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Mon Jan 1 05:25:36 2024 UTC (9 months, 3 weeks ago) by gnun
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6 <title>Free Software Is Even More Important Now
7 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation</title>
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14 <div class="article reduced-width">
15 <h2>Free Software Is Even More Important Now</h2>
17 <address class="byline">by <a href="https://www.stallman.org/">Richard
18 Stallman</a></address>
20 <p>Since 1983, the Free Software Movement has campaigned for computer
21 users' freedom&mdash;for users to control the software they
22 use, rather than vice versa. When a program respects users' freedom
23 and community, we call it &ldquo;free software.&rdquo;</p>
25 <p>We also sometimes call it &ldquo;libre software&rdquo; to emphasize
26 that we're talking about liberty, not price. Some proprietary
27 (nonfree) programs, such as Photoshop, are very expensive; others,
28 such as the Uber app, are available gratis&mdash;but that's a minor
29 detail. Either way, they give the program's developer power
30 over the users, power that no one should have.</p>
32 <div class="announcement comment" role="complementary">
33 <hr class="no-display" />
34 <p><em>Watch a <a
35 href="https://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/20140407-geneva-tedx-talk-free-software-free-society/">
36 14-min video presentation</a> of these ideas.</em></p>
37 <hr class="no-display" />
38 </div>
40 <p>Those two nonfree programs have something else in common: they are
41 both <em>malware</em>. That is, both have functionalities designed to
42 mistreat the user. Proprietary software nowadays is often malware
43 because <a href="/malware">the developers' power
44 corrupts them</a>. That directory lists around 600 different
45 malicious functionalities (as of April 2023), but it is surely just
46 the tip of the iceberg.</p>
48 <p>With free software, the users control the program, both individually
49 and collectively. So they control what their computers do (assuming
50 those computers are <a href="/philosophy/loyal-computers.html">loyal</a>
51 and do what the users' programs tell them to do).</p>
53 <p>With proprietary software, the program controls the users, and some
54 other entity (the developer or &ldquo;owner&rdquo;) controls the
55 program. So the proprietary program gives its developer power over
56 its users. That is unjust in itself; moreover, it tempts the developer
57 to mistreat the users in other ways.</p>
59 <p>Even when proprietary software isn't downright malicious, its
60 developers have an incentive to make it
61 <a href="https://observer.com/2016/06/how-technology-hijacks-peoples-minds%E2%80%8A-%E2%80%8Afrom-a-magician-and-googles-design-ethicist/">
62 addictive,
63 controlling and manipulative</a>. You can say, as does the author of
64 that article, that the developers have an ethical obligation not to do
65 that, but generally they follow their interests. If you want this not
66 to happen, make sure the program is controlled by its users.</p>
68 <p>Freedom means having control over your own life. If you use a
69 program to carry out activities in your life, your freedom depends on
70 your having control over the program. You deserve to have control
71 over the programs you use, and all the more so when you use them for
72 something important in your life.</p>
74 <p>Users' control over the program requires four
75 <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">essential freedoms</a>.
76 </p>
78 <div class="important">
79 <p>(0) The freedom to run the program as you wish, for whatever
80 purpose.</p>
82 <p>(1) The freedom to study the program's &ldquo;source code,&rdquo;
83 and change it, so the program does your computing as you wish.
84 Programs are written by programmers in a programming
85 language&mdash;like English combined with algebra&mdash;and that form
86 of the program is the &ldquo;source code.&rdquo; Anyone who knows
87 programming, and has the program in source code form, can read the
88 source code, understand its functioning, and change it too. When all
89 you get is the executable form, a series of numbers that are efficient
90 for the computer to run but extremely hard for a human being to
91 understand, understanding and changing the program in that form are
92 forbiddingly hard.</p>
94 <p>(2) The freedom to make and distribute exact copies when you wish.
95 (It is not an obligation; doing this is your choice. If the program
96 is free, that doesn't mean someone has an obligation to offer you a
97 copy, or that you have an obligation to offer him a copy.
98 Distributing a program to users without freedom mistreats them;
99 however, choosing not to distribute the program&mdash;using it
100 privately&mdash;does not mistreat anyone.)</p>
102 <p>(3) The freedom to make and distribute copies of your modified
103 versions, when you wish.</p>
104 </div>
106 <p>The first two freedoms mean each user can exercise individual
107 control over the program. With the other two freedoms, any group of
108 users can together exercise <em>collective control</em> over the
109 program. With all four freedoms, the users fully control the program.
