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Posted by Ric on 31 December, 1969

The engine supported sprites today.Ya! Be patient, much to do, but know it has begun.

Posted by Ric on 31 December, 1969

Dec 1969? hmm... time travel is real...;)

Posted by Ric on 31 December, 1969

The engine is close enough that we need to look at what is included in its release. Merlin has a thread asking who can make the basic town. Ideas welcome! A new hero is possible too.

Posted by Merlin on 29 December, 2004

I've taken the time to count the lines of source code I have so far in Windemere. Here are the results:

Compression Engine: 5,448
XML Parser: 4,888
DinkC++ Engine: 10,750
Windemere: 8,405
Comments and blank lines: -2,000

In total, that makes 29,491 - 2,000, or 27,491 lines of code!

Posted by Merlin on 22 December, 2004

Now that it's easier for me to post news (I just have to hit the Login button on the lower left - hooray!) I'll probably update my todo list a bit more often. The current list is:

* Implement XML Map Format.
* Implement DinkC++ or INI config file reader.
* Implement Sprite classes.
* Implement Rendering classes [Requires map format completion].
* Finish CFuncs for DinkC++ [Requires Sprite Class completion].
* Implement some type of AI.
* Editor.

And that's after knocking off about 3 things. Naturally more and more will be added, but it's nice to know the current state of things.

Posted by Merlin on 16 December, 2004

The site PHP code is now finished. News will not be reposted because most of it was obsolete anyway.

Posted by Merlin on 4 December, 2004

The Windemere site is under construction as it is transitioning to PHP. Work will be done soon.

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