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Sun Dec 31 13:39:45 2023 UTC (9 months, 3 weeks ago) by ineiev
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6 <title>Daniel Ravicher's FFII panel presentation
7 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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13 <div class="article reduced-width">
14 <h2>New Developments in Patent Practice: Assessing the Risks and Cost
15 of Portfolio Licensing and Hold-ups</h2>
17 <address class="byline">by Daniel B. Ravicher</address>
19 <div class="infobox">
20 <p>This is a transcript of a panel presentation given by Daniel B.
21 Ravicher as the executive director of the Public Patent Foundation on
22 Wednesday, November 10, 2004, at a conference organized by the
23 Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII) in Brussels,
24 Belgium. The transcription was done by Aendrew Rininsland.</p>
26 <p>The GNU Project agrees with the premise that <a
27 href="/philosophy/limit-patent-effect.html">patents on computational
28 ideas are bad</a>, but it disagrees with the assumption that nonfree
29 programs are morally legitimate competitors.</p>
30 </div>
31 <hr class="thin" />
33 <p>Thanks. I think, for me, the whole two days of conferences boils to
34 really one question, and the whole debate boils down to one question:
35 &ldquo;How do we want success in the software industry to be
36 determined?&rdquo;
37 </p>
39 <p>
40 Or, another way, who do we want to determine those who succeed and
41 those who fail in the software industry? Because there are various
42 people who can make this decision. We can have bureaucrats make the
43 decision about who wins and who fails, or we can let consumers make
44 the decision about who wins and who fails. If we want software to
45 succeed because we want it to succeed on its merits and be the best
46 software that the public can have, it's more likely we want a system
47 that lets consumers and end-users make the decision about which
48 software is selected&mdash;not bureaucrats.
49 </p>
51 <p> Now, what does that have to do with patents? The larger you make a
52 patent system, the more you allow the patent system to impact
53 software, and the more you're allowing success in the software
54 industry to be determined by patent-based bureaucrats, those who can
55 take advantage of the bureaucracy which grants and resolves disputes
56 regarding patent rights. It's a bureaucratic competition, not one
57 based on the decision of consumers. That means it's less likely for
58 the merits to be determinative of what software succeeds.
59 </p>
61 <p>
62 We have to recognize that even without software patents, large
63 developers have intrinsic advantages over small developers. Large
64 developers have the resources, large developers have the
65 relationships, large developers have the distribution channels, large
66 developers have the brand. So even without software patents, large
67 developers are still at an advantage&mdash;they start out at an
68 advantage. Well, then, the next question to me is, &ldquo;If we have
69 software patents, does that increase the advantage of large developers
70 or decrease it?&rdquo; because the patent system could benefit small
71 developers and therefore that could erode some of the naturally
72 existing benefits that large corporations have.
73 </p>
75 <p>
76 I think that point's been belaboured already. We know that small
77 developers are not benefited by a patent system, in fact, they are
78 prejudiced by a patent system. So, enlarging a patent system to apply
79 to software development only enlarges the disadvantage small
80 developers have in competition. Again, it comes back: Who do we want
81 to make the decision about which software developers succeed, do we
82 want consumers, based on merits and functionality and price, or
83 bureaucrats, based on whom patents are granted to and who wins patent
84 infringement cases?
85 </p>
87 <p>
88 The other thing we need to recognize is whether or not the patent
89 system has a preference for users of certain types of software. A
90 patent system as we have in the United States benefits those under a
91 software distribution scheme which allows them to charge
92 royalties. This is because all software has to deal with the risk of
93 infringing on patents. Patents don't discriminate between open-source
94 or freely licensed software and proprietary software: a patent covers
95 certain technology, it doesn't matter how the software's distributed.
96 But proprietary software is licensed with a fee so the cost of that
97 risk can be passed on to the consumer without them recognizing
98 it. They don't see it, it's baked into the price of the software
99 they're buying and if you were to ask a consumer if they've bought
100 insurance against being sued for patent infringement, they would say
101 they don't believe that have.
