     If you know anyone in Maryland who works with computers, please
160     forward this message to that person and ask for per support.</p></li>
161 yavor 1.14 </ol>
162 wkotwica 1.5
163     <hr />
164     <p style="text-align:center">
165 webcvs 1.1 If you support the anti UCITA campaign, <em>please make prominent links to
166 ineiev 1.33 this page, http://www.4cite.org [closed].</em>
167 wkotwica 1.5 </p>
168 webcvs 1.1
169 wkotwica 1.5 <hr />
170 yavor 1.14 <h4>Links to other articles</h4>
171 wkotwica 1.5 <ul>
172 th_g 1.35 <li><a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20160322150920/http://www.ieeeusa.org/policy/issues/UCITA">IEEE
173     supports the movement to oppose UCITA [Archived Page]</a></li>
174 rsd 1.23
175 th_g 1.41 <li><a href="https://www.computerworld.com/article/2593115/cios-join-fight-to-kill-ucita.html">CIOs
176 rsd 1.23 join fight to kill UCITA</a></li>
178     <li><a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20010818101424/http://interlog.com/~cjazz/bnews7.htm">Anti
179     UCITA, and other interesting links maintained by Citizens on the Web
180     [Archived Page]</a>
181     </li>
183 wkotwica 1.5 </ul>
185 yavor 1.14 </div><!-- for id="content", starts in the include above -->
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187     <div id="footer">
188 ineiev 1.28 <div class="unprintable">
189 wkotwica 1.5
190 ineiev 1.27 <p>Please send general FSF &amp; GNU inquiries to
191     <a href="mailto:gnu@gnu.org">&lt;gnu@gnu.org&gt;</a>.
192     There are also <a href="/contact/">other ways to contact</a>
193     the FSF. Broken links and other corrections or suggestions can be sent
194     to <a href="mailto:webmasters@gnu.org">&lt;webmasters@gnu.org&gt;</a>.</p>
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212     of this article.</p>
213 ineiev 1.28 </div>
214 ineiev 1.27
215     <!-- Regarding copyright, in general, standalone pages (as opposed to
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217 gnun 1.32 be under CC BY-ND 4.0. Please do NOT change or remove this
218 ineiev 1.27 without talking with the webmasters or licensing team first.
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231 wkotwica 1.5
232 gnun 1.38 <p>Copyright &copy; 2000, 2008, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</p>
233 webcvs 1.1
234 jturner 1.17 <p>This page is licensed under a <a rel="license"
235 gnun 1.32 href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/">Creative
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237 wkotwica 1.5
238 ineiev 1.25 <!--#include virtual="/server/bottom-notes.html" -->
240 ineiev 1.30 <p class="unprintable">Updated:
241 bkuhn 1.2 <!-- timestamp start -->
242 th_g 1.41 $Date: 2018/12/15 14:02:39 $
243 bkuhn 1.2 <!-- timestamp end -->
244 wkotwica 1.5 </p>
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246 ineiev 1.40 </div><!-- for class="inner", starts in the banner include -->
247 wkotwica 1.5 </body>
248 sinuhe 1.7 </html>

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