110 If any of them is missing or inadequate, the program is proprietary
111 (nonfree), and unjust.</p>
113 <p>Other kinds of works are also used for practical activities,
114 including recipes for cooking, educational works such as textbooks,
115 reference works such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, fonts for
116 displaying paragraphs of text, circuit diagrams for hardware for people
117 to build, and patterns for making useful (not merely decorative)
118 objects with a 3D printer. Since these are not software, the free
119 software movement strictly speaking doesn't cover them; but the same
120 reasoning applies and leads to the same conclusion: these works should
121 carry the four freedoms.</p>
123 <p>A free program allows you to tinker with it to make it do what you
124 want (or cease to do something you dislike). Tinkering with software
125 may sound ridiculous if you are accustomed to proprietary software as
126 a sealed box, but in the Free World it's a common thing to do, and a
127 good way to learn programming. Even the traditional American pastime
128 of tinkering with cars is obstructed because cars now contain nonfree
129 software.</p>
131 <h3>The Injustice of Proprietariness</h3>
133 <p>If the users don't control the program, the program controls the
134 users. With proprietary software, there is always some entity, the
135 developer or &ldquo;owner&rdquo; of the program, that controls the
136 program&mdash;and through it, exercises power over its users. A
137 nonfree program is a yoke, an instrument of unjust power.</p>
139 <p>In outrageous cases (though this outrage has become quite usual) <a
140 href="/malware">proprietary programs are designed
141 to spy on the users, restrict them, censor them, and abuse them</a>.
142 For instance, the operating system of Apple <a
143 href="/philosophy/why-call-it-the-swindle.html">iThings</a> does all
144 of these, and so does Windows on mobile devices with ARM chips.
145 Windows, mobile phone firmware, and Google Chrome for Windows include
146 a universal back door that allows some company to change the program
147 remotely without asking permission. The Amazon Kindle has a back door
148 that can erase books.</p>
150 <p>The use of nonfree software in the &ldquo;internet of things&rdquo;
151 would turn it into the <a
152 href="https://archive.ieet.org/articles/rinesi20150806.html">
153 &ldquo;internet of telemarketers&rdquo;</a> as well as the
154 &ldquo;internet of snoopers.&rdquo;</p>
156 <p>With the goal of ending the injustice of nonfree software, the free
157 software movement develops free programs so users can free themselves.
158 We began in 1984 by developing the free operating system <a
159 href="/gnu/thegnuproject.html">GNU</a>. Today, millions of computers
160 run GNU, mainly in the <a href="/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html">GNU/Linux
161 combination</a>.</p>
163 <p>Distributing a program to users without freedom mistreats those
164 users; however, choosing not to distribute the program does not
165 mistreat anyone. If you write a program and use it privately, that
166 does no wrong to others. (You do miss an opportunity to do good, but
167 that's not the same as doing wrong.) Thus, when we say all software
168 must be free, we mean that every copy must come with the four freedoms,
169 but we don't mean that someone has an obligation to offer you a copy.</p>
171 <h3>Nonfree Software and SaaSS</h3>
173 <p>Nonfree software was the first way for companies to take control of
174 people's computing. Nowadays, there is another way, called Service as
175 a Software Substitute, or SaaSS. That means letting someone else's
176 server do your own computing tasks.</p>
178 <p>SaaSS doesn't mean the programs on the server are nonfree (though
179 they often are). Rather, using SaaSS causes the same injustices as
180 using a nonfree program: they are two paths to the same bad place.
181 Take the example of a SaaSS translation service: The user sends text
182 to the server, and the server translates it (from English to Spanish,
183 say) and sends the translation back to the user. Now the job of
184 translating is under the control of the server operator rather than
185 the user.</p>
187 <p>If you use SaaSS, the server operator controls your computing. It
188 requires entrusting all the pertinent data to the server operator,
189 which will be forced to show it to the state as well&mdash;<a
190 href="/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.html">who
191 does that server really serve, after all?</a></p>
193 <h3>Primary And Secondary Injustices</h3>
195 <p>When you use proprietary programs or SaaSS, first of all you do
196 wrong to yourself, because it gives some entity unjust power over you.
197 For your own sake, you should escape. It also wrongs others if you
198 make a promise not to share. It is evil to keep such a promise, and a
199 lesser evil to break it; to be truly upright, you should not make the
200 promise at all.</p>
202 <p>There are cases where using nonfree software puts pressure directly
203 on others to do likewise. Skype is a clear example: when one person
204 uses the nonfree Skype client software, it requires another person to
205 use that software too&mdash;thus both surrender their freedom.
206 (Google Hangouts have the same problem.) It is wrong even to suggest
207 using such programs. We should refuse to use them even briefly, even
208 on someone else's computer.</p>
210 <p>Another harm of using nonfree programs and SaaSS is that it rewards
211 the perpetrator, encouraging further development of that program or
212 &ldquo;service,&rdquo; leading in turn to even more people falling
213 under the company's thumb.</p>
215 <p>All the forms of indirect harm are magnified when the user is a
216 public entity or a school.</p>
218 <h3>Free Software and the State</h3>
220 <p>Public agencies exist for the people, not for themselves. When they
221 do computing, they do it for the people. They have a duty to maintain
222 full control over that computing so that they can assure it is done
223 properly for the people. (This constitutes the computational
224 sovereignty of the state.) They must never allow control over the
225 state's computing to fall into private hands.</p>
227 <p>To maintain control of the people's computing, public agencies must
228 not do it with proprietary software (software under the control of an
229 entity other than the state). And they must not entrust it to a
230 service programmed and run by an entity other than the state, since
231 this would be SaaSS.</p>
233 <p>Proprietary software has no security at all in one crucial
234 case&mdash;against its developer. And the developer may help others attack.
