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Agathain Sea Traders by theprophet D-Mod Weird
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Avg: 4.3 - Tolerable
File Size: 215.08 KB
Released: 2003-11-18


Sail around the world, trading goods to earn money. A great game, if you got the time.

It's open-source. So modify it if you want, or study the code

NOTE: To install .dmod files, please read the updated Installation Instructions.

Excellent Reviews

Peasant Male

4.4 - TolerableNovember 24th, 2005

Agathain Sea Traders - By theprophet
Grade F Standard

Introduction: The aim of this game, produced by the legendary prophet (aka theprophet..) is to sail around a virtual world, and trade and buy goods to earn money. A very original concept, which could have been good provided more time was put into it, and more user-playability was implemented.

Storyline: The storyline is virtually non-existant, although you're a ship sailing the virtual world to buy/sell goods. A disappointing score here, but is as fair as I can be. (2)

Gameplay: The gameplay actually retains some fun aspect to it, although it soon loses this liberty after a few minutes. It's interesting to see the whole system work it's magic like clockwork, but when you've bought and sold a few items, you begin to realise how dull this game actually is. The system is intriguing and as the author has mentioned can be modified to use for your own game, however this does not provide ample gameplay experience to warrent a better mark. (4)

Graphics: Now here's a plus, there are actually new graphics available, which range from good to poor in their detail and aesthetics. They've been used well, but could definatley have been of a much higher standard. They do however, suit the games purpose, and the map is fairly well done. Effort has been put in to actually revamping the entire interface, which is always a positive aspect. (6.5)

Audio: Once again midis were used for the games soundtracks which served their purpose respectfully, however nothing too brilliant was used and personally could have been picked much better. There were no new sounds however, which would have definatley added a nice touch to such a slow-paced GUI game. (5)

Conclusion: An interesting system, but not enough to stop the poor playability from wrecking every second that you play this game. A disappointing F.

4.0 - TolerableNovember 20th, 2003

This is quite original a dmod. It isn't the usual rpg action adventure game, but.. a sea trading game!

It's not much though. The only thing you do is buy some items, go to another town (which is basically just more clicking) and sell the items for more money so you make profit.
All you do is clicking. No thinking, no fighting, no interaction, nothing. TheProphet claims there are pirates in the game too, but I haven't seen them.

All you see is basically a (badly drawn) map, some very pixelated items, and a Go and Quit button. Go makes you go to other towns (though you actually don't see any movement or animations) and quit makes you.. uhh.. quit. Yeah. That's it. This is boring. Very boring.
You lose when you have less than 100 gold. The graphics of the screen you get to see when you lose are ok, but could have been a lot better. It's clearly been color-reduced by Paint, which is a bad idea.
The music was okay, some very nice midis. It can't help the game though, since you quit the game before you even finished listening to the soundtracks.

Overall, this is a bad game. It simply isn't any fun.

GRAPHICS 4: Makes you all sleepy. Could have been a lot better, if more effort was put into this.
SOUND 7: Some nice midis, no new sounds. Nothing spectaculair.
GAMEPLAY 3: Nearly nonexistant. Some points for originality, but it just bores the hell out of you.
LASTING APPEAL 1: For about 3 minutes at most.

Okay music and original concept can't save this. Download it to check it out, but I don't think you'll spend more time playing this than downloading it.
Peasant Male

2.6 - HorribleAugust 8th, 2006

This D-Mod disturbs me to no end... While it definitely has great potential, almost nothing comes of it. The basic element of this D-Mod is to travel between cities buying and selling goods to try and make a profit - (actually, this is the only element here). I had really hoped for a multi-tiered economic management simulator, but, alas, that is not to be the case. Here is my summary...

Possibly the weakest element of this D-Mod. The only present story elements is that you are a sea trader that starts out dirt poor, and sells trade goods to try and make a profit. While a background story is not completely necessary, the major falling out that I see here is that there is no challenge beyond trying to trade for a profit... The gold you get from the trade goods can only be used to buy one thing, which is more trade goods- thus, in my mind, completely defeating any real drive or purpose to the game. There are no outside elements to influence your trade- save occassional pirates, no scenarios, no possible advancement, no challenges, and no real purpose in this D-Mod.

The menus that the game ran from were streamlined and easy to use, and was very easy to pick up, saying that other games of similar genres are normally not very beginner friendly. This, however, is to be expected, since the game never really bothers to take things to the next level, prefering to stay near the beginning. I find it very sad that there is so little material in this D-Mod. It would take very little to make it much more interesting... You could, say, for example- get to buy better ships which either hold more or are faster- be able to hire specialized crew members - engage in local politics of the differant cities - deal with a boycott of one of your profitable goods... In sort, with only one or two extra scripts, this game could have actually added an element of challenge and strategy that it is lacking. Simply trading goods grows redundant fast, and may induce heavy sleep for the player...

