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Everything produced by the Software Carpentry project is publicly available under the terms of one of two Open Source licenses. The MIT License (also known as the "X License") is used for all technical material, include program source code, manual pages, and similar material. Authors of interpretive material, such as commentary on design documents and tutorials, may choose to apply a derivative of Draft Version 0.4 of the Open Publication license to their contributions instead.

The Software Carpentry project uses two licenses in order to allows contributing authors to protect the artistic integrity of their work. As Elliotte Rusty Harold said in an on-line opinion piece:

...I make a lot of negative (as well as a lot of positive) statements about Sun Microsystems in my Java books. In my XML books, Microsoft is frequently singled out for blame and praise on different pages. I'd be very upset if Sun decided to excise my negative comments about them and republish Java Network Programming. I'd be equally upset if Microsoft removed all the sections from the XML Bible where I warn against vendor-proprietary solutions...

The project therefore requires source code and other purely technical material to use the MIT License, but gives authors of interpretive material the option to use the project's variation on the Open Publication license for their work instead. Note that the project also reserves the right to not accept material which the author wishes placed under the latter license if the former is felt to be more appropriate. In this case, the authors retain all rights to what they have written, and may submit or publish it elsewhere as they see fit.

MIT License

Software Carpentry's Version of the Open Publication License

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Last modified 2001/09/27 15:21:32.1263 GMT-6