102 <span class="gnun-split"></span>But in fact they had, because if someone
103 sues a user of Microsoft software, Microsoft has built in the cost of
104 stepping in to defend them from that into the cost of the license
105 fee. On the other side, if you have royalty-free distributed software
106 such as open-source or free software, you can't bake in the cost of
107 that risk so it becomes more transparent. And this makes consumers or
108 users think that open-source is in a worse position than proprietary
109 software when it's actually not. It's just because the open-source
110 distribution scheme does not allow someone to sneak in the cost of
111 that risk to make it opaque instead of transparent. So the patent
112 system not only prefers large developers over small developers, it
113 also prefers users of proprietary software over open-source software.
114 </p>
116 <p>
117 If we come back to the initial question, which I think this is all
118 about, how do we want success in the software market to be determined?
119 Do we want it to be determined by these types of factors, or do we
120 want it to be determined by who can get the best software at the best
121 price?
122 </p>
124 <p>
125 Now, I think it's important to concede the point that people on the
126 other side will make, which is, will a less-onerous patent system, or
127 they would call it a &ldquo;less-beneficial&rdquo; patent system, I
128 call it less-onerous, will harm their business, because people could
129 copy them. Well, large businesses aren't worried about being
130 copied. They really aren't. At least not by other large businesses,
131 this is why they enter into cross-licenses all the time.
132 <span class="gnun-split"></span>If a large
133 company really didn't want its software to be copied, why is it
134 licensing its patent portfolio to every other big company in the
135 world? Because it can't stop them from copying it once they enter into
136 that agreement, so this argument that, &ldquo;Well, we're worried
137 about people copying our software,&rdquo; the most likely people to
138 copy your software are other large businesses because they have the
139 resources and the ability and the distribution channels and the brand
140 and the relationships. Why are you letting them copy it? You must not
141 be that worried about it.
142 </p>
144 <p>
145 And so the question is, then, does a patent system have a
146 net-beneficial effect or a net-detrimental effect on software
147 development? I think we've seen already it only decreases the ability
148 for open-source or royalty-free license software to compete with
149 proprietary software. In the end you have to ask, is less competition
150 beneficial for the software industry? I don't know what Europeans
151 think about that, I think Europeans are very pro-competition and I
152 know us on the other side of the Atlantic are very pro-competition as
153 well, and so the answer is never less competition is better for
154 consumers. And so I think as we bring the point home, if we had two
155 seconds in an elevator to pitch this idea to someone, software patents
156 have a net-negative effect on competition in the software
157 industry.
158 <span class="gnun-split"></span>True, they may increase competition in some ways, but the
159 net-effect is anti-competitive. And that's what putting the ability to
160 decide success in the software industry in the hands of the patent
161 office or in hands of the courts does. If you need examples, if people
162 think that's just rhetoric or your opinion, just point to the United
163 States. Microsoft is a very successful software company, I don't think
164 anyone would debate that. They've never had to sue anyone for patent
165 infringement. So they claim they need patents, but yet they've never
166 had to use them. They cross-license them and that's where we wonder,
167 &ldquo;If you're worried about people copying, then why are you
168 cross-licensing them to people?&rdquo;
169 </p>
171 <p>
172 You know, the last point is, who else does a patent system benefit? If
173 it benefits large developers over small developers, is there anyone
174 else? A patent system benefits non-developers. Do we really want a
175 bureaucratic system that helps people who aren't adding anything to
176 society? What I mean by non-developers are trolls&mdash;which
177 everyone here is familiar with&mdash;people who get a patent either
178 by applying for it or acquiring it in some asset purchase and then use
179 it to tax other developers, other distributors of a product.
180 </p>
182 <p>
183 Do we really want a system which encourages people to not add products
184 or services to the market place but only detracts from the profits and
185 capabilities of those that do?
186 </p>
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236 <p>Copyright &copy; 2006 Daniel B. Ravicher</p>
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