The midis were catchy, but they (like everything else) grew tiresome quickly. The game seems to dismiss the idea that one could add ambient sounds, to say, give the player the impression that there ship is in the middle of the sea, traveling between two major docks...

The map provided was painfully simple, and served no purpose at all, since you could instantly travel between any two cities you choose.


I may seem like I am being harsh, but it is not because this is necessarily a horrible D-Mod so much as a piecework of savagely lost potential. With only a few additions, I think that I could bring it up a few score points- but, alas, as it is, I find myself tearfully bored after each playing...

Good Reviews

Peasant Female

6.0 - FairMarch 4th, 2004

Storyline: There is no storyline as this is a strategy game. The goal of the game is to get as much money as you can. You can earn money by buying goods, such as food, clothes and furniture, and selling them at a higher price. In order to do that, you have to buy goods in one town and sell them in another. While you are on your way to another city, pirates can steal your goods. Another difficulty is that the prices in the towns keep on changing.

Map and graphics: The map is a drawing of a sea with shores and cities. The graphics used are new and suit the game very nicely.

Music: Fair.

Good: Although a strategy game is not original, it is however original to use the Dink engine to make a strategy game. When you see the map it is like you have just started a unknown strategy game, which is nice since it makes you feel excited to learn all about the game, the rules an how you can win, just when you start any other new strategy game.

Not so good: You do not actually travel to another city, so the map with cities is just for fun. The only thing you can do is buy and sell things and that gets tedious after a while. Since you cannot depend on set prices, you can not set out a strategy but have to depend on luck.

Overall: Very nice game, but it gets boring too soon.

Fit for: If you want to play a very simple strategy game.
Peasant Male

5.2 - FairMarch 19th, 2005

This one sounded decent at first but once you start it you see otherwise

Storyline: You are a trader trying to make your fortune

Gameplay: At first it looks good, and the concept is, but then as you play it you notice the repetition of it all. You buy, you sell and you after a long time prosper. Although this may sound good it really isn’t, there is no incentive to buy, no rewards or upgrades to help you, and it is just the same basic thing over and over again, there are no random events or pirates, as you would expect in such a game, instead there is just the repetitive buy click, go click, sell click. After a wile this gets boring.

Graphics: All new graphics! But they don’t really add anything to the experience. None of them animate, they don’t need to, the game doesn’t do any moving bar the mouse.

Music: None that I can hear…

Final Thoughts: Good idea, not well executed. I believe you should try again making one in dink view instead of the way you currently have made it. And if you still need to do the set coarse thing try to make random events
Good: The idea
Bad: The Execution

5.1 - FairDecember 13th, 2004

Agathain sea traders.

Idea:Good 7.8

THe thing to do here is just to "Sail" around the world, trading goods. But its not pretty good, it could be added more things to do. It gets kinda boring, after 10 minuttes 2.4

Total 5.1

5.0 - FairAugust 10th, 2005

An interesting idea for a mod. However, all of the gameplay (I have witnessed) is on one mapscreen. The problem that arises is that the game almost seems like a mini-game withing a larger game (without the larger game). I found boredom came quickly. The ideas were great but it was carried out badly.
Peasant Male

5.0 - FairApril 6th, 2006

Depending on the kind of game you like this could be a great game or something terribly boring.

Thing is this D-mod has you navigate charts whereby you buy and sell goods at higher and lower prices to earn profit. The fact that this D-mod was scripted to essentialy become a "Sea Trader Tycoon" game is incredible. Though it is very limited as you can only go to a handful of places and only sell a handful of things. There is quite good progression as you go from selling cheap goods like food to more rare items like art, but it essentially maintains itself as a game of numbers and planning.

If you like such games play it for a while otherwise you can skip this. Regardless everyone should see the game itself just to see what the Dink Engine is really capable of doing in the hands of the skilled. (See also Redink1's "Checkers'" and "Explorations" for other examples of drasticly different uses for the Dink Engine.)

The Vault Dweller
Peasant Male

4.0 - TolerableAugust 7th, 2005

Ok, why did I download this? Oops. *Ahem* Well, very interesting. Sea tradeing, not RPG, no fighting, very original, not much to do really unless your bored. It made me more bored. New graphics. My rating system...
So I'd give it a 4.0. Only for those with a lot of time or are so bored, they have nothing better to do.
Peasant Male

3.5 - TolerableNovember 5th, 2004

It may be fun for a little while, but then it gets boring. It would be better if you went to another town and then you saw your ship sailing toward that town. The graphics arent that good. I dont know weither its just me or that you actually cant make any gold on this dmod.

Overall: Not so good
Noble Male

3.0 - TolerableDecember 20th, 2003

I like the potential of this, it could be very cool. but it needs a MAJOR overhaul!! The game just feels like it should have another 2 or 3 sections, and while what has been made is nice, it is far too simplistic and boring.
I thought this would be a lot more like PiratesGold, but it feel like some sort of spreadsheet...ugh...

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Score: . Exceptional



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