Sustainable Mobility
MobilitySustainable Mobility
The FIA is dedicated to ensuring efficient and functional personal mobility.
Personal mobility remains a fundamental enabler of social, economic and environmental welfare, ensuring citizens’ quality of life and strongly contributing to sustained economic growth. Citizens should benefit from a transport system whose design and management corresponds to their changing needs, taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects in a balanced way.
This requires working with authorities and key stakeholders to increase accessibility for all road users; implementing affordable transport solutions; embracing and deploying new technology; integrating private, public, collective and shared mobility options; upgrading physical and digital infrastructure networks; ensuring the most appropriate regulatory framework; educating consumers in behavioral change.
Key areas of action are:
- Active participation in the Sustainable Development agenda, ensuring that sustainable transport challenges are included in the international agenda and are formulated in a way that facilitate solutions for safe, clean, affordable and inclusive transport for all.
- Participation in the global debate on climate change and CO2 emission, working in cooperation with the GFEI, the Global Fuel Economy Initiative.
- Contributing to designing international regulations on vehicle emissions and energy efficiency, ensuring that vehicles meet environmental, safety and security standards
- Taking part, through the network of clubs, in national debates on motoring affordability, ensuring there is a clear link between motoring, taxation and services generated for road users.