
Motor sport is a fascinating sport, but it can also be a dangerous one. The fascination it exerts is undoubtedly linked with the extremes it constantly aims for.

By putting safety at the very top of its list of priorities, the FIA is not trying to kill the thrill that makes our sport unique. Our objective is to make the motor sport environment safer by mitigating the consequences of accidents.

It is a matter of constantly improving the solutions that we develop and to put them in place in the most efficient way.

In order for the FIA to achieve such ambitious and important work, the close and active cooperation of its Members, the ASNs, is vital, mainly through sharing their experience, transmitting accident data, and cascading the FIA safety measures at their national level.

Optimising the level of safety in motor sport competitions with limited financial means is another challenge the FIA is facing, together with the ASNs.

Fortunately, safety improvements do not always come at huge cost, but the research effort needed to obtain efficient and affordable solutions is tremendous.

This is why the cooperation of all motor sport actors is essential.