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To submit news, e-mail one of the Dink Network staff members.

To submit files, use the File Upload form, or e-mail them to,,,, or Do not send the file more than once to either address, instead send an e-mail asking if it was recieved. If you have a file larger than you can send via e-mail, bug WC for assistance.

  • Do not send Midi Packs, unless they you composed them.
  • Do not send a 'pack' of files that already exist on The Dink Network... for example, do not zip up the entire Friends Beyond Trilogy and submit it.
  • The file should fit into one of the categories on The Dink Network (i.e. a D-Mod, Development File, or Misc File). Walkthroughs (and similar documents) will not be accepted, and neither will fan-art/fan-fic.
  • Exceptions to these rules will be made on a file-by-file basis.

To submit reviews, or preview information, sign up for an account. On every file information page is form you can fill out to submit a review. Reviews are not visible right away, and must be validated by a Dink Network staff member. Rejected reviews can be modified at the Account Page. Note: Review information has to be validated by a Dink Network staff member, but Preview information does not.

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