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Previous Polls

Poll #Poll QuestionVotes
47.What size is your banana?7
46.Battle of the Trilogies!!!229
45.Why is SimonK taunting us with Necromancer on the forums?46
44.Is the new server better than the old one?34
41.Why is redink1 resigning as webmaster in a few months?89
40.The character Dink Smallwood is120
39.The lack of files recently is due to:156
38.Coke or Pepsi - what's your preference?158
37.How involved are you on our Message Board?56
36.How often do you visit The Dink Network?118
35.Favorite infrequent or dead article?59
34.Favorite Underappreciated Game Platform?108
33.Favorite Snack?114
32.New Year's Resolution?117
31.D-Mod you want to be finished the most?74
30.Revenge is a dish best served53
29.What music genre do you listen to most?78
28.Suggest a poll?30
27.Trick or Treat?42
26.Favorite Entertainment Genre?47
25.Guilty Pleasure?77
24.Favorite Color?57
23.If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?74
22.What level of schooling are you attending this year?66
21.Scariest picture on the Dink Chat Stats Page?49
19.Most salivating feature you want added to the Dink engine?258
18.Best Title for an Evil Hero D-Mod?91
17.Favorite Superhero?67
16.Favorite Cereal?49
15.Should WC Leave?73
14.Which of these is the best ever cartoon series?110
13.Would you like to see AskTal back?52
12.Favorite non-Dink RTSoft game?61
11.Are you going to donate funds so the file mirror can stay?42
10.What Forum would you like to see added?37
9.Favorite Message Board Forum?26
8.Why are you a Dinker?62
7.Favorite non-Dink RPG world?117
6.The poll should be changed:56
4.Dink Smallwood The Movie, who should play as Dink?45
3.Should people be banned? (rule breaking)17
2.Favorite bread?28
1.Most desired Dink Network feature?26


"its the apathetic ones who arent complaining." - joshriot

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