235 <a href="https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/06/nsa-gets-early-access-to-zero-day-data-from-microsoft-others/">
236 Microsoft shows Windows bugs to the NSA</a> (the US government digital
237 spying agency) before fixing them. We do not know whether Apple does
238 likewise, but it is under the same government pressure as Microsoft.
239 If the government of any other country uses such software, it
240 endangers national security. Do you want the NSA to break into your
241 government's computers? See
242 our <a href="/philosophy/government-free-software.html">suggested
243 policies for governments to promote free software</a>.</p>
245 <h3>Free Software and Education</h3>
247 <p>Schools (and this includes all educational activities) influence the
248 future of society through what they teach. They should teach
249 exclusively free software, so as to use their influence for the good.
250 To teach a proprietary program is to implant dependence, which goes
251 against the mission of education. By training in use of free
252 software, schools will direct society's future towards freedom, and
253 help talented programmers master the craft.</p>
255 <p>They will also teach students the habit of cooperating, helping
256 other people. Each class should have this rule: &ldquo;Students, this
257 class is a place where we share our knowledge. If you bring software
258 to class, you may not keep it for yourself. Rather, you must share
259 copies with the rest of the class&mdash;including the program's source
260 code, in case someone else wants to learn. Therefore, bringing
261 proprietary software to class is not permitted except to reverse
262 engineer&nbsp;it.&rdquo;</p>
264 <p>Proprietary developers would have us punish students who are good
265 enough at heart to share software and thwart those curious enough to
266 want to change it. This means a bad education. See more discussion
267 about <a href="/education/education.html">the use of free software in
268 schools</a>.</p>
270 <h3>Free Software: More Than &ldquo;Advantages&rdquo;</h3>
272 <p>I'm often asked to describe the &ldquo;advantages&rdquo; of free
273 software. But the word &ldquo;advantages&rdquo; is too weak when it
274 comes to freedom. Life without freedom is oppression, and that
275 applies to computing as well as every other activity in our lives. We
276 must refuse to give the developers of the programs or computing services
277 control over the computing we do. This is the right thing to do, for
278 selfish reasons; but not solely for selfish reasons.</p>
280 <p>Freedom includes the freedom to cooperate with others. Denying
281 people that freedom means keeping them divided, which is the start of
282 a scheme to oppress them. In the free software community, we are very
283 much aware of the importance of the freedom to cooperate because our
284 work consists of organized cooperation. If your friend comes to visit
285 and sees you use a program, she might ask for a copy. A program which
286 stops you from redistributing it, or says you're &ldquo;not supposed
287 to,&rdquo; is antisocial.</p>
289 <p>In computing, cooperation includes redistributing exact copies of a
290 program to other users. It also includes distributing your changed
291 versions to them. Free software encourages these forms of
292 cooperation, while proprietary software forbids them. It forbids
293 redistribution of copies, and by denying users the source code, it
294 blocks them from making changes. SaaSS has the same effects: if your
295 computing is done over the web in someone else's server, by someone
296 else's copy of a program, you can't see it or touch the software that
297 does your computing, so you can't redistribute it or change&nbsp;it.</p>
299 <h3>Conclusion</h3>
301 <p>We deserve to have control of our own computing. How can we win
302 this control?</p>
304 <ul>
305 <li>By rejecting nonfree software on the computers we own or
306 regularly use, and rejecting SaaSS.</li>
308 <li>By <a
309 href="/licenses/license-recommendations.html"> developing free
310 software</a> (for those of us who are programmers.)</li>
312 <li>By refusing to develop or promote nonfree software or SaaSS.</li>
314 <li>By <a
315 href="/help/help.html">spreading these ideas to others</a>.</li>
317 <li>By <a
318 href="/philosophy/saying-no-even-once.html">saying no and stating our
319 reasons</a> when we are invited to run a nonfree program.</li>
320 </ul>
322 <p>We and thousands of users have done this since 1984, which is how
323 we now have the free GNU/Linux operating system that
324 anyone&mdash;programmer or not&mdash;can use. Join our cause, as a
325 programmer or an activist. Let's make all computer users free.</p>
327 <div class="announcement comment" role="complementary">
328 <hr class="no-display" />
329 <p>
330 <a href="/help/help.html">Suggested ways you can help the free software
331 movement</a>
332 </p>
333 </div>
335 <div class="infobox extra" role="complementary">
336 <hr />
337 <p>A substantially edited version of this article was published in <a
338 href="https://www.wired.com/2013/09/why-free-software-is-more-important-now-than-ever-before/">
339 <cite>Wired</cite></a>.</p>
340 </div>
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